Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1593 That’s the thing!!

Ye Han was not in a hurry. Although Zhentian Divine Venerable had already attacked, this guy only attacked once, pretending to dodge the mountain giant's counterattack. After using his magical power to dodge, he didn't see the second attack.

Now it became Mr. Lan Qing and the other two to join forces to resist the mountain giant.

This mountain giant is indeed very fierce. He can actually block the attacks of three people with one against three?

Originally, Ye Han saw that the huge body of this mountain giant was made of stone. The stones on his body have been condensed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and refined with the breath of mana. In fact, the defense power is more amazing than that of ordinary spiritual treasures.

Because the attacks of Mr. Lan Qing, the three immortal cultivators in the God Transformation Stage, hit it, and only left some scratches, and did not hurt the body of this guy...

The whole mountain giant is a mobile super defensive treasure!

And this guy looks very clumsy, and also like a mountain stone giant who can only swing a huge black wooden stick to attack with brute force, and the defense power is extremely amazing!

In fact, it is not.

This mountain giant can not only attack with brute force, but also release many defensive spells to block attacks. Not only are the defensive spells released very powerful, but they can also release the power of stars...

Three great monks in the God Transformation Stage besieged it, but it was able to resist? !

No wonder the God Zhentian said that the mountain giant on the 56th continent is not easy to deal with!

However, the God Zhentian actually hid beside and did not make a move. He must be brewing some tricks...

And Mr. Lan Qing and the other two are not so easy to fool. The God Zhentian and Ye Han did not make a move. Obviously, they all have other plans...

Especially Ye Han, although this kid is young, he is experienced. He must have discovered something.

Therefore, Mr. Lan Qing and the other two just used magic and magical powers to constantly deal with the three-body giant there, and did not attack this guy with all their strength.

So although the two sides fought lively, they did not attack with all their strength.

Ye Han carefully observed the mountain giant, and approached quietly...

After approaching for hundreds of feet, he suddenly found that the nine black dragons in his body began to move at this time, as if they were attracted by a certain place on the right side of the mountain giant's body...

There must be something fishy about that place!

Ye Han's eyes moved.


Boom! ! ! Ye Han suddenly activated the Nine-Turn Vajra Art, and his power exploded to the extreme in an instant. The golden light on his body burst out crazily and suffocated, forming a circle of golden light ripples. Runes emerged, and his body suddenly grew hundreds of feet in size...

As his breath power burst out in an instant, he stomped heavily on the ground...

Boom! ! ! ! A huge and boundless pit was formed on the ground with a radius of thousands of feet. Countless rock fragments exploded and Ye Han's figure spun into a terrifying golden storm. He spun and charged towards the position where the nine dragons sensed...

Roar!!! The mountain giant felt the terrifying storm created by Ye Han, and let out a roar that shook the sky. An endless terrifying storm exploded. A huge stone dragon was struck from the right side of his abdomen, and an endless terrifying storm was spun out. Shocking vortex boulders were ejected towards Ye Han's figure one after another...

Boom boom boom!!! Countless boulders weighing tens of thousands of pounds spun and charged towards Ye Han's figure like extremely terrifying storm blades.

Ye Han's huge figure charged, and the King Kong figure burst out an endless brilliant storm. His fists kept bombarding like a violent storm, attacking out fist storms, bombarding the boulders that were bombarding...

Boom boom boom!!! The roar of explosions, countless boulders were hit by the fists and kept exploding...

Ah!!! The stone dragon fiercely bit out a terrible space storm, biting and attacking Ye Han's figure madly!

Ye Han reacted very quickly, and his body suddenly exploded with a purple-gold arc, and his huge body was wrapped in the purple-gold arc...

Boom!!! A purple-gold arc exploded, and Ye Han's figure disappeared on the spot!

Let the stone dragon bite empty!

Boom!!! Ye Han's figure fell on the body of the stone dragon, and stepped down heavily...

Boom boom boom!!! Ye Han's golden figure stepped on the stone dragon and rushed towards the mountain giant frantically...

Ah! ! The stone dragon roared and roared, and its body kept shaking, exploding into an endless storm, which made the void ripple and vibrate. Stalagmites rushed out of its body and chased Ye Han frantically...

But Ye Han's figure was not affected, and he kept dodging the crazy pursuit of the stone dragon.

Boom boom boom! Three more stone dragons emerged from the mountain giant, and they burst out a terrible suffocating storm with their teeth bared, sweeping towards Ye Han frantically...

Ye Han quickly pinched his hands, slapped his storage bag, and the sword light burst out brilliantly...

Twelve Qingxuan divine swords flew out in a whirl.

In an instant!

Swish, swish, swish! ! ! ! Twelve Qingxuan divine swords formed a terrifying Qingxuan sword formation, and the golden sword light burst out wantonly, forming a brilliant explosion of a thousand-foot-long Qingguang sword formation. The sword intent of Da Geng Shenwu sword technique, combined with the Qingxuan divine sword and the sword formation, instantly burst out with boundless and terrifying sword light...

Go! ! ! !

As Ye Han's sword intent and mana burst out, the terrifying sword intent and mana that burst out formed countless sword lights that were ten thousand feet long, bombarding the living giant.

Clang clang clang! ! Sparks flew everywhere, and the light explosion ripples burst out wantonly. The stone dragon that was biting and roaring was cut into countless rocks and scattered...

Ye Han's figure was surrounded by countless terrifying golden sword lights, and it impacted the right side of the mountain giant's body, the position that the nine dragons sensed!


Ye Han's eyes burst out with murderous intent. With a flick of his finger, the magic sword intent burst out. The power of the stars and the breath of the Nascent Soul were all injected into the sword formation...

The power of the sword formation burst to the extreme in an instant.

Swish, swish, swish! ! ! ! Countless golden sword beams burst out in succession from the twelve Qingxuan divine swords and bombarded the body of the mountain giant...

The endless roar of the wind and rain exploded, and countless rocks shattered. A huge hole was suddenly blasted out of the body of the mountain giant...

In the body of the mountain giant with the huge hole blasted out, a dazzling golden light suddenly shone out...

This golden light suddenly appeared, and it was so dazzling that Ye Han was terrified!

That's the thing! ! !

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