Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1412 Fengtian Situation


The incomparably huge Crescent Moon Divine Boat advanced by attacking the wind and waves, gliding rapidly on the sea surface, vibrating and rushing out boundless waves, advancing like a sharp sword...

What is amazing is that such a huge Shenzhou at such a fast speed is not only very stable, but also very quiet...

On the deck of the Shenzhou, a group of immortal cultivators from Tianyajiao were dissecting the corpses of the beheaded sea monsters.

In the cabin, Ye Han was talking to the bald old man...

The reason why Ye Han took the initiative to invite many immortal cultivators from this corner of the world to return to Fengtian Continent...

On the one hand, it is indeed as he said. The immortal cultivators in Tianyajiao have been at their wits end in resisting the attacks of the sea monster for so many years. Most of the residents and immortal cultivators have moved away from the island.

Although he rescued them this time and killed the sea monster besieging the island, after he left, the immortal cultivators in Tianyajiao were left alone and helpless and would still be destroyed by the sea monster.

Besides, the spiritual energy and resources of the world in Tianyajiao are consumed very much. Without training resources, it will be difficult to resist the attack of the sea monster.

On the other hand, Ye Han also wanted to follow the bald old man and others to learn more about the basic situation of Fengtian Continent in recent years.

So he invited them to take a boat and go back to the mainland with him.

On the contrary, after killing so many sea monsters, Ye Han asked the immortal cultivators from Tianyajiao to pack them all up in storage bags and dissect them on the deck. Bones are bones, meat is meat, demon pills, blood essence, skin, and scales. A, each part actually has a different function. Ye Han is too lazy to deal with the decomposition and dissection of each piece personally...

Let these immortal cultivators from Tianyajiao handle it. After that, half of each side...

In fact, even if Ye Han wanted to take them all, these immortal cultivators would not have any objections...

Therefore, these immortal cultivators in Tianyajiao not only saved their lives, but also got so many excellent materials for nothing, which can be regarded as a great opportunity.

Not to mention, a few of these immortal cultivators have become great cultivators because they obtained such a large sum of demonic beast materials.

Of course, Ye Han didn't have the magical power to predict the future, so he gave these guys treasures and materials just because they were destined to be with him.

Murong Xian was piloting the Crescent Moon Divine Boat in another cabin.

Fairy Qingfeng is practicing in seclusion.

A few hours later.

Ye Han said to the bald old man: "I have nothing to do, you go and rest!"

The bald old man replied respectfully: "Senior! I'll go then! If you have any orders, just give them. I'll just wait."

Ye Han nodded, waved his hand and said, "Go!"

The bald old man bowed respectfully and left happily.

The reason why this guy was so happy was that Ye Han gave him a pill that increased his longevity. For a cultivator like him who didn't have much longevity, it was a priceless treasure.

Ye Han looked at the back of the old man going out, frowned, and sighed to himself: "It seems! The situation in Fengtian is much worse than expected."

Yes, Ye Han chatted with the bald old man for several hours and learned about the situation in Fengtian Continent from his mouth.

Tianyajiao is different from Neptune Island where Murong Xian is located. The island is a city far away from the mainland where mortal cultivators live together. There is little communication with the outside world...

Although Tianyajiao is an island, in fact, it is an island where immortal cultivators who want to go out to sea to hunt monsters and sea monsters gather. There are many immortal cultivators from all over the mainland.

If it hadn't been for the chaos of war between monsters and monsters all over Fengtian Continent in recent years, and most of the sects of immortal cultivators had too much time to take care of themselves, Tianyajiao would not be so easily besieged by sea monsters now.

From the mouth of the bald old man, we can know that the reason why Fengtian Continent is so chaotic is that there are two main reasons for the chaos. There is an invasion of demons in the east. It is said that a powerful demon has opened a demon passage to another world and has occupied several areas. In this area, a powerful demon army has formed, continuously expanding towards the mainland in the east...

The other one is in the far north. More than ten demon emperors have joined forces to form an army of demon beasts. They have established a demon clan alliance and are still attracting demon clans and demon beasts to join.

Monster Alliance...

The Demon Clan Alliance claims to restore the ancient times, restore the Demon God Kingdom, destroy the human race, become the master of the continent again, re-grow the Demon Clan, and has reached an alliance with the Demon Saint Kingdom of the Boundless Sea...

That’s why the boundless sea monsters attack the mainland in such a coordinated manner, in order to consume the vitality of the human race’s immortal cultivators and constantly weaken the human race’s immortal cultivators...

The demon army is also frantically attacking the human race. It seems that it has reached some kind of tacit agreement with the demon clan alliance. There is still another alliance, and it is constantly expanding to attack the human race's immortal cultivators...

In just a hundred years, the demon and monster armies have encroached on one-third of Fengtian Continent, and many sects of immortal cultivators have been wiped out.

The worst thing is the mortals. In front of the powerful monsters and demons, these mortals have no power to resist at all. They are devoured by the demons and kill thousands of mortals...

So Fengtian Continent now is completely the same as when Ye Han left.

Just as Mr. Liu told him back then, chaos will arise in the land and it will soon be chaotic...

It seems that Mr. Liu had expected it...

However, Ye Han also asked the bald old man Tianlan about the situation at Qingxuan Gate. Unfortunately, Tianlan was in the south of Fengtian Continent, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Tianyajiao.

The bald old man said that in the past, Tianyajiao could occasionally encounter a few cultivators from Tianlan, but in the past 100 years, there has been no cultivators from Tianlan...

There are rumors that the demons of Fengtian Continent seem to hate the cultivators of Tianlan very much. Although it is not their main battlefield, they have sent a large number of demon troops to Tianlan...

Because a large number of demon troops blocked Tianlan's way to various places, in fact, Tianlan now seems to be trapped in the south of the continent...

The bald old man didn't know the specific situation.

Ye Han guessed that when he hadn't left the earth to go to the Tianji Palace, he heard that there were demons in the mainland. He didn't think about it deeply. After all, even if the demon king who was killed by him at the time, although his cultivation was extraordinary and his means were extraordinary, he couldn't make trouble on the mainland. After all, his cultivation was only at the Jindan stage.

Now there is a demon army on the mainland. After all, the demons in the earth are extremely rare. How did they come?

According to what the bald old man said, it seems that the demon army is made up of mortals and immortal cultivators who have been demonized...

When this happened, Ye Han couldn't help but doubt, could it be that he still failed to kill the demon king?

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