Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1089 My sister knows a lot

Red Dragon Girl said with emotion: "Because, Black Water Demon has been ambushed by Sword 29 and has fallen!"

As she said this, Red Dragon Girl's eyes showed a sense of inexplicable loneliness, but in the loneliness, there was also a hint of joy...

Ye Han did not expect to hear this news from Red Dragon Girl, and was surprised: "What? Black Water Demon has fallen? Or died in the hands of Sword 29?"

Red Dragon Girl nodded and replied: "Yes! I saw it with my own eyes, it can't be wrong! If I hadn't run fast, I would have been killed by that guy!"

At this point, Red The Dragon Girl looked at Ye Han deeply and said, "Were you fighting with Jian Erjiu just now?"

The Red Dragon Girl did not forget that Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu came to Jinran and Feisheng Fairy Palace just to deal with Jian Erjiu...

Just now, Ye Han burst out with such a terrible sword intent, it felt...

Ye Han said lightly: "No! I just came out a little earlier than you, and when I came out, I didn't see Jian Erjiu!"

He didn't believe that the Black Water Demon died in the hands of Jian Erjiu. He intuitively felt that the Red Dragon Girl used some unknown method to harm the Black Water Demon.

After all, the Black Water Demon was the Supreme Elder of the Black Water Sect, and the Red Dragon Girl was an elder of the Black Water Sect. If she really planned to kill the Supreme Elder of the sect, wouldn't it be equivalent to betraying the sect?

And Ye Han was not stupid enough to expose the fact that he killed Jian Erjiu!

After all, Jian Erjiu was the Great Elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect and had a good relationship with the Qingxuan Sect.

If he killed the Great Elder of others, it would be strange if the other party didn't make trouble for him?

Although Ye Han didn't care, he thought less trouble was better than more trouble, so he naturally didn't mention that he had killed Jian Erjiu. Anyway, the Red Dragon Girl definitely didn't tell him the truth. It was a case of cheating each other, and neither of them would get the better of the other.

After hearing what Ye Han said, Red Dragon Girl did not doubt it and immediately said: "Is that so! I don't know who that guy fought with? Or someone robbed his opportunity! Ye Han! You must help me persuade Sister Ningyu! Don't seek revenge on Jian Erjiu before your cultivation level advances to the Nascent Soul stage!"

At this point, Red Dragon Girl's eyes became a little complicated. She looked at Ye Han deeply and said: "Ye Han! Although your cultivation level is far beyond that of ordinary cultivators of the same level, I still want to persuade you that if you meet Jian Erjiu, you should not act rashly. If you are not 100% sure, it is better to run away."

Then, she looked into the distance and said: "Someone is coming! Take care! Goodbye!"

At this point, Red Dragon Girl's figure turned into a beam of light and flew in one direction at an astonishing speed...

Looking at the direction where Red Dragon Girl flew away, Ye Han originally wanted to attack this woman...

But the Red Dragon Girl's later words, whether intentional or unintentional, or deliberately concerned, made Ye Han give up.

At the same time, Ye Han also sensed it with his spiritual sense, and several powerful auras flew rapidly towards him and the Red Dragon Girl.

So, Ye Han shouted to the flying Red Dragon Girl: "You damn woman, I'll let you go this time, but you won't be so lucky next time!"

After that, Ye Han turned around and flew away, not in the same direction as the Red Dragon Girl. After all, they were mortal enemies. If they acted together, it would arouse others' suspicion.

What Ye Han didn't expect was that the Red Dragon Girl looked back at Ye Han and said: "Come on! Sister is waiting for your punishment! Sister knows a lot...!"

Hearing this, Ye Han almost rolled down from the air. He wanted to live a few more years, but he didn't want to have anything to do with evil ways?

However, the opportunity that Red Dragon Girl had obtained was also very amazing. Ye Han felt that the cultivation aura of this Red Dragon Girl had become much stronger than before he entered the Ascension Palace and the last time he met her in the Palace...

This Red Dragon Girl had already reached the Great Perfection of the Golden Core, and her aura was very stable, although not as good as Sword Twenty-Nine...

It was just that this Red Dragon Girl had spent so much effort to talk for a long time, and she didn't know that Ye Han had already killed Sword Twenty-Nine.

However, Ye Han also heard the true persuasion in her tone, and she really didn't want him to fight Sword Twenty-Nine with Fairy Ningyu, which was extremely dangerous.

In fact, it was true. If Ye Han hadn't had so many opportunities and adventures in the Ascension Palace, and had obtained so many treasures, and at the critical moment, there was also the purple tripod to help restore his mana...

The piece of white jade bamboo shoots he ate improved his swordsmanship comprehension and combat effectiveness so much in an instant...

He really couldn't kill this damn Sword Twenty-Nine!

The difference was still very far.

Just as Sword Twenty-Nine complained, he cheated and killed him!

But who cares?

The battle between immortal cultivators is not the time to show their uprightness, justice and morality.

Whoever can win and kill the opponent and survive is the real winner.

When an immortal cultivator dies, there is no difference between him and a mortal, both of them have only one life.

The difference is that after the death of an immortal cultivator, the treasures of his flesh body are still very useful, and maybe the corpse will be refined into a puppet.

The corpse of a mortal can only turn into a handful of yellow earth, gradually disappearing from this world...

At this time, the wind wolf storm in the entire Sky Rift Canyon was still surging and impacting, and the sky was impacted by the terrible light column, and a huge space vortex crack was formed...

The boundless and violent storm hit...

Ye Han's consciousness sensed that at least two Yuanying-stage immortal cultivators had locked onto his direction and position, and were rapidly chasing after him...

Obviously, these two Yuanying-stage immortal cultivators must have suspected that he had obtained the treasure opportunity of the Ascension Palace, and their intention to catch up with him was imaginable.

The treasure opportunity was attractive, and high-level immortal cultivators were killing him, which was also unreasonable.

However, with Ye Han's current cultivation and the treasures he controlled, he was still very confident that he could avoid this Yuanying-stage cultivator...

The point was that his battle with Jian Ershijiu consumed a lot of energy, and the Yin-Yang sword energy and sword intent that was injured by Jian Ershijiu was still churning in his body. In fact, the strength that could be exerted was not even half of that in his prime...

Of course, there was no need to confront these Yuanying-stage cultivators with ulterior motives.

Thinking of this, Ye Han's sword energy suddenly surged, and his figure turned into a golden sword light, and his speed skyrocketed several times. After a few tremors, he disappeared into the sky!

What's more important is that Fairy Ningyu's life or death is unknown!!!

More than a dozen miles away, two amazing rays of light were chasing Ye Han frantically!

What's going on? Who is that guy? How can he fly so fast?

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