Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1565 Block it!!

Clang! ! A terrible strong wind and air wave burst out, and the copper bell treasure released by Mr. Lan Qing was blasted away by the ancient dragon god with a slap...

Mr. Lan Qing's face was pale, and he also suffered a lot of backlash. His fingers quickly pinched the formula, and the nine thunder dragons that spun around his body spun endlessly, shocking out an endless storm of thunder and lightning! !

Boom! The green light thunder dragon storm exploded! The nine thunder dragons shocked out an endless thunder and lightning storm and blasted towards the ancient dragon god.

The ancient dragon god had just blasted away the copper bell treasure that was blocking the way, and then the thunder dragon attack rushed down, and suddenly let out a deafening roar, opened his mouth and sprayed out a circle of star power, and opened his mouth to suck it!

Boom! ! The nine green light thunder dragons released by Mr. Lan Qing rushed into the mouth of the ancient dragon god...

At this moment!

Boom! ! A flaming sword beam swirled in an instant, blasting towards the back of the Ancient Dragon God General.

Buzz!! The Ancient Dragon God General had no time to devour the nine green light thunder dragons, and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out an amazing light shield, with the beads of the Five Elements Magical Treasure Formation blocking behind him...

Boom boom boom!! The blue and red fiery sword beams burst out.

After the Ancient Dragon God General blocked the two terrifying sword beams, his entire huge body could not withstand such an amazing storm, and he could not help but retreat hundreds of feet, and was forced back...

When the Ancient Dragon God General retreated, As Saint Son's double guns burst out with boundless mana light explosions, and the murderous gun beams continued to besiege the Ancient Dragon God General...

How could these three immortal cultivators in the God Transformation Stage not see the abnormal changes in the Ancient Dragon God General's aura?

Everyone knows that if it weren't for the extreme crisis, how could the Ancient Dragon God General suddenly give up dealing with them and go back?

Moreover, this guy is so powerful, but his aura suddenly weakened a lot. If they don't deal with him now, when he recovers, the four of them together will not be the opponent of the Ancient Dragon God General...

What happened on the other side of the passage? Is there someone else? At this critical moment, how can they have time to think so much?

Sure enough, the Ancient Dragon God General was blocked by three people in the huge passage. He could not rush through even after releasing his amazing magic skills. He became more and more anxious...

The Ancient Dragon God General roared: "Get out! Get out! Get out! You damn human bastards!!!"

As he roared, the golden armor on the Ancient Dragon God General began to twist, and his body was trembling violently. At this time, the Ancient Dragon God General turned into the body of an ancient dragon again, grabbed countless light explosions, and attacked the three people frantically...

Where is Ye Han?

Ye Han rushed into the passage.

Ye Han quickly made hand gestures and chanted spells, and his magic power continued to burst out. An extremely cold storm of cold air continued to surge out of his body, and finally formed boundless cold magic power, which madly surged into the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick in his hand! !

Cold Art!!

Ye Han's own cold magic power has reached its limit at this moment!

At this moment!

Boom boom boom!! The ancient dragon figure transformed by the ancient dragon god forcibly shook off the attacks of the magic treasures of the three great monks in the God Transformation Period, and madly rushed into the passage...

Right now!

Looking at the ancient dragon transformed by the ancient dragon god rushing in, his eyes burst out with a terrifying murderous intent!

The magic power of Zi Ding and the power of the cold law of the cold art, the power of the stars, and the Yuanying also flew out!

All were injected into the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick!

Die! Ye Han pointed his finger, and the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick vibrated and turned into an endless icy flame, which turned into a huge area of ​​hundreds of feet, blocking the entire passage. It forcibly rushed out an endless cold light explosion, and bombarded the ancient dragon god general...

When Wuxie Scholar attacked the icy flame sword, Ye Han discovered that the ancient dragon god general did not dare to resist the icy sword!

Maybe this guy is afraid of the icy power!

Of course, how could ordinary icy mana hurt the ancient dragon god general whose cultivation might be above the transformation of the spirit?

So Ye Han directly operated the cold formula, released all the mana, and bombarded the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick in such a passage, leaving the ancient dragon god general no chance to dodge, and could only resist it forcibly!

Sure enough!

Ah! ! A deafening dragon roar roared out of the ancient dragon god general's mouth, and a stream of blood-red dragon souls rushed out from his mouth...

Boom boom boom! ! The blast was in the icy Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop, and the boundless storm exploded. The entire passage hall was shaking violently at this time...

Crack! The cold storm rushed out, and the blood-red dragon soul was frozen into ice at this time, and even the ancient dragon figure of the ancient dragon god was frozen into countless frosts...


Bang! ! ! ! With a earth-shaking explosion, the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop hit the head of the ancient dragon god, and the terrible ice storm exploded. The figure of the ancient dragon god was blasted out of the passage, and a terrifying wind whistled.

Aww! ! With a miserable dragon roar, the entire huge body of the Ancient Dragon God General was blasted away and hit heavily on the wall of the space hall. The entire wall was shattered by the impact, and countless rocks and bricks fell down...

Crack, crack, crack! ! The ice grooves on the body of the Ancient Dragon God General continued to crack...

Ah! Damn it! !

The Ancient Dragon God General roared madly, and an extremely terrifying blood rune continued to twist and burst out on the body of the Ancient Dragon God General. The rune starlight aura on this guy became extremely terrifying and agitated...

At this moment! !

Kill! !

As Saint Son released countless terrifying imprisonment magic power with his hands, and a thousand-foot-long pillar surrounded by the aura of the formation rune of the sky-supporting pillar was violently shaken and impacted, and the boundless terrifying storm smashed towards the head of the Ancient Dragon God General!

Clang! ! The head of the Ancient Dragon God General was smashed into the ground at this moment...

Then there was a brilliant blue and red swirling sword light, which directly burst out with boundless fire and cold law power, directly piercing the throat of the Ancient Dragon God General! !

Boom boom boom! ! Green electric light bombarded the Ancient Dragon God General!


Aww!! The Ancient Dragon God General's ancient dragon body continued to crack and explode, and fell to the ground...

The four people looked at the Ancient Dragon God General who fell to the ground as if he had lost his breath. Their faces did not show surprise, but became solemn instead.

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