Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1488 The power of the three supreme laws? !

What is going on? Why do I feel this way? ! Is this the legendary benefit of overcoming the longevity tribulation?

Both his mana and Nascent Soul felt this amazing change! Originally, his cultivation had become much stronger when he reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and this longevity tribulation, the law power that erupted during Kuishan, could actually make him feel comfortable and his mana changed?

And this level of tribulation is not that difficult for Ye Han now...


This is just the beginning.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! The sky roared and shook, and the boundless blood-red lightning kept rolling and surging in it. The whole world was extremely dark, and the boundless thunder and lightning surged...

Boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! A brilliant blood-red lightning flashed in the air. The boundless blood-red lightning flashed like a spider web, splitting the sky into countless cracks. A red lightning flash of tens of thousands of feet in size burst out and blasted down on Ye Han's head...

Ah!!! This red lightning flash actually contained the terrifying and suffocating face of the thief old sky. It instantly crushed the storm of heaven and earth and blasted directly on Ye Han's head...

Ye Han felt that the power of this heavenly tribulation lightning was at least twice as strong as before, but this did not bother him!

"Get out!" Ye Han roared, and his mana burst out. The figure of the Nine-Turn Vajra Art spinning on his body had turned into a huge figure, like a god. His hands repeatedly blasted out fists of thousands of feet in size, towards the huge heavenly tribulation lightening.

Boom boom boom!!! The violent storm-like fist and lightning collided in the sky, and golden storms and red lightning continued to explode...

The terrifying storm lightning was impacting the area within a hundred miles, and the sea was shaken to produce a tsunami thousands of feet high!

Ye Han felt that as he continued to resist the power of the red lightning catastrophe, the special law power emitted was getting stronger and stronger...

This seemed to be the power of the law of life, which was one of the three supreme laws!

Ye Han sensed it very clearly this time...

However, such a crazy use of the Nine-Turn Vajra Art made Ye Han consume an astonishing amount of mana, and he had not yet completely resisted the catastrophe. However, as Ye Han's consciousness moved...

Buzz buzz buzz! ! The breath of the purple tripod quickly replenished his mana!

Boom boom boom! ! The power of the fist that Ye Han blasted out exploded and resisted the second bombardment of the catastrophe...

However! ! !

The thief God seemed determined to punish Ye Han, boom boom! ! The boundless thunderstorm clouds swirled and burst out in the sky...

An even more powerful thunderstorm is brewing!

Ye Han looked at the heavenly calamity proudly and said angrily: "God wants to kill me? Look at me breaking the sky!!!"

With Ye Han's words against the heaven, a more powerful magic power suddenly burst out from his body. The God and Demon Hand in his right hand, the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell, and the Qingxuan Palace, the three most powerful treasures, were released...

As Ye Han's magic power poured into these three treasures crazily, the world trembled, and the boundless spiritual energy of the world crazily drilled into them.

The God and Demon Hand turned into a huge one, and countless figures of demon kings and demon kings flew out of the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell. The Qingxuan Palace also built a palace of a huge one, which transformed into a boundless illusion...

Hundreds of miles away!

Hua La La! !

A huge monster appeared in the sea, looking at the endless thunder tribulation surging in the sky, with greed in his eyes...

Good guy, he actually dared to come to the sea to survive the tribulation, this guy is looking for death! !

This guy will definitely be seriously injured after the tribulation, what a good opportunity! This great opportunity must not be missed.

Regardless of whether this guy succeeds in surviving the tribulation or not, he can devour a demon king-level cultivator! ! !

Thinking of this, this huge sea monster slowly dived into the sea...

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! The whole sky was filled with a terrifying roar and explosions. The world was reflected. The blood-red red light and lightning struck, the sea was roaring, and the world was surging...

After bombing for dozens of breaths, the red light and lightning gradually calmed down. The thunder clouds in the sky began to disintegrate continuously, and the world was filled with wanton and terrifying thunder clouds...

Ye Han was suspended in the sky, his whole body was trembling with purple-gold arcs, his dark golden scales, his horned body, and his clothes were all charred...

It was so dangerous!

He had already used all his defensive treasures, and his Tongtian Lingbao was damaged a lot. In the end, he relied on his extremely strong body and the fifth level of the Eight-fold Bone Refining Technique to resist the last heavenly tribulation...

Even so, his body was seriously injured, and his mana consumption was also very alarming. The aura of the entire purple tripod had been consumed, and he also mobilized a lot of the heavenly and earth spiritual energy in the purple tripod space, so that he could survive this life span heavenly tribulation!

What the hell is going on? How could such a strong lifespan tribulation come down out of nowhere?

He had successfully passed the Nascent Soul stage before, but there was no tribulation!

Moreover, this lifespan tribulation also produced the breath of the law of life. Although Ye Han did not comprehend it successfully, he also grasped a trace of the feeling, which benefited him a lot...

You know, the immortal cultivators pursue immortality, immortality and death are closely related to the law of life.

Legend has it that only those who have truly comprehended the law of life can be considered immortals and live forever.

However, it is inevitable that there is a connection between them. After all, the life span tribulation is the destruction of life...

However, he has not heard that only the Nascent Soul cultivator has gone through the tribulation...

No! No Nascent Soul cultivator told him about this when he went through the life span tribulation, and it cannot be found in many materials...

In fact, the higher the cultivation level of the cultivator, the less he likes to reveal these things to other cultivators, let alone write them into books.

Of course, this is only in the earthly realm. It is rumored that there are countless cultivation resources and materials in the upper realm...

This is also one of the reasons why countless high-level cultivators want to ascend to the upper realm and continue their cultivation!

Unfortunately, the situation in the earth realm is special. It is said that the ascension channel was imprisoned by the immortals and demons. He has no idea what the specific situation is...

Ye Han pointed his finger and took back the treasure he had released. Although he was hit by the heavenly tribulation and suffered a great loss of vitality, it was actually just a great consumption. However, the price he paid for grasping a trace of the law of life was enough...

Hmm? !

Suddenly, Ye Han felt a dangerous breath and his eyes condensed.

Boom! ! ! With a sound, boundless waves broke out of the sea, and an extremely huge bloody mouth swallowed the entire sea area of ​​dozens of miles, biting and rushing towards Ye Han...

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