Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1100 I am now also a disciple of Qingxuan Sect

Ye Han looked at the tall and beautiful female cultivator in front of him and said in great surprise: "Junior Sister Mo Lan! You are back from Beiluzhou Continent?"

Yes, the female cultivator in front of him was Mo Lan, the disciple of Fairy Qingfeng, whom Ye Han met in the Tianji Hall of Baoshan in Wubian Mountain of Beiluzhou Continent.

He remembered very clearly that when he and Qin Jiuzhen went to Wubian Mountain and found another Tianji Hall of Baoshan, he met Mo Lan, the disciple of Fairy Qingfeng, in the Punishment Hall of Baoshan.

According to what Mo Lan said, he knew that the Tianji Hall of Baoshan in Beiluzhou Continent and the Tianji Hall of Baoshan in Shangling Land of Fengtian Continent were connected by teleportation.

He finally got out of Tianji Hall alive, but there was no way to go back to Tianji Hall in Beiluzhou Continent, let alone rescue Mo Lan and Qin Jiuzhen.

Because he felt that Mo Lan and Qin Jiuzhen had low cultivation and few magical powers, and if they entered Tianji Hall with him, it would be dangerous.

So he left the two of them in the Punishment Hall of Baoshan, so that they could heal and practice without waiting for him to find a chance to leave Baoshan...

As a result, more than a hundred years have passed. Before, he was worried about whether the two of them could come out alive?

Unexpectedly, he met Mo Lan again in Qingxuanmen. When he first saw her, Ye Han wondered if he had recognized the wrong person. When he left Qingxiu Peak, he sensed Mo Lan's breath and flew over immediately...

Yes! How could a cultivator recognize the wrong person? As long as the other party did not deliberately hide his breath, the cultivator could not distinguish it. As long as it was a normal breath, he would never recognize it wrong.

Seeing Ye Han, Mo Lan was not too surprised. She smiled and said, "Uncle Ye! It's so great to see you!"

Of course, she knew what Ye Han was surprised about.

After hearing this, Ye Han also smiled and said, "I am relieved to see you!"

This Mo Lan's cultivation has not reached the Jindan stage, but compared to the past, she has cultivated to the great perfection of the foundation-building stage. There is still a certain chance to break through the Jindan stage.

Instead, Mo Lan took the initiative to say, "Uncle Ye! This is not the place to talk. How about you move to my cave and have a chat?"

She then said mysteriously, "There is another person, you also know him, in my cave!"

After hearing this, Ye Han said in surprise, "Qin Jiuzhen also came to our Qingxuan Sect?"

For Ye Han, it is not difficult to guess that the other person Mo Lan was talking about should be Qin Jiuzhen who took him to Baoshan.

To be honest, if it weren't for the mysterious talisman of Tianji Hall that Qin Jiuzhen gave him, it would not be so easy for him to come out of Tianji Hall alive.

Mo Lan smiled and said, "As expected of Master Ye, who is famous all over the world, he knew Qin Jiuzhen right away! Yes! He also came back to Qingxuan Sect with me!"

As she said that, she released the flying treasure and took Ye Han to her flying...

Sure enough, in Mo Lan's cave, Qin Jiuzhen was there. Seeing Ye Han, he was extremely surprised and said, "Master Ye...!"

Looking at the familiar two people, Ye Han sighed sincerely. He didn't expect that these two guys not only came out of Baoshan, but also returned to Fengtian Continent?

In fact, the two looked very close, not like an ordinary relationship, especially Qin Jiuzhen and Mo Lan were in the same cave...

So, Ye Han couldn't help asking how the two came out of Baoshan and how they returned to Fengtian Continent and Qingxuan Sect.

Qin Jiuzhen and Mo Lan told each other everything about their experiences in Baoshan...

In fact, they were forced to leave Baoshan. After Ye Han left Qin Jiuzhen some healing items, Qin Jiuzhen had been recovering from his injuries, and Mo Lan was also practicing...

This situation lasted for several years. During these years, the two exchanged their cultivation experiences and waited for Ye Han...

They fell in love and became a dual cultivation partner. After practicing for a while, their cultivation improved very quickly.

But when Ye Han didn't come, they became worried. After leaving the Punishment Hall, they got some opportunities in Baoshan, but they were still unsure whether to enter the Tianji Hall.

After practicing for a while, Baoshan was discovered by some cultivators from Beiluzhou Continent. They attacked the restrictions of Baoshan frantically. After a while, they finally opened the restrictions. Many cultivators entered Baoshan to search for treasures, and even broke into Tianji Palace...

Mo Lan and Qin Jiuzhen knew that their cultivation was low and they could not be their opponents, so they took the opportunity to quietly escape from Baoshan.

After leaving Baoshan, they encountered some opportunities in Wubian Mountain. As for what opportunities, the two did not mention them, and Ye Han did not ask.

After all, no one would be willing to talk about opportunities.

The two of them traveled in Beiluzhou Continent. Decades later, Mo Lan and Qin Jiuzhen met Fairy Qingfeng, who gave them a teleportation token and used the teleportation token to return to Fengtian Continent.

Hearing this, Ye Han was extremely surprised and said, "Did you come back because you met Fairy Qingfeng?"

When he came back to Qingxuanmen from Beiluzhou Continent, he found that Fairy Qingfeng was no longer on the mountain, and he hadn't met Fairy Qingfeng again for so many years. At the beginning, he guessed that Fairy Qingfeng might have gone to Beiluzhou Continent.

Mo Lan was Fairy Qingfeng's disciple. Maybe Fairy Qingfeng had a special connection with her and they met by chance.

This made Ye Han understand why Mo Lan and Qin Jiuzhen appeared in Qingxuan Sect. It turned out that Fairy Qingfeng gave them the teleportation token and sent them back.

No wonder he went to the ancient teleportation array in the back mountain of Qingniu Village again and found that the ancient teleportation array had been repaired. As he expected, Fairy Qingfeng went to the North Luzhou Continent...

Sure enough, Mo Lan answered affirmatively: "Yes! We came back two years ago because we were delayed on the way!"

Qin Jiuzhen also said respectfully on the side: "Uncle Ye! I am also a disciple of Qingxuan Sect now!"

For him, Ye Han is not only his savior, but he has also heard of Ye Han's deeds. Now he is a Jindan-stage elder of Qingxuan Sect, famous all over the world, and a disciple of inheritance...

This identity and status are extraordinary, so naturally the two of them respect him very much.

Listening to the two, Ye Han finally understood what was going on, and couldn't help but say: "You are lucky to be able to come out of the treasure mountain alive and return to Qingxuanmen! Congratulations!"

Ye Han was telling the truth. As long as a cultivator goes out to travel and look for opportunities of natural treasures, he may never come back.

After more than a hundred years, Mo Lan and Qin Jiuzhen were still able to come out of the treasure mountain alive. Of course, they were very lucky to have such an opportunity!

It reminded Ye Han of another person! Ye Tianyu!

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