Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 155 Killing the Black Mountain Prince

The person who came was Ye Han!

When the Magnolia Fairy was constantly controlling the Magnolia Sword Formation and constantly besieging and killing the Black Mountain Young Master.

Ye Han observed for a long time and could see that although the Black Mountain Young Master had just entered the Foundation Establishment Stage, he was very embarrassed when being besieged.

But after all, he was a Foundation Establishment cultivator, and he had many treasures on him, so he should be able to resist for a long time...

The most important thing was that Ye Han could see that the sword formation controlled by the Magnolia Fairy had to exert its true power, and the sword talisman left by Ye Chunfeng was very critical.

It was because this sword talisman contained a trace of the power of the magic weapon of the Jindan stage cultivator, and it was because of this trace of magic power that the petal sword intent of this Magnolia Sword Formation could double its attack power.

If Ye Han's Qingxuan Sword Method was used, it would be the limit to break through the treasure defense of the Qi Refining Stage cultivator.

It was absolutely impossible to break through the defense of the Black Mountain Young Master.

But this sword talisman had been used many times, and it was unknown how much power was left.

Once the power of the magic weapon sealed by the sword talisman is consumed, the power of this sword formation will be gone.

So, Ye Han rushed out to see if he could find a chance to kill this Black Mountain Young Master.

After all, if he could kill a foundation-building cultivator, the treasures on his body would be really coveted.

So, when Black Mountain Young Master wanted to escape for the first time, he used the Vine Soul Technique to stop him...

So Black Mountain Young Master was a step slower and was surrounded by the sword formation.

Now that Black Mountain Young Master was injured, it was a good time to attack. He saw the opportunity and released the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror.

Although the power of the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror he controlled was far less than when it was possessed by the aura of the Purple Cauldron, he could barely drive it to exert his full strength and still knocked this Black Mountain Young Master down from mid-air...

Black Mountain Young Master stared at Ye Han in panic, his magic power surged, and the skull that suppressed him was directly shaken up, and he almost broke free.

Ye Han's breath trembled, and his body could not help but take two steps back, and he almost couldn't control the ghost skull mirror.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Heishan Gongzi was seriously injured, he was a cultivator in the foundation building stage after all. Under this shock, the power of the ghost skull mirror could hardly resist...

Ye Han's face moved, and his hands quickly pinched the seal, and his magic power fully drove the ghost skull mirror, instantly making the ghost skull mirror glow with gray light!

The ghost skull mirror released the skull head and bit it fiercely.

Crack, crack, crack!

Heishan Gongzi screamed continuously, and he immediately felt that his magic power could not be driven, and his blood and qi were also blocked.

He roared in anger and cursed: "Who are you? Don't you know that I am the Black Mountain Master of the Black Mountain Cult? You won't let me go...!"

Ye Han didn't listen to his nagging. He pointed his finger and a blood-red flying sword flew out, instantly cutting off his neck...

Black Mountain Master screamed and stared at Ye Han with wide eyes. How could this kid be so bold to kill him, Black Zhang Master? Didn't he know his identity?

At the moment of killing Black Mountain Master.

Puff! !

Black Mountain Master's abdomen suddenly exploded with a muffled sound, and a blood-red ball of light instantly broke out of his abdomen...

Ye Han reacted very quickly and pointed his finger at the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror: "Go!"

The Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror instantly shone with a hazy gray light.

The blood-red light ball was hit by the hazy gray light on the route it flew out.


The blood-red light ball made a muffled sound, and the blood-red light shattered and fell crookedly from the sky...

In the misty gray light, the skull appeared again, bit the blood-red light ball and swallowed it directly.

The blood-red light ball was filled with the shrill scream of Black Mountain Young Master.

"Damn it. You dare. You dare to kill me."

But after the skull chewed for a while, the blood-red light ball was filled with the scream of Black Mountain Young Master, and was swallowed directly. The skull turned into misty gray light and flew back to the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror.

There was another shadow of Black Mountain Young Master in the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror.

Ye Han frowned when he saw this scene. This Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror was really weird. It had just absorbed the soul of a red lady not long ago, and now it absorbed the soul of Black Mountain Young Master...

What level of treasure is this thing?

Fortunately, the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror sucked in the soul of the Black Mountain Young Master. If this guy's soul escaped, he would be resurrected after he took over the body and successfully rebuilt.

Although the Black Mountain Young Master did not know his true identity, the Black Mountain Sect had high-level cultivators, so it was not difficult to find him out...

Therefore, it was a good thing that the Black Mountain Young Master's soul did not escape.

Thinking of this, Ye Han took out a flame talisman without hesitation. Once he made up his mind, he released the flame talisman and burned the Black Mountain Young Master's body.

The treasures on his body flew out, there were seven storage bags, and the armor on his body was broken, but it was definitely a good thing. As long as he found a chance to repair it, it could be used.

You should know that when Ye Han went to the treasure pavilion of Qixuan Peak, he did not see any armor treasures.

Among the treasures of cultivators, attack treasures are full sets of attack treasures, such as the sword array magic weapon that can arrange sword arrays. A set has dozens of flying swords, and the price is extremely expensive.

The other type is armor-type defensive treasures. This kind of treasure has amazing defensive power and covers a huge area. The materials required for refining are also extremely amazing.

This guy is really worthy of being the young leader of the Black Mountain Sect. He is covered with treasures.

Ye Han went back and burned the bodies of the other superiors, and also burned their identity tokens.

After a few flashes, he returned to the Magnolia Valley.

I saw that the Magnolia Fairy was supported by Xiao Hong, and her body looked very weak.

It seems that the use of this formation has consumed a lot of energy for the Magnolia Fairy.

Ye Han looked at Fairy Magnolia, frowned and asked: "How are you? How can I help?"

Fairy Magnolia shook her head and said: "This is an old problem of mine!!"

She paused, looked at Ye Han with a serious look and said: "My fellow Taoist! Now that Young Master Black Mountain is dead, the Black Mountain Sect will soon know about it and will send people to search for his whereabouts. You should leave quickly and hide in a safe place."

Ye Han frowned after hearing this. He was definitely going to leave, but he felt a little guilty about leaving Fairy Magnolia and Xiaohong behind...

Seeing Ye Han's hesitant expression, Fairy Magnolia immediately said: "Fellow Taoist! Thank you very much for coming to help! But we are leaving soon, and we have a safe place to go, so don't worry."

She bowed deeply to Ye Han.

Ye Han nodded and said: "Then take care of yourselves."

After that, he bowed and said: "I'm leaving." After that, he turned around and was about to leave!

Fairy Magnolia immediately called out, "Wait a moment, Taoist friend! I have something for you, please accept it!"

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