Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 111 Speaking Human Language

The series of actions of the Tuxingsun monster have made the two feel very strange.

Both Ye Han and Han Yuwan felt from the bottom of their hearts that this monster was very dangerous and must be treated with caution.

Although many materials and texts record that the Tuxingsun monster is extremely smart and cunning, it is far from being comparable to ordinary monsters.

No matter how good the Tuxingsun monster is, it is only a second-level monster, and it is still in the low-level uncivilized stage.

But this Tuxingsun monster is a bit too cunning. Ye Han and Han Yuwan were calculated by it from the beginning.

It is normal to steal the earth spirit fruit while the two are dealing with the devouring beast.

What is abnormal is that this guy can deliberately leave a flaw and mislead the two to go in other directions...

If Ye Han had not had a spiritual mark on the earth spirit fruit, he would have been run away by this guy.

On the other hand, this guy is so cunning that he just repeatedly tested to see if there are other monsters around.

The weirdest thing is this array disc, which does not look like an old thing that has always existed, as if it was just set up not long ago.

From this series of situations, it seems that this Tuxingsun monster looks like a cultivator except that it doesn't look like a human.

It's even more cunning than ordinary cultivators.

However, at this time, this guy suddenly vomited blood. It should be that he failed to evolve or advance, and his mind was backfired.

Seeing this situation, Ye Han and Han Yuwan realized that this was a great opportunity.

Kill him while he's sick!

Han Yuwan's mana surged without hesitation, and she pointed her finger at the storage bag, and red flames flashed out.

The fire rain needle box flew out, and as Han Yuwan pinched the formula and chanted the spell, she pointed her finger.

The cold iron box opened instantly, and the runes surged.


The cold iron box spun in the air and burst out instantly. A series of flaming needles turned into raindrops and shot towards the Tuxingsun monster...

At the same time.


Han Yuwan slapped the storage bag flame gun again, and the flames roared out, swirling wildly in the air, growing longer with the wind! It turned into a storm more than ten feet long, and rushed towards the Tuxingsun monster from another direction...

Han Yuwan didn't give up, and slapped the storage bag again, red light roared out, a hammer with surging flames flew out, and circles of red runes...

As Han Yuwan pinched the formula and chanted the spell, Han Yuwan made a delicate sound, grabbed the void with her slender jade hand, and shouted: "Shock Fire Hammer!" The hammer magic weapon as big as a water tank swirled with an amazing red flame...

Han Yuwan used all three of her magic weapons at once. How could this be to capture the Tuxingsun monster alive?

It was clearly to kill this guy!


An unexpected scene appeared.

The first to attack the Tuxingsun monster, the hot rain of fire was about to attack the Tuxingsun monster.



The Tuxingsun monster's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, and it roared. Its hands actually gestured rapidly and dazzlingly, and the demonic energy instantly flowed through its body at a high speed...

This Tuxingsun monster was actually pinching its fingers to drive its demonic energy?

This scene was really unexpected.

Of course, ordinary monsters would not pinch their fingers and chant spells to drive their demonic energy.

Only monsters that have fully awakened their spiritual intelligence, practiced demonic magic, and advanced to demonic cultivation can chant spells and pinch their fingers to drive their demonic energy to perform demonic magic, or even use cultivators' treasures...

But that is already a very high-level existence.

If it is really such a monster that has successfully evolved into a demonic cultivation, a hundred Ye Hans plus Han Yuwan are not its opponents, and it is simply seeking death.

As the Tuxingsun monster pinched its fingers, the demonic energy on its body surged, and a demonic energy instantly rushed out from the ground, and a shield treasure composed of bones released an astonishing and suffocating demonic energy.

This bone shield treasure spun in the air, and the demonic energy was so strong that it became a foot in size and blocked the Tuxingsun monster.

The fire rain of the fire rain needles bombarded like a violent storm, and the flames on the bone shield burst everywhere, and the hot flames rolled and surged in all directions.

The bone shield shook for a while, directly blocking the attack of the fire rain needles...

The Tuxingsun monster let out a furious roar, staring at Han Yuwan who suddenly attacked him in the distance, and roared at her.

His eyes were full of tyranny. He actually met a cultivator at such a critical moment?


A swirl of fire, the flame gun turned into a terrifying vortex of fire, rushed over, bypassed the skeleton shield, and rushed to one side of the Tuxingsun monster...

On the other side, the fire hammer turned into a water tank and smashed down on the Tuxingsun monster...

The extremely hot breath made the air smell burnt.


The Tuxingsun monster quickly made a gesture with both hands and pointed at the skeleton shield.

The skeleton shield surged with demonic energy and blocked his head, blocking the flame wave of the fire hammer from hitting him.

Puff! !

On another ground, a gray light rushed out and swirled in the air.

The bronze mirror treasure, there was a strange skull head on the treasure, emitting a gray light in the air. A strange skull head rushed out of the mirror, biting the flame gun that was bombarding...


A sheet of fire exploded in all directions, and the fire of the flame gun twisted and shattered, exploding flames in all directions...

The flame gun was actually bitten by the skull and was fixed in the air, unable to move.

What's even more terrifying is that the dense gray light of the bronze mirror carries the skull. The skull bites the flame gun tightly and drags it into the bronze mirror...

Han Yuwan used three magic weapons to attack with all her strength, but none of them were found. How could she defeat this earthly sun monster?

And this guy can actually drive treasures? How could this possibly be a monster?

This is definitely not a supernatural power that monsters can have. If it is a demon cultivator who has transformed, it is impossible...

One hundred Han Yuwan is no match for the transformed demon cultivator.

Han Yuwan's face turned pale, her consciousness and mana instantly surged, her hands quickly made decisions, and she muttered words while controlling her flame spear weapon, trying to escape from the control of the bronze mirror treasure...

The flame gun weapon shocked out a red flame, and a burst of fire surged in the air, and it became a stalemate with the mirror that released the skull.

At this time, Tuxingsun Monster's eyes burst out with murderous intent, and he suddenly uttered human words: "Damn it! Damn you guys, who are you? How dare you ruin my good deeds."

After hearing this, Han Yuwan's eyes were horrified. What on earth is going on with this earthly sun monster?

Not only does it drive treasure to attack and defend, but it also speaks human words?

Could it really be a transformed monster?

But I have been attacking for so long!

Where has this guy Ye Han gone?

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