Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1092 Immortal treasure? Fake immortal treasure?

Ye Han thought so and said to Bai Xue: "By the way! Bai Xue! You just said that this water spirit coffin is an imitation fairy treasure? What is that?"

If the water spirit coffin is an imitation of the fairy treasure, then this water spirit coffin seems to be the same as the water spirit coffin where the strange woman is lying in the purple cauldron.

So, is it possible that the water spirit coffin of that mysterious woman is a real fairy treasure?

As for the fairy treasure, it does not mean that this treasure is a treasure that can be used by high-level immortal cultivators...

As for what level it is, it's hard to say. Some fairy treasures are not very demanding.

But it must be a treasure that can be driven by those who have surpassed the Nascent Soul Stage and the Divine Transformation Stage...

In general, there are extremely rare treasures in the world, but of course, they are not without them.

Like the extremely mysterious purple tripod in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Han had suspected that it might be an immortal treasure with a very high level...

But later I felt that it was obviously not the case, because this purple tripod can grow and change with the absorption of special heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It seems to be a more powerful treasure than the fairy treasure...

What is the Purple Cauldron? The longer he owns it, the less clear it becomes...

No need, ever since he met the upper realm cultivator who controlled Master Yong, Ye Han has become more and more cautious, not wanting anyone to know that he has Ziding.

After listening to Ye Han's inquiry, Bai Xue replied: "This water spirit coffin is a very famous immortal treasure in all major interfaces. Even if it is an imitation, it is very popular among immortal cultivators, because this treasure can not only enable immortal cultivators of the same line to practice. In addition, it can also make the immortal cultivator hide from the living dead! "

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes moved and asked: "Living dead? Hiding the truth from the sky? Is it used by immortal cultivators to avoid catastrophes and maintain life in the hope of immortality?"

After hearing Ye Han's words, Bai Xue immediately flattered him and said, "As expected of my radiant and handsome master, you will know after I say it!"

After a pause, he did not dare to provoke Ye Han, and then said: "Yes, this water spirit coffin is actually in many interfaces. When the natural disaster is about to come, the old monster feels that he is not sure to escape and withstand the natural disaster. Just hide in this water spirit coffin, hide from the sky, and fake death and be reborn."

"Another option is that if your longevity is approaching and you are unable to break through your cultivation level, you will enter this state of suspended animation to maintain your last vitality and wait for a glimmer of hope. Your descendants will be able to surpass your cultivation level and find ways to extend your life! "

"Actually, these old immortals know very well that if they reach their level and there is no chance of breakthrough, even if it costs a lot of money, using the water spirit coffin to retain a glimmer of hope is actually a very slim chance. "

"But all immortal cultivators are like this. Even if there is a glimmer of hope, they still hope to seize this last chance, survive, and become immortals."

At this point, Bai Xue's tone became weird, and she looked at Ye Han and said, "However! No matter which interface the water spirit coffin is used in, it is not the real fairy treasure water spirit coffin, because there is only one real water spirit coffin, and the others are It’s all kinds of imitations!”

"Because the real Water Spirit Coffin Fairy Treasure has been missing for who knows how many years! However, there are different levels of imitations! Master, your Water Spirit Coffin can be considered a middle-grade fake Fairy Treasure!"

Speaking of this, Bai Xue sighed and said: "If it were a better fake fairy treasure in the water spirit coffin, it should be able to allow Ningyu to survive earlier. Now we can only maintain life and keep hope!"

Listening to Bai Xue's story, Ye Han finally understood the function of the water spirit coffin. Obviously, the function of the water spirit coffin is mainly to preserve life, shield against catastrophes, fake death and other magical powers. It is not a treasure for fighting or cultivation. …

Then, the Red Dragon Girl gave the water spirit coffin to herself, and also specified that she would go with Fairy Ningyu...

He didn't think there was anything fishy before, but now he feels that it's not that simple anymore...

Could it be that the red dragon girl actually knew that something had happened to Fairy Ningyu, so she handed the water spirit coffin to herself to save Fairy Ningyu's last vestige of life.


This damn woman must have known about Jian Twenty-Nine's fight with Fairy Ningyu, and also knew that Jian Twenty-Nine had killed Fairy Ningyu, and didn't want her to know. That was because she didn't want him to blame her and not help Fairy Ningyu.

In fact, if Ye Han were the Red Dragon Girl and knew that he and Fairy Ningyu were no match for Jian Twenty-Nine, he probably wouldn't help easily...

After all, a cultivator like Red Dragon Girl who has been practicing for thousands of years still cherishes her life very much...

Besides, Red Dragon Girl has no reason to help Fairy Ningyu.

The reason why the red dragon girl came out to give her the water spirit coffin again was probably to ease the relationship with him, or she couldn't bear the fact that Fairy Ningyu had really fallen, leaving the due love between the two of them.

Ye Han finally understood the Red Dragon Girl's thoughts, but it could be said that the Red Dragon Girl had some conscience and did not ignore the situation.

After all, although this water spirit coffin is a fake fairy treasure, its value is no less than three or five spirit treasures. Of course, because the magical dragon is relatively single, it cannot be more valuable than the Tongtian spirit treasure.

So, Ye Han said to Bai Xue: "Okay! You can't stay here! You go and practice!"

After saying that, Ye Han made a secret with his fingers, and with a little finger, an astonishing purple rune covered Bai Xue's figure...

Bai Xue hurriedly called out: "Master! Wait a minute! I have something to tell you...!"

Before Bai Xue could finish, a purple rune vortex covered Bai Xue's body and sucked Bai Xue into it without any explanation. The next moment, he was thrown back into the Five Elements Soul-Calming Tower...

However, before Bai Xue could say anything, a storage bag and several pills fell on his head.

Then Ye Han shouted in a cold voice: "Don't ask any more questions, practice well!"

"Yes, Master! I like to practice the most! Master is good, so am I! Master tells me to go east, I will never go west..."

Ye Han doesn't want to talk to Bai Xue, this guy starts to get cocky after a little credit...

Of course, he won't tell him much about the Purple Cauldron Space. Although this guy looks stupid, he actually knows a lot. If this guy figures it out, his Purple Cauldron Space will be in trouble...

Then, Ye Han said to Wannian Shuiling: "You performed very well, these things will be useful to you! Take them!"

As he said that, Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and more than a dozen water-attributed beads with amazing spiritual energy that trembled with spiritual light flew towards Wannian Shuiling...

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