Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1549: Calculating the Fantian Pagoda

Why was Ye Han staring at the missing piece of the Sky-turning Pagoda?

He has not forgotten that the entire Tianfan Pagoda is made from the same material as the Heavenly Fang of Creation!

Back then, he first obtained a piece of the Heavenly Creation Heaven of the Heaven-turning Pagoda, and a piece of the Creation Heaven of the Ningyu Fairy...

He had already used the piece of Fairy Ning Jade's Heavenly Form of Creation, and then he successfully allowed Ziding to absorb what entered the Heaven-turning Pagoda...

Although it now seems that Fantian Pagoda entered on purpose.

However, he has always owned a piece of the Heaven of Creation, and it has always been a very important defensive treasure for him when he was still building a foundation.

It's just that now that the cultivation level is high enough, the protection of the creation heaven is limited and cannot withstand the attacks of higher-level immortal cultivators and monsters, so it has not been used much.

Now we can make use of the Heavenly Fang of Good Fortune, and maybe we really have a chance to successfully recognize the master of Fantian Pagoda!

Why is Ye Han obsessed with this matter?

The main reason is that Ye Han feels that the Heaven-turning Pagoda and the Starry Sky Stone have been absorbing the power of the stars above this place. As the power of the stars absorbed becomes stronger, will the Heaven-turning Pagoda and the Starry Sky Stone run away together?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the world of immortality. There are many cases where treasures that are too powerful run away on their own...

There are even cases where the owner is killed in reverse...

Ye Han himself had encountered it. After the Absolute Cold Divine Sword combined with the Immortal Stone of Creation and became stronger, it in turn killed its master.

The Heaven-shaking Pagoda and the Starry Sky Stone have absorbed so much power from the stars, will it be the same?

This is hard to say!

Moreover, even if the Heaven-turning Pagoda does not resist him, killing the Lord and the like cannot be controlled after all, it will be a waste of natural resources.

What's more, as the power of the stars absorbed by the Heaven-turning Pagoda becomes stronger and stronger, it will become more and more difficult to control and identify the master with blood in the future!

Now the Fantian Pagoda is still afraid of Ziding. Ziding can still imprison the Fantian Pagoda and prevent it from escaping...

Otherwise, when the Fantian Pagoda was about to come out, how could Ziding release so many mysterious purple runes to trap the Fantian Pagoda?

Thinking like this, Ye Han felt that now was indeed a good opportunity.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Han adjusted his mood, poured a few pills into his mouth, wrapped them in mana, and swallowed them in his belly, so as not to have insufficient mana and be in urgent need of mana replenishment...

Then, he patted the storage bag, and a stream of spiritual light trembled, and the Heaven of Creation that had not been used for a long time flew out.


As soon as the Heaven of Creation came out, the Heaven-turning Pagoda, which was absorbing the power of the stars above, trembled slightly, and circles of mysterious gold and silver runes surged out from the entire pagoda...

And the Heaven of Creation in Ye Han's hand also started to tremble, and with the pulling force of the Heaven-turning Pagoda, it felt like it was about to fly away.

However, the magic power in Ye Han's hand shook, and the magic power of his spiritual consciousness locked the heaven of creation, making it completely under his control.

at the same time.

His consciousness controls the purple cauldron in the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing it to drive the purple cauldron's confining power...

Buzz! ! Vibrations of purple runes surged out from the purple tripod.

Sizzle! ! The purple runes continued to vibrate out of the Heaven-turning Pagoda, forming ripples like purple lightning rippling in it...

Suddenly, the aura power of Fantian Pagoda was restrained a lot, but it was still rippling, as if it wanted to compete with Ye Han for the heaven of creation.

The Creation Tianfang is part of the Fantian Pagoda, and it is also the only missing piece now...

For a treasure, if one piece is missing, it is an incomplete treasure, which naturally makes Fantian Pagoda very anxious.

However, this is what Ye Han wanted. He quickly kneaded the hand and recited the incantation, and a trace of blood seeped out from his fingers. As he kneaded the hand and recited the incantation, the blood essence turned into mysterious blood light talismans. Wen is constantly injected into the heaven of creation.

The Tianfang of Creation was originally a treasure that Ye Han completely recognized as its owner, and it had been completely refined by him long ago, so there would be no resistance and backlash...

As the essence and blood runes were continuously injected into it, countless mysterious and mysterious runes were gradually formed in the heaven of creation.

Ye Han had been injecting mana runes for more than an hour, and the originally crystal clear sky of creation was already filled with extremely complex multiple runes.

It contains several runes that prohibit the formation, as well as the true magic circle that recognizes the master by dripping blood, the mark of the soul, the suppression runes of the power of the Nascent Soul, etc...

Such continuous infusion of soul mana consumed Ye Han greatly. More than half of the purple cauldron aura was consumed, so Ye Han had to take some pills to replenish the purple cauldron aura and restore mana.

Finally, after Ye Han arranged all this, he pointed his finger and shouted: "Here you go!"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger, and the creation sky filled with essence and blood runes and various rune formations flew up, towards the gap in Fantian Pagoda...

Buzz! ! Fantian Pagoda felt the only missing piece of the Heavenly Form of Creation, and started to vibrate with instinctive excitement, unaware of the formation runes and the like contained in the Heavenly Formation of Creation...

Of course, if Fantian Pagoda really had such a high spirituality, the treasure would have transformed into a spirit long ago, and it would not be in the dark forbidden land at all. It would have run away long ago. Why wait until he and Ziding?

Huff! ! The Fortune Heavenly Cube flew up and was embedded in the gap of the Fantian Pagoda.

With a click! It was inserted into the Fantian Pagoda without any gap.

Buzz! ! A piece of golden and silver rune aura rippled and surged on the Fantian Pagoda.

Ye Han could feel the excitement of the Fantian Pagoda!

However, his eyes narrowed and his mind moved: "Open!"

The Fortune Heavenly Cube full of runes suddenly vibrated out countless blood runes, vibrating out in the gap of the Fantian Pagoda, and spreading towards the bricks and stones of the Fortune Heavenly Cube around...

It spread out with a point as the center, and the blood-red runes kept surging.

Buzz buzz buzz! The Fantian Pagoda immediately realized that the situation was not good, and vibrated out circles of golden and silver rune auras, blocking the spreading blood runes...

Suddenly! Countless blood runes and array auras were blocked and rushed towards the piece of Fortune Heaven controlled by Ye Han. The entire Fantian Pagoda was shaking violently, and the surrounding heaven and earth auras were also agitated...

Ye Han's body trembled, and he immediately felt the terrible power of the Fantian Pagoda crushing him, causing his breath and mana to show signs of collapse.

This thing is really hard to deal with! !

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