Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 148: Hitting People with Spiritual Stones

Ye Han's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he looked at the guy who attacked him.

Both of them were in their thirties.

One was burly and wore a black leather armor with a lot of black fur on it. He had a cold face and a black birthmark on his face.

The other was of medium build, wearing a gray long gown, with a goatee, and a murderous look in his eyes. He stared at Ye Han with a playful look on his face.

The black-armored monk stared at Ye Han calmly and said, "It's just a guy in the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage. It seems that he is here to die."

The gray-shirted monk said disdainfully, "It seems that he is here to bring some fun to us brothers!"

Then he shouted at Ye Han, "Boy! Leave the storage bag and your shield, and I will spare your life!"

As he said this, he looked at the shield blocking Ye Han in front of him, revealing a greedy look.

The black bone shield used by Ye Han is definitely a top-grade defensive magic weapon.

Otherwise, a guy at the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage could not block the attack of the magic weapon of the two brothers. There was no damage at all, and there was a recoil force that made their minds tremble slightly.

Ye Han frowned, and it could be seen that there was a murderous aura on the two cultivators. They were definitely not decent cultivators. They should have a grudge with the Magnolia Fairy Ye Chunsheng. They blocked the Magnolia Valley here and wanted to take the treasure from him!

Ye Han stared at the two people. Their cultivation was at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage.

In the absence of the purple tripod aura, with Ye Han's cultivation and the treasures he controlled, it was not so easy to kill the two people. It should not be difficult to escape.

At this time.

The black-armored cultivator said to Ye Han coldly: "What are you doing, kid? Hand over the treasure."

As he said that, his consciousness moved, controlling his flying knife magic weapon, which kept spinning in the air, staring at Ye Han with murderous intent.

The gray-shirted monk slowly walked towards Ye Han. This kid was only at the eighth level of Qi Refining Stage, but he dared to come to Magnolia Valley to take care of this business. Didn't he know that all the monks in the surrounding area knew about it?

He was obviously a young guy who had just come out of the school. Of course, he had to kill him without any hesitation.

Ye Han suddenly showed a look of fear on his face and said, "What do you want to do? I'm just here to deliver something! I'll leave right away."

The gray-shirted monk said coldly, "Leave? Is this a place where you can come and go as you please?"

He stared at the shield in Ye Han's hand with greed.

Such a little guy has such a treasure in his hand, so of course he has to get it.

Ye Han was even more terrified after hearing this. He immediately took off two storage bags from his body, threw them on the ground and said, "Two seniors! I admit defeat! Take the storage bags! Spare me!"

Seeing Ye Han so cowardly, the gray-shirted monk and the black-armored monk looked at each other, and a sinister smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

Sure enough, this Ye Han was definitely a young guy who had just come out of the world. He actually handed over his storage bag easily and begged for mercy? If begging for mercy was useful, why practice immortal arts?

The black-armored monk stared at the black bone shield in front of Ye Han and said, "Why, do you still want to take this treasure with you to be buried with me?"

The gray-shirted monk saw that the grade of this black bone shield was extraordinary. Of course, he also saw that such a treasure was in the hands of such a low-level monk. It was hard to find.

With this treasure, he could fight with other monks and hunt monsters. That would be an extra defensive treasure!

Ye Han had a very reluctant expression. He gritted his teeth, flew the black bone shield towards the two of them and said, "I don't want the shield anymore! Please spare me, two seniors."

After that, he took the initiative to withdraw the mana and consciousness on the black bone shield...

The gray-shirted monk and the black-armored monk were both overjoyed. They waved their hands suddenly, wanting to take the black bone shield under their control.

Both of them used the exorcism technique to take the black bone shield, but they didn't expect the other party to want to...

The black-armored monk said coldly: "Brother Yang! I'll keep this shield first, and we'll separate later."

The gray-shirted monk hesitated for a moment, but still said: "Brother Wang... No...!"


The two haven't discussed it yet.

Ye Han suddenly slapped his waist, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of talismans flew out of his hand in an instant.

These talismans were instantly driven by Ye Han's magic power, emitting a violent surge of magic power, lightning talismans, fireball talismans, wind blade talismans, rock talismans...

They all flew towards the two of them...

Although these are elementary spells, there are many of them, and they are bombarding them so close.

The two didn't care about fighting for the black bone shield!


"Damn it!"

The gray-shirted monk released a silver iron plate, and the magic power surged, turning into a barrier in front of him.

The black-armored monk slapped his storage bag, and a golden bronze gong flew out and blocked in front of him...

The two really didn't expect Ye Han to be so crazy, and he released dozens of talismans to drive the attack.

This is not a fight, that's using spiritual stones to hit people! !


Boom boom boom boom boom!!

Continuous fireballs, lightning, wind blades, rocks, constantly attacked the defense protection released by the two, and the light explosions continued to explode.

Whether it was the silver iron plate or the golden bronze gong, the spiritual light was dimmed and kept retreating...

The gray-shirted monk and the black-armored monk were pale, because they felt that the attack power of these talismans was much greater than they imagined. Their mana continued to flow into the defensive magic weapon, desperately blocking this wave of talisman attacks.

When they blocked this wave of talisman attacks, they suddenly discovered their defensive treasure...

The golden gong with its silver iron plate actually had countless cracks on it, and its spirituality plummeted...


The two of them felt traumatized and opened their mouths to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

damn it!

How could you meet such a terrifying rich disciple? Hitting people with spiritual stones?

And looking at the talismans he released, the power refined by Ye Chunfeng was much stronger than ordinary talismans, and of course it was also much more expensive...

Seeing that Ye Han was still resisting, the two of them roared: "Seeking death!"

With their hands quickly making seals, the evil energy of the two people burst out, and their bodies swelled up rapidly, obviously trying to cast some kind of spell.


In front of them, two terrifying black bone spurs broke out of the ground instantly.

not good!

The two of them never expected that the bone spurs would come so suddenly. They moved to avoid it. One released a shield weapon, and the other released a black jade magic weapon to block in front of them...

However, the black bone spurs instantly bombarded the two defensive instruments...


The black bone spurs actually penetrated the two people's defensive weapons, and then penetrated their bodies...

The eyes of the two men trembled violently, and their bodies also trembled. What was going on...

A more terrifying scene appeared.


The bone spurs that penetrated their flesh began to devour the flesh and blood on their bodies.

"Damn it! Stop it!"

Ye Han roared with a ferocious face!

How is this going?

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