Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1388 Blood-killing Dzi Bead

Murong Haiyue's escape speed was extremely fast. In a short time, he flew hundreds of miles away. In the center of the island, he saw a huge lake, hundreds of miles wide...

The entire Bay Island is a huge land island thousands of miles long, forming an oval shape, with a circular lake in the middle, which is Neptune Lake...

The whole thing looks like a huge eye.

The entire Neptune Lake is surrounded by huge formation pillars, each of which is thousands of feet high, surrounding the entire Neptune Lake, forming a formation restriction light shield...

On these formation pillars, there are heads with monsters on them. They open their mouths and spit out circles of gray breath...

And now, the entire Neptune Lake is shaking violently, with surging waves...

At the position close to the outlet of the sea, the huge Neptune, with blood-red light threads trembling all over his body, was frantically hitting the forbidden defense of the huge Neptune Lake...

I saw that the exposed head of this Neptune was thousands of feet long. There was a huge golden horn on the head, which was covered with mysterious runes. The whole head looked like a huge sea fish...

On the whole, this Neptune's body is as white as jade, and his scales are all white, but his eyes are now red and bloodshot, and he is hitting the forbidden light mask in a very painful way...

As the snow-white Sea King crazily collided with the forbidden light barrier, a sound was heard, and a heaven-shaking buzzing trembled...

The vibrations of the entire island are also radiated from here.

You know, this Neptune was controlled by the two major families of the Neptune Sect, the Murong family and the Canghai family, using special methods many years ago.

And they used special techniques to extract the beast blood aura of the Sea King to form a special sacrifice formation, which allowed their Sea King Island to possess the spiritual energy of heaven and earth far beyond ordinary places, and they could also practice special Sea King Sect secret techniques. …

It can be said that this Sea King is the foundation of the Sea King Sect!

In the past few decades, Neptune seems to have been affected by some kind of secret method and emotional agitation, and he has been attacking this forbidden formation crazily!

It can also be said that Neptune came to his senses and didn't want to be controlled anymore, so he thought of attacking this formation...

See this scene.

Murong Haiyue's face turned ugly. Why was Neptune becoming more and more irritable when he was always under strict control?

Thinking like this, Murong Haiyue patted the storage bag and found a simple and extremely ring-shaped token in his hand. There was a ball emitting blue aura runes on it, and inside was a white and transparent Neptune's soul...

This white and transparent Neptune Soul fell asleep in the token...

After taking out the Neptune's Soul Token, Murong Haiyue quickly chanted the incantation, and circles of rune mana continued to penetrate and emit from the Soul Token...


Buzz! ! A fierce and boundless arrogance stimulated the Sea King soul to jump up from his deep sleep, roared crazily, and let out a strange roar.

And Murong Haiyue pointed a finger, causing the roaring voice of the Sea King soul to form a strange ripple, rushing towards the snow-white Sea King restricted by the formation...

The Snow-white Sea King, who was originally roaring violently, started to tremble violently, and his blood-red eyes gradually regained their clarity, and the restraining light shield without attack disappeared.

Instead, it became quiet, and the vibrations on the entire island stopped.

Ouch! ! The snow-white Sea King roared twice and gradually got into the lake...

The entire Neptune Lake gradually calmed down at this moment.

Many immortal cultivators from the Neptune Sect breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this scene...

If Neptune escapes, they, the cultivators of Neptune Sect, will be in big trouble.

Without Neptune, they would be unable to continue practicing the techniques they had reached the halfway point.

This is unbearable for them.

That's when.

Whoops! !

Like a flash of lightning, with a few tremors, he arrived in front of Murong Haiyue...

I saw that the person who came had an old face and a short and fat figure. He was Elder Canghai, the great elder of the Neptune Sect!

As soon as Elder Canghai appeared, he angrily said to Murong Haiyue: "Murong Haiyue! What are you doing? If you can't control the Sea King properly, give the Sea King Order to me for safekeeping!!!"

Seeing Elder Canghai appear, Murong Haiyue frowned and said: "Elder Canghai! The Sea King Order is kept by the leader. This is a rule left many years ago. Don't you know? Who knew you didn't have any thoughts!"

hateful! Every time this damn Elder Canghai appears, he criticizes himself and destroys his reputation in the sect.

Don't think you don't know, they have colluded with the Beilu Xian Sect...

Elder Canghai really said indifferently: "Of course I know this is a rule left from ancient times, but it's not okay for the Sea King to be restless all the time."

As he said that, he patted the storage bag, and a crystal clear ball of light appeared in his hand. There was actually a soul of Neptune in it. He said in a deep voice: "Forget it! I'll give you the soul of our Canghai family. Strengthen your control over Neptune!"

As he spoke, Elder Canghai pointed his finger, and the ball of light flew towards Murong Haiyue...

Murong Haiyue did not expect that at this time, Elder Canghai would actually hand over to him the soul of the Sea King who separated the two families back then?


There must be something wrong!

Murong Haiyue reacted immediately, his body trembled and turned into a beam of light, avoiding the Sea King Soul thrown by Elder Canghai...


Buzz! ! The crystal clear Sea King Soul actually burst out a terrible blood rune, and then continued to bloom in all directions, exploding like fireworks, and the area of ​​tens of thousands of feet in radius was within the range of this blood rune...

Huff! ! Murong Haiyue's figure flashed out thousands of feet away, his face was very ugly...

Because he found that he could not escape the range of this blood rune even if he went out a little further.

He shouted with an ugly face: "Blood-killing Sky Bead?! Elder Canghai!! What are you going to do?!"

Elder Canghai said with a hint of indifference: "What do you want to do? You know better than me!"

As he said that, the spiritual light in his hand trembled, and the real spiritual bead of the Sea King's Soul of the Canghai family appeared in his hand...

Elder Canghai chanted a spell and pinched the Sea King's Soul Bead in his hand...

Huff! !

The soul bead emitted a brilliant spiritual light and directly crashed into the forbidden light shield of the Sea King Lake, and suddenly shattered.

The Sea King's Soul inside turned into a spiritual light and drilled into the lake!

Ah! ! ! The roar of the Sea King that shook the earth and shook and broke out inside...

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