Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1366 Extraordinary beads

Yes, this bead is the reward given to him by As Saint Son. This bead has a very strong attraction to Zi Ding.

When he first arrived at the Tower of Hell, Zi Ding began to feel vibrations at such a long distance.

This is very rare, and it is also understood very early that the stronger and farther the Zi Ding feels for those treasures, the more important this treasure is to Zi Ding, and the greater its role.

Sure enough, when Ye Han took out this purple rune spinning bead from the storage bag, he could actually see that this treasure was absolutely extraordinary. The rune aura of this purple rune spinning alone was extremely complex, which made him dizzy. It was not an ordinary rune, but a naturally formed rune.

Generally, this kind of treasure contains the law of heaven...

He now senses Zi Ding and has a very strong desire for this purple bead...

However, the situation inside Zi Ding is almost the same. The mysterious woman in the coffin still wants to come out, and the purple rune big hand presses the coffin board to prevent this guy from coming out.

The Fantian Pagoda was still bombarding the small tripod with gold and silver runes. The runes on the small tripod had dimmed a lot, but it was still resisting violently.

This made Ye Han smile bitterly. If the Fantian Pagoda smashed the small tripod, it would not be a good thing.

Perhaps, the only solution was the purple bead in his hand.

Ye Han felt the desire of the purple tripod, and immediately made a gesture with his spiritual consciousness, and let go of the purple bead that was blocking the purple tripod from absorbing...

Ye Han felt that as his cultivation reached the Nascent Soul stage, the purple tripod's resistance to him became weaker and weaker, and it became more and more obedient to him. It seemed that he still needed to improve his cultivation.

Sure enough, when he let go of the purple tripod, the purple runes swirled to absorb the purple bead, and directly sucked the purple bead into the purple tripod.


Buzz buzz buzz! ! The purple tripod produced an amazing vortex rune, madly absorbing the breath on the purple bead.

A scene that surprised Ye Han appeared. The purple cauldron had almost exhausted its aura, but as it absorbed the aura of the purple bead, it immediately recovered more than half.

Moreover, a purple rune began to wriggle in the purple cauldron, and a purple bead gradually emerged in the center of the cauldron, which was the bead that the purple cauldron absorbed.

Of course, the purple cauldron absorbed this bead, not just one more bead. He felt that the aura of the purple cauldron was changing rapidly, producing a mysterious change, which made him feel that his aura was also changing.

More importantly, the purple cauldron became much stronger with this bead, because he pressed down the coffin of the mysterious woman, and it moved.

Then some chains made of purple runes were released, and they wrapped around the small cauldron with gold and silver runes trembling...

Ka Ka Ka! The small cauldron with gold and silver runes could not move immediately, and its aura was constantly absorbed by the purple cauldron. The aura and material of the entire purple cauldron were undergoing an unprecedented change.

Huh! The Fantian Pagoda seemed to sense this situation and stopped bombing the small tripod. It turned into a pagoda again and suppressed the water spirit coffin, preventing the mysterious woman from coming out...

Ye Han felt that the situation inside the purple tripod had finally returned to calm and orderly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the golden sapling on the purple tripod again. Maybe the purple tripod had been constantly consumed during this period, and the time of reduction was too much. The growth of this golden sapling was very limited, that is, it was only a small inch longer than before.

The same situation happened to the gourd vine. He knew that the designated gourd vine had only grown a little bit.

But he thought about it carefully. Since entering the Hell Tower, he has consumed too much of the purple tripod.

In addition to the harvest in the Juling Medicine Garden, the elixir that restored the purple tripod's aura and other natural treasures and treasures.

At other times, it was always consumed, and even in order to save his life, he used the purple tripod to block the attack of the Super Crescent Shenzhou...

If it weren't for the opportunity to repair and recover a few times, the situation of the purple tripod might be worse than it is now.

But now the Purple Cauldron is absorbing the Three Realms Gourd, the rabbit of the Big Ear Moon Clan, the Yin-Yang Bead, and the current purple bead. The aura has recovered a lot, especially with the addition of the purple bead, the Purple Cauldron has undergone unprecedented changes.

This makes Ye Han feel a little bit of anticipation.

Solving the problem of the Purple Cauldron also makes Ye Han feel relieved, and now he has found himself.

In order to kill the King of Chaos, at all costs, he used the God and Demon Hand to drive the Absolute Cold Sword. The backlash of the sword he launched was too terrifying.

He felt that his right arm was almost useless, which was worse than the attack when the Absolute Cold Sword was absorbed by the Creation Fairy Stone, because he found that the God and Demon Hand of his arm could not be restored, and it also released a trace of demonic energy, constantly invading his arm.

It is very likely that his arm has also been demonized because of this. Once his arm is demonized, it will affect his entire practice.

Why do you say that?

Because what Ye Han has been practicing is not the magic technique, but the pure five elements technique, which does not belong to the immortal clan's technique. Ye Han estimated that this is the Qingxuan Sect's technique that is very suitable for the ancient human race to practice.

Ye Han also guessed that the reason why Qingxuan Sect was so tolerant in the earthly realm was because it should have been the main force against the gods and demons back then. Otherwise, why would the immortals arrange a Beilu Immortal Sect to monitor Qingxuan Sect?

So this inherited technique is most likely the most suitable technique for human cultivators like him to practice.

After all, since he practiced the Five Elements Inherited Technique, the more he practiced, the more he felt that he had not practiced to the extreme, and this technique was more mysterious and profound than he imagined.

But now if his arm was demonized, then Ye Han's body would become a mess, unable to form a complete meridian of the Five Elements circulation, which would be very fatal.

Just like what was said before, the body of a cultivator cannot be destroyed, missing arms and legs, and the body cannot become immortal. This is the consensus of all cultivators...

If Ye Han's arm was demonized, it would be equivalent to losing a normal arm, which is actually the same reason, becoming a body.

However, Ye Han had thought of many solutions while running all the way!

The solution is quite complicated, which requires the use of the evil spirit bead's evil ghost body, the practice of better ice attribute skills, the purple tripod for healing, the use of the immortal spirit bowl, and the use of elixirs...

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