Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 135: Casual Cultivator Ye Chunsheng

The young cultivator looked at Ye Han in disbelief and said, "Fellow Daoist, do you really want so many talismans?"

Yes, he had been setting up a stall here for the third day, and only a few talismans were sold. Most of the cultivators had no intention of buying after listening to his quotation and explanation, and turned around and left.

Even the few talismans that were sold were bargained for and sold at a loss.

So he took the initiative to lower the price, but Ye Han not only did not bargain, but also bought so many talismans at once?

Ten of each kind, then at least six or seven hundred spirit stones, then he could raise enough spirit stones.

He looked at Ye Han in disbelief, wondering if this guy who seemed to have a lower cultivation level than him was playing a trick on him? Does this guy have so many spirit stones?

Ye Han smiled and said, "What? Are you still limiting the quantity?"

The young monk immediately said, "Sell!"

He immediately ordered ten of each talisman, but most of the intermediate talismans did not have that many, so Ye Han asked him to take them all at once.

The young man pointed his finger, and the talismans were swept by the magic power and piled in his hand. He looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han understood his eyes, and his consciousness swept the stack of talismans, saying, "One hundred and twenty primary talismans cost two hundred and forty spirit stones, and twenty intermediate talismans cost exactly two hundred and forty spirit stones, a total of four hundred and eighty spirit stones, right?"

As he said that, he patted his storage bag, and a small bag of spirit stones appeared in his hand. He put it in front of the young monk and said, "This is four hundred and eighty spirit stones! Please order it, fellow Taoist!"

This young monk was so embarrassed. He was originally short of spirit stones, and he was afraid that he would bargain after taking the things.

The young man looked at the bag of spiritual stones with surprise. He scanned it with his spiritual sense and found that the number was correct. He directly handed the talisman in his hand to Ye Han and said, "Daoyou, please keep the talisman!"

Ye Han took it and scanned it casually with his spiritual sense. These talismans were slightly different from those he had seen. With a flash of spiritual light on his hand, he put them into the storage bag.

Ye Han asked, "Daoyou, did you make these talismans yourself?"

The young man nodded and said, "I made them. I have more experience in the way of talismans. If Daoyou needs talismans, you can come to me in the future!"

There are not many big customers like Ye Han. If you can make a good relationship with him, your talismans will have a market in the future.

Ye Han looked at him and asked, "If I need it, I will find you. By the way, which sect or family are you from? I can't come here to find you, right?"

You know, the way of refining talismans consumes a lot of energy in the early stage and the failure rate is very high.

To put it bluntly, the talisman refiners, alchemists, weapon refiners, array masters, puppet masters, etc. in the world of immortal cultivation not only require the cultivators to have talents in this area, but also consume a lot of resources to cultivate them.

Only the big sects and big families have such strength to cultivate high-level talisman refiners and the like...

This young man, no matter how you look at him, he doesn't look like a cultivator disciple from a big sect or big family. It is rare to have such a high talent for talisman refinement.

As expected, the young man replied: "I am a casual cultivator, my name is Ye Chunsheng! If you want to find me, you can use the communication talisman to find me!"

After he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and a talisman was handed to Ye Han.

This special communication talisman can directly contact the cultivator in the spiritual consciousness mark, as long as he is within a certain range, the communication can be initiated.

Ye Han put away the communication talisman, looked Ye Chunsheng up and down, and said: "Okay, oh, by the way, do you have any more special talismans?"

In fact, he wanted to get in touch with Ye Chunsheng and wanted to know what on his body attracted Zi Ding.

And this thing should be on his body, not in the storage bag.

If Zi Ding can sense the things in the storage bag, it would be against the will of heaven.

Even if the cultivation base is far beyond his Jindan stage, Yuanying stage cultivators can't see the things inside the storage bag through the storage bag, because the things in the storage bag are in a special space.

So Ye Han concluded that this thing was on Ye Chunsheng, but he looked left and right and couldn't see where it was?

Hearing Ye Han's question, Ye Chunsheng frowned slightly and shook his head and said: "No more!"

Speaking like this, he inadvertently covered his arms.

At this time

A patrolling monk came from a distance and said to Ye Chunsheng: "No. 118, it's time to renew it?"

Ye Chunsheng immediately said: "No! Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

As he said that, he waved his hand, and the spiritual light trembled. All the things were put into the storage bag and he walked out on his own initiative.

He had been setting up a stall for several days, but he didn't sell many talismans. If he hadn't met Ye Han, a big customer, he would have lost a lot of money on the stall fee...

Ye Chunsheng put away the things, and the patrolling monk came over and put up a sign to indicate that the stall was available for rent.

Ye Chunsheng bowed to Ye Han again and said: "My fellow Taoist, I'm going back. If you need anything, please find me again."

Although Ye Han wanted to keep Ye Chunsheng, it seemed impossible. If he said too much, it would seem that he had other intentions.

Anyway, Ye Chunsheng had already given him the communication talisman, and he would find him again after a while.

He couldn't rush it.

So Ye Han also said: "Okay!"

Ye Han watched Ye Chunsheng leave, and saw his back hurriedly walking forward, and then entered a market, obviously taking the spirit stones to buy something.

However, Ye Han thought that he had met Ye Chunsheng and the purple tripod had some reaction, so he decided to walk around the city for a while, maybe he could encounter something that would make the purple tripod react.

Unfortunately, Ye Han thought too much. After walking around the city again, he didn't find anything else.

He thought the weather was fine and planned to leave the city.

When he passed Tianningfang, he found that the female cultivator was finally gone, obviously gone.

He had a lot of things on him now, and it would not be a good thing to let others notice him.

So he quietly left the city, changed into another image, and went back to Qixuan Peak.

For low-level cultivators like him, if they can avoid activities outside, they should not move outside. They should try to be safer in the sect. It is safer to form a team with some fellow disciples when they have reached a certain level of cultivation.

Ye Han left the city and left quickly.

He deliberately avoided some places with more cultivators, and left Qingyun City in a blink of an eye. After dozens of miles, he was out of the patrol range of Qingyun City's patrolling cultivators.

This is not very safe, so he simply used the invisible cloak to conceal his figure and breath, which would be safer.

When Ye Han passed a very remote valley.

He suddenly felt a surge of magic power, followed by a series of muffled explosions, as if someone was fighting.

Ye Han's face changed, and he didn't want to care about this trivial matter, and was about to leave.

"Hong Niangzi! You are looking for death!" Ye Chunsheng's voice came from inside...

Ye Han stopped immediately after hearing Ye Chunsheng's voice. Could it be that this guy was in danger?

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