Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 129 Tianningfang

Although Ye Han had only seen this female monk before, he only had a glimpse of her.

However, Ye Han was deeply impressed by the exaggerated curves of this female monk...

The difference was that this female monk had changed into a set of clothes, and her temperament was also different, becoming very cold.

This made Ye Han very sure that he must have some plans for him when he met this female monk on the way.

If he took care of this woman, it might be dangerous.

On the contrary, this female monk stood there, and many male monks looked at this female monk frequently, with eyes that only men had.

However, Ye Han did not have a good impression of this female monk. If this woman dared to do anything to him, don't blame him, it's not polite.

As soon as this idea came out, Ye Han felt a little strange in his heart. He used to be relatively friendly to people. Although he was more thoughtful, he would not want to do anything to the other party at every turn.

It seemed that his killing intent had become much stronger than before.

Was it because of his improved cultivation and the change in his mentality, or because the purple tripod had turned black during this period, and the evil spirit it revealed had affected him...

Maybe it was both, he was no longer a mortal.

After he came down the mountain, he did not come to Qingyun City immediately. On the way, he also went to some villages and small towns where mortals gathered, and stayed for a while...

He found that he was out of tune with them when he walked in these mortal villages and small towns.

After all, he was now a cultivator, and he could see the weakness in the aura of these mortals at a glance...

No wonder he was a mortal at the beginning. When he came to Qingxuan Sect, whether it was the Seventh Elder, the Fifth Elder, or other cultivators, they all ignored him, were too lazy to look at him, and would not pay attention to help a mortal like him, and even did not regard him as a disciple of their sect...

They left him in the cave of Qixuan Peak and ignored everything.

If he had not met the honest Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan, he would not know what he would become in Qixuan Peak.

Seeing Ye Han looking over, the female cultivator winked at Ye Han with a seductive look, her lips slightly raised, charming and attractive...

Ye Han frowned when he saw the female cultivator, and turned his head away from her.

It is better to stay as far away from such female cultivators as possible. In the travel notes of cultivators he has read, there are many cases where they suffered great losses because of being too close to a female cultivator.

There are even some cases where Taoist partners turned against each other and sucked each other's cultivation dry...

So it is better to stay away from female cultivators of the opposite sex.

So he was also very indifferent to Han Yuwan...

Soon, Ye Han lined up at the end of the line, handed over two spirit stones directly, and could enter.

But he noticed that occasionally one or two foundation-building cultivators fell down, and they didn't need to line up, and went in directly from another entrance, and they didn't have to pay spirit stones.

In the world of immortal cultivation, the strong are respected, which is reflected vividly in these places...

The group successfully entered Qingyun City. This Qingyun City is indeed a city of immortal cultivators. It is full of immortal cultivators, dressed differently and with extraordinary aura. There are almost no cultivators below the late stage of Qi Refining among the cultivators walking on the street.

Only the waiters who solicit customers and ask customers in some shops are cultivators in the middle stage of Qi Refining.

This advantage is actually the outer disciples who are eliminated by the major sects and cannot advance to the late stage of Qi Refining to become inner disciples.

Or some disciples who have little training value in some families.

In the world of immortal cultivation, as long as the sect determines that there is no training value, it will be discarded and let it fend for itself...

After all, the cultivation resources of each sect and each family are very limited. How can they be provided to these disciples who have little training value at any time?

So the competition in each sect, family and place is very fierce.

Ye Han walked on the street. There were also stalls specially set up on the street. These stalls were rented to temporary monks. There were a wide variety of natural treasures on them.

Ye Han was no longer the mortal who knew nothing when he went out...

He had read a lot of illustrated books in the library, and he knew many basic treasures, such as natural treasures.

But he did not stay at these stalls.

After all, there would not be too good things on these stalls, and there were also many defective products disguised as good things. If you don’t have a particularly unique vision and can distinguish them, you really can’t tell whether these treasures are complete or defective.

In other words, there are many inferior things that are passed off as good ones. If you don’t have a keen eye, don’t think about taking advantage.

Ye Han walked while looking around and observing the sects in the market...

Han Yuwan introduced him to a place called Tianningfang.

Although Qingyun City is not small, it is not particularly large. After all, it is only for cultivators to come. It is not as noisy as mortal cities, and the population is not as large.

There are only two streets in the entire old city.

Ye Han found the Tianningfang soon.

Tianningfang has three floors, and the building is magnificent and huge. It is a very luxurious building in Qingyun City.

Ye Han walked forward directly, and suddenly felt that someone was secretly peeping at him. He frowned, and he knew that the female cultivator was following him without even looking.

It seems that this woman is fighting with him...

But Ye Han didn't care. Not to mention that she was a female cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage, even if she was a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, she would not dare to do anything wrong in the scope of Qingyun City...

Once she was discovered by the patrolling cultivators, she would be captured and killed, and there were also Jindan Stage cultivators in this Qingyun City.

If you want to cause trouble in Qingyun City, you have to consider whether you are the opponent of the Jindan Stage cultivators and whether you can escape the killing of the Jindan Stage cultivators...

Ye Han walked to Tianningfang, and a cultivator waiter at the door immediately said to Ye Han politely: "Welcome, fellow Taoist! What kind of cultivation items do you want to find?"

Ye Han replied: "I want to buy some pills!"

The cultivator waiter immediately said: "Fellow Taoist, please follow me!"

Ye Han nodded and followed in. His cultivation level was not high, but the cultivator waiter was still polite to him.

It seems that Tianningfang is quite good at doing business. For cultivators, the strong are respected, but low-level cultivators are not treated coldly everywhere.

Because the female cultivator was still following him, he did not show the white jade token.

After entering Tianningfang, the female cultivator did not follow him in, so Ye Han said to the cultivator waiter: "My fellow Taoist, look at this."

After saying that, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and the white jade token appeared in his hand.

Seeing this token, the cultivator waiter's face changed slightly, and he immediately took it respectfully. The look in his eyes when he looked at Ye Han was different, and he immediately said: "Dear guest, please follow me!"

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