Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1308 It’s that damn rabbit!

As the Immortal Thief's words came, Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing had already activated their evil ghost bodies. Their bodies were swirling with gray-black murderous aura, and they became like nothingness. They trembled in the air, forming a strange, suffocating gray light evil aura rune surrounding their bodies...

At the moment when the two formed the empty evil aura figures.

Swish! ! ! A sharp sound of breaking through the air trembled and whistled past, and the sword light transformed by the chaotic energy instantly cut off the figures of the two...

No! It should be the figures of three people, including the Immortal Thief.

The moment Ye Han's body was cut off by the sword light of the chaotic energy, he felt a strange feeling of withdrawal from his consciousness and soul, as if his Nascent Soul was about to leave his body.

It's just that the Nascent Soul's leaving his body is driven by the cultivator's own thoughts, and the moment he was cut off by the sword light of the chaotic energy, a trace of the Nascent Soul's breath was forcibly withdrawn.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Han only found out after he advanced to the Nascent Soul stage that the Yuanshen of a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage was strong enough, and then absorbed enough Yuanshen power. Together with the golden elixir, it was transformed into a Yuanshen.

In simpler terms, the Yuanshen is a soul without a physical body, and the Yuanshen is a physical soul and contains the power of the Yuanshen, which can exert more powerful magical powers.

This is why it is easier for cultivators after the Nascent Soul stage to take over the bodies of ordinary and low-level cultivators.

After all, a soul has only a vain spirit, a soul has a strong body, and the power of the Yuanshen...

Naturally, if a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage is forced to take over the body of another cultivator, it is actually very likely that he will be seriously injured and his body will not be preserved, so he needs to take over the body and be reborn.

Most likely, the reason is that he was severely injured and not as strong as he was in his prime.

This feeling of the soul being extracted should be what the immortal thieves said. Although the evil ghost body can ignore the attack of the chaotic energy, it will not hurt the body.

However, at the moment of attack, it will hurt the cultivator's Nascent Soul. Although each attack does not extract much, if it is hit many times, it will still be affected. In serious cases, the Nascent Soul will be damaged, which is also very troublesome.

Of course, there is no way to resist this, but it is better than forcibly resisting the attack of this chaotic energy.

Boom!!! After the sword attack of the chaotic energy passed through the two people's figures, it hit the ground, and the ground was bombarded and exploded. A long hook was cut on the ground, and countless rocks splashed...

It seems that the destructive power is not particularly strong, but Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing saw it clearly. That's because the rocks in this hopeless place are a special kind of rocks, which should still contain restrictions...

A lot of destructive power is resisted by this restriction and the rock itself.

The attack of this chaotic energy will hurt and extract a trace of the soul of the cultivator. This is what the Immortal Stealing Alien Race has told them long ago.

However, Ye Han discovered that although a trace of his Nascent Soul soul was also extracted, the purple rune armor on his Nascent Soul spun with aura, and the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness also trembled, releasing a trace of purple tripod aura that flowed into his Nascent Soul.

Suddenly, Ye Han felt that his Nascent Soul soul aura that had been extracted was gradually restored with the influx of the purple tripod aura.

Seeing this situation, Ye Han felt relieved. The reason why he was willing to help Mr. Lan Qing find a body was that he was moved by the treasure opportunity of advancing to the God Transformation Stage mentioned by Mr. Lan Qing, the Immortal Stealer Alien, and on the other hand, it was because he had the huge reliance on the purple tripod, a heaven-defying treasure.

The purple tripod, which was damaged by the attack of the chaotic energy, could also recover the Nascent Soul soul, which was the biggest reliance.

You know, the most dangerous thing in the hopeless land is the attack of the chaotic energy, and there is also the existence of the chaotic black demon mentioned by the immortal thieves, and there are also unknown dangers in the hopeless land...

To be honest, the others are easy to say, Ye Han has a certain degree of confidence that he can save his life.

The most feared thing is the unknown danger, and the cultivators are also most afraid of unknown dangers, because they have never encountered them. Otherwise, if they happen, the cultivators may not be able to react in time no matter how fast they react.

At any time, the unknown danger is the most deadly. Ye Han has practiced for hundreds of years and has experienced many risks and dangers. In summary, the risks that have never been encountered are the most dangerous. If he had not had enough means, powerful treasures, and the heaven-defying purple tripod to escort him.

The most important thing is the blessing of luck and a calm mind, which is why he has achieved today.

It is precisely because of the increasing number of dangers that Yue Han has become more and more cautious.

After all, at this moment, if you encounter unknown risks, you may die in an instant, and all your efforts will be wasted. Hundreds of years of cultivation will be wiped out...

The Immortal Stealer recovered and looked at Ye Han and Mr. Lan Qing and said, "Let's go! Let's go! If the Chaos Black Demon finds our movements, it will be even more troublesome!"

Mr. Lan Qing nodded and ran rapidly in one direction...

When the three of them ran, they all operated the body of the evil ghost. Their bodies seemed like ghosts, and they did not emit a trace of breath when they ran.

The terrain of this hopeless land is generally flat. In addition to the huge puddles that appear from time to time on the ground, there are also some ravines attacked by the sword blades of the chaotic energy...

So although it is flat, you still have to keep moving around those puddles of chaotic water.

Soon, they encountered the Immortal Thief Alien Clan and the Chaos Black Demon mentioned by Mr. Lan Qing. These guys hid in the puddle of Chaos Water. They looked like they were covered in black armor, with a long flat head, a long thin tail, hands on all four limbs, thin eyes, and a mouth full of fangs. They looked very scary.

However, the three of them did not alarm these guys, and fled all the way at a fast speed to prevent them from discovering their tracks...

The location of Mr. Lan Qing's body was still quite far away. As the terrain gradually tilted, they gradually came to a huge depression. The area of ​​Chaos Water began to increase, and the number of Chaos Black Demons also increased, and their bodies became larger and their breath became more terrifying...

Just as they were running in this low-lying land.


Boom boom boom! ! ! A series of roars exploded from a distance, and Ye Han and the other two suddenly changed their faces.

Mr. Lan Qing immediately said: "Something's going on! Let's hide!"

As he spoke, his figure became blurred and disappeared into the air. Ye Han and the Immortal Thief also hid their figures...

A white light was seen rushing past thousands of feet away like a stream of light.

Seeing this, Ye Han was shocked: "It's that damn rabbit!!"

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