Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1614 Continent No. 8

Ye Han was sitting cross-legged on the Five Elements Futon of Qiankun, surrounded by huge bronze pillars. The astonishing and suffocating spiritual energy of heaven and earth was emitting, and it was constantly surging towards him...

In his arms was the mountain giant's spiritual body crystal, which exuded the aura of the ancient dragon. It continuously penetrated into the Nine Dragons who were spinning and kneading on his body. The Nine Dragons were now in the shape of black and gold dragons, exuding extremely strong energy. Aura.

And his clone was sitting cross-legged in the distance, performing a technique to absorb the aura of the gourd.

All this shows that Ye Han has entered into cultivation again.

There's no way!

More than thirty years ago, Ye Han, Mr. Lan Qing and others passed the Shili Heaven and Earth Bridge and entered the hall of this ancient formation.

Just like the ancient formation on No. 56, everyone has to wait until the direction of this ancient formation points to the farthest continent, No. 8, before they can activate the ancient formation, activate the silver space channel, release its power, and go to No. 8. mainland……

Otherwise, we can only go to other continents, which is very unnecessary, because the closer to the Central Star Palace Temple No. 1, the greater the danger of those continents...

What kind of irresistible risk has really been encountered? Not only will there be no way to reach Continent No. 8, but his life may be lost.

Compared with this, it is safer to wait for the best distance to pass.

But what’s more troublesome is that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this Continent No. 19 is very depleted...

This is a little troublesome for Mr. Lan Qing and others, as they cannot absorb too much spiritual energy from heaven and earth for cultivation.

Anyway, they still have a lot of star crystals that they have not absorbed, so they can only absorb the star crystals while waiting for the best time to open the silver space channel to Area 8...

For Ye Han, this is a good thing. After all, he doesn't have to rush to Continent No. 8 and can continue to improve his cultivation...

Thirty years have passed, and he has finally succeeded in cultivating the third art of Gu Long Jiu Jue, and it seems that he can continue to improve.

His own cultivation level is also steadily improving. It can be said that among everyone, he is the one who most hopes to have enough time to cultivate his cultivation level and improve his magical power after working so hard...

Especially since he has taken the Concentrating Pill given to him by Mr. Lan Qing, as well as the Spiritual Transformation Liquid of Zhentian Shenzun, and now his Spiritual Transformation Aura has reached a very extreme level...

On the contrary, it was because his cultivation was not enough and he was unable to break through to the stage of becoming a god.

However, as long as his cultivation is high enough to reach the stage of becoming a god, the success rate will be very high.

It's a pity that although his cultivation has improved rapidly in the past few decades, in the late Nascent Soul stage, how can he easily break through the level?

He is currently in the middle of the eighth level in the late Nascent Soul stage. If he wants to break through, he will still need a long time of practice to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

It's because he doesn't encounter any bottlenecks, and the purple tripod, a heaven-defying treasure, helps him absorb the feedback mana. It's also very normal for ordinary cultivators to not be able to break through the first level of cultivation in hundreds of years at this stage. Condition.

However, this practice is useless.

Another thirty years have passed, and Ye Han and others have been staying in this hall for sixty years...


boom! ! ! A brilliant silver rune burst out, shaking the heaven and earth, forming a huge silver space channel of light, rushing towards the sky and earth with thousands of stars, and rushing forward...

Everyone looked at the light pillar of the silver space channel and became excited.

Zhentian God couldn't help but said excitedly: "After waiting for so many years, we can finally go to Continent No. 8, let's go!"

With that said, he couldn't wait to fly up to the light pillar of the silver space channel...

Ye Han and others also followed suit and caught up with Zhentian God.

Mr. Lan Qing couldn't help but said while running quickly: "This passage is much larger than the previous one!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood that the space passages in the continents they had passed through before were only a few thousand feet in size, but this one was ten thousand feet in size. It was indeed much larger...

Obviously this is extraordinary...

On the other hand, Lord Zhentian said: "That is indeed the case, but we are going to the more important continent No. 8, which is not comparable to other continents!"

After a pause, he continued: "I can tell you clearly that in Star Continent, the core continent is Continent No. 8, No. 5, No. 3! The other continents are relatively average!"

Speaking of this, he said with some excitement: "The No. 8 continent we are going to has a secret place I discovered. There will definitely be great chance treasures there! Maybe we can find a crack there that prohibits ascension. Even if you can’t find the treasures in this world, there may be treasures from the disciples of Successful Star Palace!”

"In that case, we can go to the Central Star Palace Temple No. 1. If we go to the Star Reaching Tower, we will have a chance!"

Listening to the words of Zhentian God, everyone became excited.

However, this time, in addition to being much larger, the silver space channel is also much farther away...

Everyone flew for millions of miles and spent a lot of time before finally seeing a huge continent in front of them...

Before reaching the top of the continent, everyone felt it, and the refreshing spiritual energy of heaven and earth was emanating...

The aura of the heaven and earth is so strong that it is simply in heaven and earth compared to the dry aura of the 19th continent!

Even the earlier 56th continent is completely incomparable, several times worse...

And this is not the case that they have already reached the 8th continent, but are just approaching...

At this time, everyone is also a little nervous, don't encounter the situation of the mountain giant attacking the channel again...

However, just arrived above the 8th continent, although there was no situation of attacking the channel...

Zhentian God said to everyone: "Everyone, let's go down immediately, don't go to the middle and ancient formation! It's not safe there!"

After saying that, Zhentian God immediately went to the silver space channel, reached the edge, and jumped down without hesitation...

Ye Han and others saw Zhentian God jump down so decisively, obviously his words were not a lie.

So they all ran over and jumped down...

The whistling wind shook the ground, and everyone felt the terrible forbidden power of the No. 8 continent, and also felt the abundant spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this place. When they jumped down, it was as if they jumped into a sea of ​​spiritual energy and medicine!

Strong medicinal fragrance and spiritual energy surged.

Before reaching the ground, a bubble-like shadow suddenly appeared in the air, showing a big white smile to Ye Han and others!

Seeing the gray shadow like a bubble, Zhentian God said in horror: "Not good! Star Spirit!"

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