Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1274 Becoming a demon?

Ye Han's face changed, and he could see clearly that the face of the Hell Messenger was surrounded by black air, with four blood-red pupils and eyes, emitting a terrifying evil killing intent...

He immediately got goosebumps, and his consciousness trembled. He activated the Tongshen Jue to resist this terrible evil killing intent.

Boom! Boom!!

The Hell Messenger twisted his body violently, and his huge body was as heavy as a mountain. With just a slight movement, the entire Hell Tower was shaking...

Ye Han discovered that after he advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage and came out of the medicine garden again, he actually felt that the Devouring Spirit of the Hell Tower was devouring mana and spiritual energy. It did not decrease because of his sudden increase in cultivation, but instead accelerated...

This Hell Tower is really terrifying.

The huge body of the Hell Messenger was surrounded by black and gray evil spirits. His four huge blood-red pupils were like those of a demon from hell. He suddenly opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of black hole fangs. The sickle in his hand was thousands of feet long, and fierce evil spirit surged. The tens of thousands of feet of space were twisted with terrible sword intent...

This sword intent contained boundless killing intent. As the Hell Messenger swung...

Bang! ! ! ! A storm of sword light that shook the world swept through the void, turning into a sharp ripple sword light, bombarding Ye Han...

Ye Han's eyes trembled. This sword light looked like an arc, but boundless evil and death aura surrounded it...

In just a moment, the sword light hit Ye Han.

Bang! ! A terrifying explosion, the knife light directly cut off Ye Han's figure, and instantly crushed and cut off the rocks on the ground at this moment, and a terrible bottomless groove was impacted on the ground, and the twisted storm roared and exploded...

The next moment!

Hu Chi...!!! Ye Han's figure turned into a bloody light and turned into nothingness.

At the same time!

Ye Han's figure twisted and flashed out from thousands of feet away. The moment the hell messenger attacked, he knew that he could not withstand this guy's attack, and he used the sword escape technique to dodge this guy's knife...

At this time, the Immortal Thief and Mr. Lan Qing rushed out of the medicine garden. The Immortal Thief directly turned into a gray light ripple and disappeared in the air, shouting at the same time: "Go, go, go! Don't get entangled with this guy...!"

Mr. Lan Qing's figure was trembling with green light, and he caught up with Ye Han in a few flashes...

His cultivation level has also increased a lot compared to the past, but the problem of life span has been bothering him. He caught up with Ye Han and said to Ye Han: "Go! This guy is slow and can't sense our breath, so he won't chase us!"

As Mr. Lan Qing said, Ye Han's heart moved, and he quickly accelerated to escape...

Boom boom boom! The Hell Messenger moved, and took a step, covering a distance of ten thousand feet. Ye Han then saw that the Hell Messenger relied on a huge horse-like body, and four huge thighs, like pillars supporting the sky...

When the Hell Messenger moved, he rolled up an endless terrifying storm, and the rocks shook, and he chased Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing...

Although Mr. Lan Qing said that this guy was slow, it was also relative, one step was ten thousand feet...

The Hell Messenger raised his huge sickle while chasing, bursting with boundless murderous intent, and chased the two...

More than an hour later.

In a very hidden cave, Ye Han was protected by the Soul Devouring Pearl Formation, and Mr. Lan Qing was beside him...

Boom...Boom...A shocking vibration sound gradually faded away.

After a while, it disappeared.

Mr. Lan Qing said, "It seems that guy has returned to the medicine garden!"

Ye Han also breathed a sigh of relief. It was really terrible to be chased by the messenger of hell all the way. He fought back several times, but there was no effect. As Mr. Lan Qing said to the immortal thief, it was really meaningless to attack that guy. This guy was like an immortal body. He could recover immediately after breaking a big hole...

Of course, this guy was not really immortal. If he could still spend a huge price, he could still kill him with the Devil Breaking Thunder or the Absolute Cold Sword...

But this would consume too much and expose more of his magical powers and treasures...

Besides, this Hell Tower is so dangerous. He is not here to show off. His goal has been achieved for the most part. If he did not want the opportunity to advance to the God Transformation Stage as Mr. Lan Qing said, and to rescue Mr. Lan Qing's body, Ye Han would have planned to leave the Hell Tower long ago...

After all, compared with opportunities and treasures, life is also very important.

He has the heaven-defying purple tripod on him, and has found the correct method of cultivation. It may not be difficult to advance to the God Transformation Stage?

Getting rid of the hell messenger was a relief for Ye Han. At least for now, he can still accept continuing to go deeper into the Hell Tower.

After all, opportunities and treasures are not everywhere. How can a cultivator not encounter danger?

So Ye Han said: "Just get rid of that guy! Anyway, there are not many good things in the medicine garden!"

Yes, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the medicine garden has been exhausted. The medicinal materials and treasures have all gone into the pockets of Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing. It's just a pity that such a safe place for cultivation is missing.

After hearing this, Mr. Lan Qing said: "Well! It can be regarded as a coincidence. It's about time for us to leave that place."

Yes, Ye Han is not in a hurry, but he is in a hurry. His lifespan and body cannot last too long. Even if the messenger of hell does not come, he should urge Ye Han to leave the medicine garden...

At this time.

Huh! A ripple of spiritual light, the space fluctuation surged, and the immortal thief appeared not far from the two...

Although this immortal thief was weak, it had little effect on his space magic.

No wonder this immortal thief can move safely in the Tower of Hell.

Of course, this is just because the immortal thief avoided those dangerous places and did not really go deep.

The Immortal Stealer appeared and said, "My two Taoist friends! We can't go back to the medicine garden now! Let's go to the Spirit Demon Cave where the Blood Demon is, and we'll go there to deal with that old thing!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved, and he asked, "What does that guy have that can allow us to enter the hopeless land?"

The Immortal Stealer said in a deep voice, "There is a special place in the Spirit Demon Cave that can turn us into evil ghosts!"

After hearing this, Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing's faces moved: "Turn into evil ghosts?"

What does this have to do with going to the hopeless land?

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