Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1379 Not the same person

Looking at Murong Xian's strange expression, Ye Han understood that there were only two possible situations. One was that it was not convenient to say, and the other was that the place where the portrait appeared was not very good. It was either a wanted order or an enemy...

So, Ye Han transmitted his voice and said, "Don't be nervous, just tell the truth!"

Murong Xian then carefully transmitted his voice to Ye Han, "It seems to be a wanted order issued by Beilu Xian Sect! But Senior Ye, don't worry, our Haiwang Sect has a very ordinary relationship with Beilu Xian Sect. After receiving the wanted order, our sect did not pass it down...!"

Ye Han listened to Murong Xian's words, and it was obvious from the performance of others that they did not know him.

But he was also a little surprised. His killing of Wu Xuankong was a very secret matter, and it happened in Tianji Hall. No one knew about it.

This time, he came out of Tianji Hall. Although he offended Dao Tianji and killed his Nascent Soul clone, the two did not meet, and it was impossible for him to recognize his true appearance.

How could he know what I look like and have a portrait of me wanted?

Murong Xian looked at Ye Han with some confusion and frowned slightly. Although this senior looked almost exactly like the one in the portrait, the one in the portrait looked older, and this one looked very young now.

Could it be that this senior became younger because of his improved cultivation?

However, Murong Xian didn't dare to say much, and the others didn't dare to say much either, after all, Ye Han had easily killed a powerful demon king like the sharp-toothed fish king in the water.

This cultivation was definitely extraordinary, and even the most powerful elder of his sect was no match for this guy.

Such a cultivator must definitely try his best to please him. If he just showed a little bit of his magical power and gave some pointers, it would be an endless opportunity for them.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was not that simple, as if there was some misunderstanding.

He also remembered that when Mr. Lan Qing was reborn with the rebirth gourd, his appearance was exactly the same as his. It was Mr. Lan Qing who did it on purpose...

But has Mr. Lan Qing ever been to the North Luzhou Continent after his rebirth?

Murong Xian saw that Ye Han looked strange, and it seemed that he didn't want too many people to know about his own affairs, so he said to the others: "Go down, continue our voyage, I will talk to the senior."

The others answered respectfully one by one: "Yes! Young Master!"

After that, everyone left.

Murong Xian took the initiative to invite Ye Han and said: "Senior Ye! How about we have a chat in the cabin?"

Ye Han replied: "No need! I'll ask you a few questions."

As he said that, he waved his hand casually, and a forbidden light shield covered the two people. If the cultivation level was not as high as Ye Han, it would naturally be impossible to spy on their conversation.

After releasing the forbidden light shield, Ye Han asked, "What's my name written on the wanted poster of Beilu Xian Sect?"

Murong Xian was stunned. How could a junior like him dare to call a high-level cultivator like Ye Han by his name?

Although the other party asked this, she felt a little strange...

But Murong Xian still answered, "Senior, aren't you Senior Ye Tianyu?"

Indeed, the person in the portrait looks very similar to Ye Han, but I always feel that the temperament is a little different, but now she is not sure.

After hearing this, Ye Han's face suddenly became solemn, and he took a breath and asked, "Are you sure it's Ye Tianyu?"

Ye Tianyu is the eldest brother of Qixuan Peak mentioned by Zhang Lingjun, the eldest disciple of the seventh elder...

Maybe he is also his biological father in their mouths?

I didn't expect to hear about him from Murong Xian. Fairy Qingfeng had always said that Ye Tianyu might have come to the North Luzhou continent through the ancient teleportation array...

For this reason, Ye Han even came to the North Luzhou continent, but because of the accident of the fifth elder, he did not reach the location of the teleportation array and did not find any news about Ye Tianyu.

And later Fairy Qingfeng also came to the North Luzhou continent to look for the eldest brother and never went back...

Under such a coincidence, I learned about Ye Tianyu.

But Murong Xian was a little surprised when she looked at Ye Han's expression and tone. Given the cultivation level of this senior, he might not have such an expression, right? I always felt that this situation was a bit beyond his expectations.

Why does it feel like he mentioned the name of Ye Tianyu as if he was talking about someone else?

So, Murong Xian couldn't help but said to Ye Han: "Senior! Is there any problem with this matter?"

Ye Han nodded and replied: "The wanted order you saw is not me, but it is related to me. I am also looking for this person."

Yes, although he did not deliberately look for Ye Tianyu, but now by chance, he got the news of this guy, and he still planned to find out clearly.

After all, he has suffered so much in Qingniu Village for so many years, and he must ask what happened. He has not forgotten his days in Qingniu Village because he has become a cultivator.

There is another very important reason. If Ye Tianyu is his biological father, then what about his biological mother?

No matter how high-level a cultivator he becomes, this matter is still very concerned. After all, he is still a human being, not a goblin or a ghost that jumped out of a stone.

So he did not deny anything, but said that he had a relationship with Ye Tianyu. After all, Murong Xian recognized him, it must be because Ye Tianyu's appearance is very similar to his own?

After hearing Ye Han's words, Murong Xian finally reacted and said, "Senior! I think your appearance is indeed a little different from the appearance on the wanted poster. It turns out that they are not the same person!"

Ye Han said lightly, "Yes! They are indeed not the same person."

After a pause, he asked, "Where is your Sea King Sect? I want to talk to your Sect Master and take a look at the wanted poster."

Murong Xian obviously did not have the wanted poster, but had only seen it, so he planned to go to the Sea King Sect to see what was going on with Ye Tianyu on the so-called wanted poster?

Murong Xian showed a hint of joy on her face and replied: "Senior, we are going back to our Sea King Sect. If you don't mind, you can take our Sea King Sect's ship back with us."

At this point, Murong Xian bowed respectfully to Ye Han and said: "Please take the trouble to protect our Sea King Sect's ship. We will reward you! Please promise me!"

After hearing this, Ye Han showed a hint of strangeness and said: "By the way! This place should not be a particularly dangerous place, why did we encounter monster attacks?"

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