Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1216 Earth Evil Dragon

After listening to Mr. Lan Qing's words, Ye Han's brows moved slightly, Tower of Hell? There was no such place mentioned in the map Mr. Liu gave him. Could it be a dangerous place in an unknown area?

Although the jade slip map that Mr. Liu gave him recorded many places, it did not record the entire Tianji Palace area.

For example, the location of the Heritage Tree that Ye Han visited last time is not recorded on the jade slip map...

That means that this is the unknown area mentioned on the jade slip map, and there may be places more dangerous than the three dangerous places.

This Tower of Hell, just by the name, you know it is not an ordinary place.

So Ye Han couldn't help but ask: "Sir, is this Tower of Hell another tower?"

Mr. Lan Qing shook his head and replied: "No, that is a place to go to the abyss of hell. Forget it, there is no use telling you this now. When we get there, I will explain it to you slowly."

After a pause, he looked ahead and said, "Now our trouble is coming! Let's finish this place first!"

As soon as Mr. Lan Qing finished speaking...

Hoo ho ho! ! ! A strong wind blew, and in the abyss and canyon ahead, a surging impact came out...

Follow! Ouch! ! ! ! ! ! There were roars and roars like wild beasts, and I saw many huge holes on the mountain wall of the abyss canyon ahead. Each one was completely black, and their backs were all made of horn bones. Each one was dozens of feet in size. , a dragon-shaped head, with sharp horns, full of fangs, red eyes, a standing human figure, a thick and slender tail, all covered with horn scales...

Seeing these monsters crawling out, Mr. Lan Qing's eyes moved and he said solemnly: "Earth Evil Dragon! Remember my words! Use the Spirit-Connecting Technique!"

Saying this, Mr. Lan Qing rushed towards those earth evil dragons at an alarming speed...

Ouch! ! !

The earth evil dragons opened their mouths and roared one by one. They opened their mouths and sprayed out. Balls of black light and evil energy rushed toward the two of them overwhelmingly...

In addition to the terrifying evil energy contained in these evil light groups, there is also a terrifying evil energy and magic power that is constantly swirling in it. Wherever it passes, the space is distorted and trembling...

The speed was astonishing, and it hit Mr. Lan Qing and Ye Han...

Mr. Lan Qing's mana surged, and his thunder control method controlled the cyan light lightning. His body transformed into an electric and thunderous lightning, constantly passing through the gaps in the attacking black light and evil light groups...

at the same time.

"Go!" Mr. Lan Qing roared angrily, and the Divine Communication Technique reached its peak. The blue light consciousness in his eyes burst out, forming a blue light consciousness spike, whizzing out...

Whoops! ! ! There was an astonishing sound of breaking through the sky, like a steel needle of blue light divine consciousness, whizzing through the void and hitting the head of an Earth Evil Dragon...

Suddenly! ! !

Ouch! ! ! Earth Evil Dragon's body trembled violently and let out an earth-shattering roar. The black energy and flames from his body continued to rush out. He looked very painful and hit his head against the mountain wall next to him...

Boom! ! There was a violent explosion, and the mountain wall exploded in an instant, smashing down a lot of rocks...

Whoops! ! And the earth evil dragon's body continuously spewed out astonishing black energy and evil energy, and rolled down the abyss, screaming in agony...

When Ye Han saw this scene, his eyes moved. These earth evil dragons seemed to have physical bodies, but in fact they had no physical bodies. Their bodies were made up of these evil energies. No wonder they were not afraid of attacks from entities such as spells and swordsmanship.

His body speed is also very fast, and he has repeatedly dodged the attacks of several earth evil dragons.

He ran the Divine Art, and his consciousness formed sharp spikes like condensed steel needles in the sea of ​​consciousness. His consciousness locked on the core of an earth evil dragon!

Then, Ye Han's eyes trembled and he shouted: "Go!"

Whoops! ! ! The spike of consciousness turned into a spike of blue light and whizzed out from his body, flew out directly, and disappeared in a flash, piercing the head of an evil earth dragon in an instant...

puff! ! ! With a muffled explosion, the earth evil dragon screamed, and a black air wave erupted from its body, trembling and falling towards the ground.

Although the consciousness attack of this divine communication technique was very effective against the evil dragon, Ye Han suddenly felt his consciousness sea trembling, and there was some inexplicable pain...

Ye Han knew that this was the result of excessive consumption of his spiritual consciousness.

But there are not just a few evil earth dragons here, but more and more of them are crawling out from the surrounding mountain walls and the abyss on the ground.

Qianlong Tianyuan is known as one of the three most dangerous places, so it is naturally not so easy to pass.

Although this evil dragon is easy to deal with, if there are too many, it will be troublesome.

Otherwise, just use that trick!

Ye Han's heart moved, and he didn't care about anything else. He quickly made secrets with his hands, and the Soul-Connecting Technique was operating to the extreme, and then the Puppet Divine Technique and the Qingxin Technique were all activated...

Buzz! ! ! A bright spiritual light trembled, and a spiritual figure emerged from Ye Han's body.

Ye Han's hands quickly kneaded the secret, and his spiritual consciousness was crazily injected into the spiritual figure!

boom! ! The figure with divine consciousness started to chant the incantation following the rapid kneading formula, and pointed his finger!

An astonishing radiance of divine consciousness exploded out. This divine figure actually used the Qingxuan Sword Formation, bursting out with astonishing rays of divine consciousness sword light, frantically bombarding those earth evil dragons...

Puff, puff, puff! ! The speed of these spiritual sword lights was amazing and suffocating. Although they were not big, after hitting those earth evil dragons, the effect was the same as the attack of the spiritual spikes of the Tongshen Jue...

The earth evil dragons were hit by the spiritual sword lights and could not resist. They screamed and fell from the ground.

Seeing this, Mr. Lan Qing was surprised and said: "Good boy, you are so good! I didn't expect your spiritual consciousness to be so high!!"

As he said that, Mr. Lan Qing moved his body and did not kill those earth evil dragons. He hid in the sword formation. For any cultivator, it is very difficult to recover the spiritual consciousness...

Ye Han actually knew that Mr. Lan Qing's magical power was amazing, but his spiritual consciousness was not as good as his.

After all, Mr. Lan Qing's body was reborn by the Rebirth Gourd, and it has only been more than a hundred years. His spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that of ordinary cultivators of the same level, but it is far inferior to Ye Han...

And it is not easy to recover the spiritual consciousness consumed in spiritual consciousness attacks, and it is easy to get injured...

Ye Han's spiritual consciousness attack is actually a combination of several spiritual consciousness magical powers. The spiritual consciousness attack coordinated with the Qingxuan Sword Formation is naturally very powerful, but it is a bit difficult to recover the spiritual consciousness, right?

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