Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1250 Did they get alarmed?

Sure enough, the Immortal Thief aliens sneered and said: "The hands of gods and demons are naturally powerful, but can you use them continuously? Entering the hopeless land, you only have a 30% chance! If you find the old blood demon Devil! There’s a 70% chance!”

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned. Only a 30% chance? Thinking like this, he couldn't help but look towards Mr. Lan Qing. Mr. Lan Qing told him that if there was the hand of the devil, there should be a 50% chance of saving his body...

Could it be that Mr. Lan Qing deceived him?

Or was this Immortal Thieving alien race deliberately trying to scare them to lure them into a trap?

However, the same kind mentioned by the Thieving Immortal Alien Race must be Mr. Hu. The reason why Mr. Fox made great progress in cultivation in Tianji Palace and reached the Nascent Soul stage. With such a great opportunity, he and Mr. Lan Qing Everyone guessed that this old fox must have encountered the guidance of some powerful being...

When they killed Mr. Hu, there was indeed a very terrifying bloody soul that wanted to escape, but it was caught by his ghost skeleton mirror, and it self-destructed...

Could it be that that guy is the remnant soul of the Blood Fiend Ancestor? But since he blew himself up, shouldn't he also die?

Then this matter is revealed to be weird. Who is lying, Mr. Lan Qing or the Immortal Thieves? Or is there another reason?

Mr. Lan Qing seemed to know what Ye Han was thinking, and said directly to the Immortal Thieves: "Fellow Taoist! The guy from the Blood Fiend Clan you mentioned, what does he have that can help us enter the hopeless land more smoothly?"

The Immortal Thief alien replied in a deep voice: "Since you know some secrets of the Tower of Hell, you must have other channels and know a lot of things. I don't bother to ask you. This is meaningless. However, the place called Hopeless Land It is indeed an exaggeration to say that it is a place where even gods cannot survive.”

After a pause, he looked deeply at Ye Han and said: "You want to go in, it must be for the flowerless, hopeless and soulless fruit. Do you think that thing is so easy to get? If it were so easy to marry, I would have Now that you’ve got it, are you still waiting for me? This place is more dangerous than you think.”

"I'm still waiting for you to help me find the Shenzhou and go through the River of Immortals and Demons to find what I want. Of course I won't ask you to die."

"That bloody old guy, because you guys came here, all his years of hard work have been wasted. That old guy must hate you. The reason why he was trapped in the ghost cave was entirely because of his greed and got trapped in it. I don’t want to come anymore, but I also want to find the hand of the gods and demons and bring my own body out!”

"That guy's place has the existence of the Ten Thousand Years Ghost Spirit Fruit that can shield the Hopeless Land! What we want is that thing, which can allow us to avoid many dangers in the Hopeless Land!"

This alien clan of pirates is indeed very extraordinary. As they walked, they talked about these things with Mr. Ye Han Lanqing, and had no intention of hiding anything from them.

It makes Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing quite surprised. Is this guy so easy to talk to?

And as the Thieving Immortal Alien led the two of them down the stone pillar stairs, it turned out that the rate at which the soul-devouring energy was absorbing mana and spiritual energy was increasing.

The stairs were not too long. After walking for several miles, Ye Han discovered that they were not going along the stone wall, but that the stairs were spiraling toward the dark middle area. They were spiraling inwards. The moving stairs, and the cliff above gradually extends...

This is really a marvelous structure. If the Immortal Thieves hadn't led them along like this, they would never have known that there was such a staircase here...

Naturally, even Mr. Lan Qing has only been to the Hell Tower once, and he always jumped down when entering, so naturally he doesn't know this.

Following the lead of the Thief Immortal Alien Race, after walking for about a quarter of an hour, the three of them arrived in front of a huge bridge. Looking forward, they could see a huge round spire with an extended platform entrance. , the entire bridge is hundreds of feet wide and ten thousand feet long. From such a distance, you can still see such a huge tower, and on top of the tower, there are two huge statues, like the shapes of ghosts and gods, ferocious Horrible, one is covered with horns and skulls, and the other is covered with terrifying faces of various creatures, forming a special huge spire...

No wonder this place is called the Tower of Hell. It turns out that there really is a huge tower, but this tower is in the center of the abyss. You have to go down to get to the bottom...

As for what the inside of the tower looks like, Mr. Lan Qing also said that it is a special space. What is inside depends on where they are lucky to be transported...

Instead of what it is like now, the Immortal Stealing Alien led them to find the real door to the Tower of Hell...

The Immortal Thief alien suddenly looked serious and said, "Let's walk over and don't make any noise! ​​We've alerted those two guys! We're going to suffer a lot!"

As he spoke, his footsteps became extremely weak, and there was no breath of movement at all when he walked...

Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing felt that the Immortal Thief alien walking in front of them was like a shadow, without any breath...

Ye Han used his magic power, used the Divine Art, and used the Wanxiang Mask, but he also became completely silent.

Mr. Lan Qing also used the secret technique, without any breath or sound, and walked over step by step...

Walking on this bridge, Ye Han saw that there were hideous demon statues on the bridge piers. Each one was different. These demon statues were angry, crying, painful, happy, mocking...

There were all kinds of expressions, which looked very creepy...

However, cultivators like Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing had experienced so many dangerous places that they were not afraid of these.


As the two walked forward, countless monsters began to surge in front of them. They roared like a group of demons, and kept roaring around them, and even flew over...

Didn't this damn immortal thief tell them about this?

Ye Han suddenly saw a black figure flying towards him. It turned out to be the cultivators he had killed?

I saw these terrifying guys roaring wildly, howling and cursing at Ye Han.

Ye Han! Damn Ye Han! I'll kill you! ! !

I want revenge! ! !

You have come to this day too! ! ! !

Ye Han looked at these crazy figures rushing over, his face slightly changed, and suddenly he saw that the two extremely terrifying huge demon statues on the top of the tower suddenly began to move...

Oops! Did they alarm them?

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