Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1187 We are leaving!

As for Mr. Lan Qing, the more Ye Han came into contact with him, the less he could see through Mr. Lan Qing...

This made Ye Han feel inexplicably wary. After all, as far as his vision was concerned, the only person who could escape his observation and couldn't see through it at all was Mr. Liu, and Mr. Lan Qing...

Therefore, Ye Han has always believed that Mr. Lan Qing and Mr. Liu are at the same level of cultivation.

Even with such a level of cultivation, Mr. Lan Qing's physical body was actually trapped in Tianji Hall, which shows how dangerous the place Mr. Lan Qing went to was.

In fact, Ye Han also tested Mr. Liu to see if he knew Mr. Lan Qing. When Mr. Liu showed him his magical powers, he deliberately took out the magic formula given to him by Mr. Lan Qing and asked Mr. Liu to point out the magic formula for refining treasures. …

Of course, another part of the reason is that the two secret techniques given to him by Mr. Lan Qing are very mysterious and difficult to understand.

As a result, Mr. Liu didn't say anything, which made Ye Han confused about what was going on...

Perhaps Mr. Lan Qing knew that Mr. Liu was on the mountain and had given him the secret technique, and he had thought that he might leak it to Mr. Liu?

With this in mind, Ye Han continued to drive the purple tripod to absorb the breath of the elixir and stabilize his cultivation...

It is worth mentioning that since Ziding absorbed the huge imitation Ziding, and also absorbed the Starry Sky Stone, Ziding absorbed the elixir, and after the transformation, not only the mana breath of the Ziding breath that was fed back to him was even stronger It is pure and contains a trace of star power. This star power is integrated into his mana...

For the time being, he can't feel it. After having this power of stars, what changes will happen to his magic power?

But when he saw Mr. Lan Qing using his magical powers, he would also emit the power of the stars. Although he only saw it once, he felt that it must have a great effect...

After all, in the books Ye Han had read, it was occasionally mentioned that the power of the stars was actually the mysterious power of the universe during the chaotic period. It was said that it was related to the law. What it was specifically was not his level of cultivation. can know.

Nor is it the level of cultivation achieved by ordinary book authors.

While Ye Han was cultivating his magic power, he continued to refine the exquisite pagoda, the Thousand Fantasy Celestial Bell and other treasures...

At the same time, continue to understand the secret techniques of controlling the thunder god, the Eight Demons of Huntian stick technique, etc...

In the Tianji Palace, there are dangers everywhere, and there are also many opportunities. It is rare to have such a time to stop and practice, so naturally you cannot miss it.

As for his original purpose of entering Tianji Hall, it was initially because of Mr. Lan Qing's invitation. On the other hand, wasn't it because he wanted to find a safer place with opportunities to practice?

As for Mr. Liu, he suggested that Mr. Lan Qing come in after he had made an appointment with Mr. Lan Qing for decades. It can only be said to be a coincidence.

Thinking like this, Ye Han was immersed in cultivation.

This kind of continuous improvement of his own cultivation and understanding of the magical secrets really makes it easy for Ye Han to indulge in it, unable to extricate himself, and not feeling bored at all.

Maybe he was born to be a very suitable immortal cultivator.

When his cultivation level cannot be improved much, Ye Han can study the formation method, puppet talisman, pill formation method, and refine treasures...

For now, this is the endless pursuit of the Great Law of Heaven...

In other words, this is the meaning of immortality.

Time flies, time flies like an arrow.

Practice without armor.

Three years have passed……

For Ye Han's level of cultivation, three years of training is just the beginning of retreat...

this day!

Ye Han's figure was covered by the halo of the crystal clear Exquisite Pagoda, and the power of stars swirled around the Exquisite Pagoda...


Boom! ! ! !

An astonishing roar and vibration spread around the ground...

what happened?

Ye Han opened his eyes fiercely, the divine light trembled, and the exquisite pagoda surrounding his figure turned into a spiritual light swirling, and dots of purple-red light protected his figure.

This is the underground cave carefully built by the Chensha Demon Emperor. The defensive power and concealment are already amazing. In addition, Ye Han has arranged a defense formation, and he actually feels such an astonishing shock. There must be something going on...

Mr. Lan Qing's voice suddenly came in: "Boy, we have to leave!"

After listening to Mr. Lan Qing's words, Ye Han raised his hand, his magic light trembled, and the treasures being refined were put into the storage bag.

At the same time, his figure trembled and he put away the formation beads...

The next moment, Ye Han's figure appeared in the passage...

Mr. Lan Qing is already in the passage.

Mr. Lan Qing moves very quickly!

Seeing Ye Han, Mr. Lan Qing said in a deep voice: "Let's go quickly! Two ancient beasts are fighting in the desert, and it will affect us soon!"

With that said, Mr. Lan Qing used the earth escape technique and drilled out towards the exit of the restricted cave...

Ye Han also used the earth escape technique and followed him out.

When Mr. Lan Qing used the earth escape technique, Ye Han was shocked to find that Mr. Lan Qing's cultivation level must have increased a lot.

Although I don't know the specific cultivation level, I can feel that it must have improved even more than him.

Originally, the higher the cultivation level of an immortal, the slower the improvement of cultivation level. After all, it requires more years of accumulation of spiritual energy and mana from heaven and earth, and it is prone to various problems.

It's like a pool that is constantly filled with water. When it is full, it has to be raised and reinforced. There is also a tendency for sediment to form at the bottom of the water. If it is not strong enough, it is easy to collapse and crack, or the water quality may change, making the water unusable...

Of course, the cultivation of immortal skills is much more complicated than this. Various factors and laws affect it. It is not so easy to cultivate immortals.

Mr. Lan Qing has made such a great improvement in his cultivation in such a short time. He must have used some secret method or special means and treasures.

This reminds Ye Han of the Red Dragon Girl. Last time, the Red Dragon Girl also got an extraordinary opportunity in the Ascension Palace. She actually regained her physical cultivation. Her cultivation was extremely powerful, and he couldn't match her. However, it also brought the problem of extremely fast consumption of lifespan...

Mr. Lan Qing seemed to have used a similar method. His cultivation was rapidly improved, and his lifespan seemed to have been reduced a lot.

However, thinking of the Red Dragon Girl, Ye Han couldn't help but shudder. If he thought Han Yuwan was scary before, then this Red Dragon Girl was as scary as a hundred Han Yuwans...

Although he also got some benefits...

Boom! !

The roar and vibration from the sky were getting more and more shocking, and the entire desert soil was rolling...

Ye Han followed closely behind Mr. Lan Qing...


Boom! ! ! A roar that shook the earth and the entire desert rolled up...

Ye Han felt a terrible impact coming, and his whole body was suppressed and flew up...

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