Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 109: Invisibility Cloak

The night in Tianhuang Valley was not peaceful. From time to time, monster beasts roared and roared, and monster beasts even fought with each other. There was a lot of noise.

In a dangerous place with many monsters and beasts, it is even more dangerous for cultivators to move around at night, because monsters are more ferocious than cultivators at night. Many monsters will come out at night to absorb the essence of the moonlight, giving them an advantage in fighting against cultivators.

In a mountainous area.

Ye Hanzheng and Han Yuwan were squeezed into a large cloak. The two were almost completely close to each other, with only a pair of eyes exposed, staring at a small mountain nest in front of them...

Han Yuwan didn't want Ye Han to be so close to her, but she had no choice. Her cloak was a mid-grade invisibility cloak that concealed her aura.

This invisibility cloak can isolate the monk's breath, but can not escape, and can integrate the monk's figure with the surrounding environment. As long as they are not particularly high-level immortal cultivators or monsters, it is difficult to detect their existence.

Han Yuwan didn't want Ye Han to be so close to her, and now the two of them were almost shoulder to shoulder, touching each other at the slightest movement.

If only the male disciples in the sect knew that the majestic Fairy Yuwan was actually squeezed into the invisibility cloak with Ye Han.

Everyone is probably going crazy with jealousy.

However, what made Han Yuwan more reassured was that although the two were crowded together, Ye Han did not move too much and his expression did not change much.

On the contrary, Han Yuwan was vaguely disappointed...

Why! What are you thinking about?

But there's no way around it. Ye Han doesn't have any invisibility treasures, he only knows a concealment technique. This concealment technique can be used when the monsters are far away.

If it is used to monitor and track the Tu Xing Sun monster, it really doesn't have much effect.

The earth-walking sun monster is as timid as a mouse and very vigilant. When it moves, it will release some breath to sense the surrounding environment. As long as it gets a little closer, it may be discovered.

Therefore, Han Yuwan took out her invisibility cloak and wrapped it around their bodies, letting out only a little breath.

Even if you follow the Tuxingsun monster closely, you won't be discovered.

On the other hand, it is also to prevent being discovered by other monsters. Once other monsters find out, the two of them will be immortal cultivators.

Will attack them soon.

As long as there is any disturbance, the Tuxingsun monster will definitely run as far as it can.

Ye Han didn't have any hidden aura or invisibility treasures, so he could only squeeze in with Han Yuwan...

The two of them were so close that their breathing was almost close to each other.

Ye Han had no choice but to send a message to Han Yuwan: "Senior Sister Han! You had said that this kind of breath-hiding treasure is useful, otherwise I would get one too, so that we don't have to be so crowded together."

After hearing this, Han Yuwan was angry and funny. The other male disciples tried their best to get close to her, wishing they were so close to her. But this brat was so close to her, and they actually disliked him...

Really...hey, okay! He's still a little kid, don't think too much.

Han Yuwan could only comfort herself in this way. It wasn't that she was not charming, but that Ye Han really didn't know how to be charming at this age...

However, the two of them had been tracking the earth-walking sun monster for seven or eight hours.

This earth-like sun monster is indeed not an ordinary cunning, cautious, and fearful of death.

The two of them first pretended to have been tricked by the Tuxingsun Monster and chased him in the direction of his escape before disappearing. Later, they circled back.

In order to prevent the Tu Xing Sun Monster from being discovered, the two of them used invisibility cloaks to hide their bodies and kept following and monitoring the Tu Xing Sun Monster.

To be precise, Ye Han used his spiritual consciousness to locate the location of his spiritual mark, and accurately knew the location of the Tu Xing Sun monster.

This earth-moving sun monster hid there for more than an hour before slowly moving.

Then it changes position in half an hour, changes direction in half an hour, and sometimes even circles back to the same spot.

Ye Han and Han Yuwan followed this guy for seven or eight hours and thought he was lost. It turned out that he had been hiding here and there...

He is simply as timid as a grandson, no wonder he is called Tu Xingsun.

When they arrived at this layer of mountains, the Tuxingsun Monster finally stopped.

In a small valley ahead, this guy has not moved for two or three hours.

However, Ye Han and Han Yuwan had already locked onto the location of the Tuxingsun Monster, which was about seven or eighty feet in front of them in the valley.

The surrounding area is already quite quiet. It seems that there should be no outstanding people in this area.

Despite this, the Tuxingsun Monster still showed no sign of coming out.

On the contrary, Ye Han seemed a little impatient, thinking that being squeezed together with him was too crowded.

After hearing what he said, Han Yuwan didn't say anything. She rolled her eyes at him and stared ahead...

That's when.

Ye Han suddenly bumped Han Yuwan with his elbow, and said through his magic power: "Senior Sister Han! The guy may be coming out if he moves! I feel the mark of consciousness coming towards the ground!"

Han Yuwan was suddenly bumped by Ye Han's elbow. What did this brat touch?

But after hearing his words, I immediately reacted and looked into the valley...

Ye Han continued to transmit: "It stopped suddenly. It seems to be very cautious, but it has already risen ten feet. It should be under observation."

Han Yuwan frowned slightly. At this time, the Earthly Sun Demonic Beast was still cautious. It seemed that it would take quite a long time to wait for him to come out.

Sure enough, the Tuxingsun monster rose several feet, stopped and waited for a quarter of an hour, and then stopped again...

It waited for more than an hour.

On the ground in the valley, a small mound of earth rose silently, and then a sharp-nosed monkey-faced head slowly came out, and a pair of small eyes looked around.


It shrank back again.

After waiting for about ten breaths, this guy came out again.

Because the night was very dark, the distance was a bit far, and only a dwarf-like figure could be seen...

Seeing the figure of the Tuxingsun monster, Han Yuwan's breathing couldn't help but choke, and became heavy, and her heart became excited.

It took so long, and finally this guy came out!

The Tuxingsun monster looked at the sky, and threw a ball of something in all directions, and it sank into the soil.

Then he took out a Tuling Fruit from his body, his eyes were full of desire, and he opened his mouth and ate the Tuling Fruit in one bite.

Ye Han saw Han Yuwan's pores dilated slightly, probably because she was nervous, and immediately sent a voice message: "Senior Sister Han! Don't act rashly! Let's wait a little longer."

Han Yuwan frowned, understood what Ye Han meant, and nodded.

At this moment, the Tuxingsun monster seemed to have discovered something and suddenly drilled into the soil...

It disappeared in an instant.

Han Yuwan was about to rush out when she saw this.

Ye Han held her shoulder: "Don't worry!"

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly away, how could Han Yuwan not be anxious?

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