Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1544: Ye Han was transferred to another place?

Ye Han also looked at Mr. Lan Qing's soul card in his hand, and felt that there was nothing unusual. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No problem! Let's go too!"

Mr. Lan Qing is fine, that's a happy result for everyone...

As long as there is a strange breath on the soul card, it means that Mr. Lan Qing has notified the situation, not that Mr. Lan Qing has died.

As the Holy Son said in a deep voice, "Let's go too!"

As he said, he walked over...

Ye Han and Wuxie Scholar also walked over.

As the Holy Son took a step forward and disappeared.

Then Wuxie Scholar stood beside him and said, "Ye Han! You go first, I'll cover you!"

Ye Han nodded and replied, "Okay!"

Mr. Lan Qing and As the Holy Son went first, he was not afraid of what Wuxie Scholar could do.

So Ye Han also took a step forward with confidence. The moment he took his step, the nine dragons in the purple tripod suddenly trembled...

It touched his heart slightly. Could it be that there was something in the space that interested the purple tripod?

However, it was only a matter of a moment. When Ye Han took a step forward, he actually felt a spatial force coming. It was not strong, just like the power of the teleportation array...

Ye Han's eyes trembled and disappeared on the spot.

Watching Ye Han disappear on the spot, Wuxie Scholar also followed him in...


Huh! !

Wuxie Scholar passed through the spatial ripples and his eyes lit up. This was still a passage. Mr. Lan Qing and Asi Shengzi still had a few puppets on the spot.


Wuxie Scholar immediately realized that something was wrong and shouted, "Where is Ye Han?"

Mr. Lan Qing and Asi Shengzi were stunned and looked at each other.

Asi Shengzi frowned and said, "He hasn't come yet! Why don't you come in later?"

Wuxie Scholar reacted and shouted, "I waited for Ye Han to come before I came in. I'm the last one!"

As soon as these words came out, even though Mr. Lan Qing and Asi Shengzi had the cultivation level, they were also trembling in their hearts and realized that something was wrong.

The two said in unison: "Not good! Did Ye Han go somewhere else?"

Ye Han had the nine black dragons on the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall. Now that Ye Han is gone, it's troublesome.

The three of them made up their minds to come to the Xingchen Continent because Ye Han had the nine black dragons on the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall, which could open the Nine Dragons Locking Heaven's restriction and give them a chance to ascend to the upper realm...

The current situation was something they hadn't expected.

Wuxie scholar also said helplessly: "Damn it! Let's go back and take a look!"

As he said that, he immediately took a step forward. His face changed. He found that he had only taken one step in the same place. He said in surprise: "Can I only come here and not go back?"

Mr. Lan Qing stared at Wuxie scholar with a serious face and said: "Are you really the last one to come in?!"

Wuxie scholar looked at Mr. Lan Qing's eyes and said angrily: "We are only one breath apart. I was afraid of something happening, so I let Ye Han come in first. I didn't expect that this restriction... can be teleported away?"

This was really an unexpected situation for them. Several puppets of Ye Han came here. They came one by one and nothing happened, but Ye Han disappeared!!!

As Saint Son made a round and said: "Don't argue. It seems that there is something strange about this place! It may be because of the role of the Nine Dragons that separated us!"

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Lan Qing and Wuxie scholar both looked grim and ugly. They all knew the importance of Ye Han, but it was useless to guard against him?

On the contrary, Wuxie scholar remembered that Mr. Lan Qing's soul card was in Ye Han's hand, and hurriedly said to Mr. Lan Qing: "Fellow Daoist Lan Qing! Isn't your soul card in that boy's hand? Try to see if you can sense Ye Han's position!"

Yes, the soul card of a cultivator is connected to the soul of the cultivator. As long as there is no special space confinement or other problems, they can still use secret methods to connect with each other...

Just now, Mr. Lan Qing took the risk to go in first, just to use this feature of the soul card.

Mr. Lan Qing reacted and nodded: "Okay!"

As he said, Mr. Lan Qing chanted something, and his magic power surged, driving his mind to connect with the soul card...

Buzz buzz buzz! ! A trace of mysterious and profound aura surged out of Mr. Lan Qing's body!

A trace of spiritual aura surged from Mr. Lan Qing's body. He frowned and said, "I can sense that the aura of my life card is still there, but there is no direction! It is either very far away from me, or it is isolated by special restrictions!"

As he said this, he calmed down and said, "Yes, although this situation is strange, I don't think it will be a bad thing!"

As soon as this was said, As Saint and Wuxie Scholar nodded, and they all understood what Mr. Lan Qing meant.

The reason why the three people ventured into this place at the entrance of this passage was because Ye Han said that the Nine Dragons on his body had a sense of this place.

Now that Ye Han has gone to another place, it means that this unexpected situation happened because of the Nine Dragons on Ye Han.

In other words, this may still be a good thing. After all, they are not familiar with this place at all.

As he said this, As Saint looked at both sides of the passage and said, "Which side should we go?"

Now they are still in the passage. It seems that there is not much change. There are passages in front and behind, but it is obviously not the previous passage.

So the question is which direction to go?

Mr. Lan Qing pointed to the direction where Wuxie Scholar was and said, "Although I didn't feel the specific direction, I feel that my soul card should be in that direction."

Following the direction pointed by Mr. Lan Qing, Wuxie Scholar smiled and said, "Then I made the right choice by mistake?"

As Saint Zi sneered, "You didn't even look at the person, what did you choose right?"

Wuxie Scholar said angrily, "Can you blame me for this?"

"Can't you take Ye Han with you?"

"What if he was also transmitted away?"

"Stop it! Let's go! Find the person first, don't let Ye Han get into trouble!"

"Let's go!"

"Take his puppet with you! Maybe it will be useful!"

"What can it be useful for? Okay!"

After saying this, they rushed in that direction quickly...


When Wuxie Scholar and the other two couldn't find Ye Han.

Ye Han's body was swept by a strange spatial force, and his body could not control the surging in a spatial vortex.

The next moment!

Whirl! Ye Han's eyes lit up, and he appeared in the center of a huge palace square. There were huge pillars all around, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was very abundant, but it was all sealed. He looked up and saw a cave ceiling dotted with stars in the sky. The surrounding square was a thousand feet wide, and there was nothing else except the huge pillars.

Ye Han didn't have the heart to look at these, and his face became ugly. Where are Mr. Lan Qing and As Saint?

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