Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1528: Far North

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! ! ! ! Four beams of light flew at an astonishing speed into a vast expanse of white snow and wind...

A circle of purple-gold arcs swirled around Ye Han's body, resisting the terrible cold wind of the Far North.

Even with his cultivation level, he had to use treasure armor to protect himself in order to resist the special cold here when he came to the Far North.

Alas, if he could practice and comprehend here for hundreds of years, he might be able to comprehend more of the power of the icy law.

Unfortunately, they were just passing by here.

Ye Han was now a bit forced to do something, and he couldn't even think about not going.

As Saint Son, Mr. Lan Qing's life span had been greatly lost. If they could not continue to improve their cultivation and ascend to the upper realm, they could only find a water spirit coffin and lie in it to wait for the opportunity.

Wuxie Scholar also felt that Ye Han had obtained the nine black dragons of the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall, which was a good opportunity to open the Nine Dragon Locking Heaven.

The so-called Nine Dragons Locking the Sky is what Mr. Lan Qing and the others told Ye Han about. But it is unknown how many tens of thousands of years ago in the ancient times, when the ancestors of the ancient people were still very powerful, a racial war occurred. The ancient people were outnumbered and defeated for many reasons...

The blood of their ancient people stayed in the earth. In order to preserve the blood of the ancient people, several top cultivators of the ancestors of the ancient people released supreme magical powers, and the released eternal restrictions imprisoned and protected the entire earth.

It prevented the existence of powerful immortals and demons from entering the earth. Even if they entered the earth, they would be restricted by the extremely strong eternal restrictions and could not exert their own magical powers...

But it also restricted the cultivation of the ancient people in the earth.

Speaking of this, Mr. Lan Qing and Wuxie scholar had a big dispute. One felt that although the ancestors protected the blood of the ancient people, it made the ancient people who were gifted and could ascend to the Tao never have the opportunity to achieve the Tao.

One person feels that if there is no blessing from the ancestral prohibition, the ancient race, like many races in ancient times, has no chance of survival and would have been destroyed long ago. Without the race and the human race, how can we achieve the great way?

This is indeed a difficult question. The ancient cultivators are protected in the earth, but they cannot give birth to stronger cultivators. The talents of these top ancient cultivators are wasted.

As Saint Son also has a say in this. As Saint Son is also a top-talented cultivator of the Night Spirit Clan. He was framed and imprisoned in the Hell Tower, wasting so many years...

Knowing deeply that the strength of a race and a cultivator may coexist, but when you and your race are not strong enough, other races will plunder you or even enslave you. Although the world in the upper realm is bigger, there are actually more disputes...

Whenever the three of them sat together to discuss these things, Ye Han just listened and did not express any opinions.

Because he felt that these things had already happened, it was useless to say more.

But Wuxie Scholar asked Ye Han: "Ye Han! What do you think!"

Ye Han said directly: "I just want to become an immortal!"

When this was said, Wuxie Scholar, As Saint, and Mr. Lan Qing were all surprised. Yes, the goal of these immortal cultivators is to become immortals. This matter has hindered their steps to become immortals, so their goals are the same...

That is to enter the Star Continent, find the Nine Dragon Lock, open the Nine Dragon Lock Heaven's restriction, and enter the upper realm to continue cultivating immortals...

Although the four people have their own thoughts and ideas, they are still very consistent about this goal.

On the way, Wuxie Scholar and Mr. Lan Qing had already told As Saint and Ye Han that this Star Continent was originally a continent belonging to the Earth Realm. In ancient times, the major races fought each other. When the myriad races fought, the ancestors of the ancient human race hid this most important continent in the starry sky...

That is the origin of the name of this Star Continent.

Later, the ancients were defeated in succession, and the Star Continent could not be saved. A cross-planet war broke out on it.

The entire Earth Realm was broken into pieces.

The ancestors of the ancients launched the Eternal Restriction on the Star Continent and dispersed all invading races...

The Star Continent was also hidden in the starry sky, protecting the Eternal Restriction.

And just a few hundred years ago, the demons and the immortals discovered the Star Continent one after another, and were trying to enter the Star Continent. By opening up the passage to the Star Continent, they could find a way to enter the Earth Realm...

As for what secrets the Earth Realm has, Wuxie Scholar and Mr. Lan Qing don't know.

After all, the things in ancient times are too far away, and these old immortals don't know much...

Or, they don't want to tell Ye Han.

And if you go to this Star Continent from the Earth Realm, you have to go from the Far North, where there is a mysterious entrance, and this entrance is guarded by a powerful ancient beast.

In addition to the legendary Nine Dragons Locking the Sky, the Star Continent also has countless treasures and opportunities left by ancient immortal cultivators.

However, this is just a rumor, because the immortal cultivators who entered the Star Continent have never returned alive.

Including the last time, Liu Lao led several sects in the God Transformation Stage to enter the Star Continent and never came back.

Liu Lao, Wuxie Scholar, Mr. Lan Qing and others firmly believe that there is a Nine Dragons Locking the Sky on the Star Continent. After all, the ancient ancestors were not so reckless and would definitely leave a way out for their ancient people!

This back road should be the passage to the Nine Dragons Locking the Sky.

It’s just that no one has been able to crack the secret for so many years.

As the four people flew rapidly, the wind and snow whistled in alarmingly. Ye Han had to use his magic power to protect his body in order to resist this alarming suffocating cold air...

Gradually, a huge vortex appeared in the distant sky. The vortex was so big that it seemed as if a big hole had been opened in the sky. Endless clouds, wind and snow rushed into it...

Looking at the huge hole in the sky, Wuxie Scholar said to the three people: "Everyone, we are about to arrive! We will encounter the attack of the ancient beast in a while. Remember, don't kill him!"

Hearing this, As Saint Son wondered: "It's just an ancient beast, what can't be killed?"

Mr. Lan Qing said on the side: "That's the ancient beast that helps us guard the entrance. If we kill it, won't there be no gatekeeper?"

As they spoke, the four people had already flown to the bottom of the huge space hole, and suddenly a terrible suffocating ice and snow storm hit...

Boom! ! ! The storm surged, and a huge snow mountain peak actually moved...

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