Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 163: Fighting (Part 2)

Qin Minghui's face changed, and she shouted, "Don't even think about it!"

As she shouted, a shocking wave of cold air instantly shook her feet, and a cold footprint appeared under her feet.

Instantly, the rattan hand was directly frozen into ice.


Qin Minghui had just frozen the rattan hand of the rattan soul technique.

Swish, swish, swish!

A series of shocking cold sword beams had already impacted Qin Minghui.

Not good!

Qin Minghui felt the terrible power contained in these sword beams, and her delicate jade hand slapped the storage bag fiercely, and a small seal with blue runes flew out of it.

As soon as this small seal with blue runes appeared, a shocking cold air swirled in the air.

"Go! Iceberg Seal!" As Qin Minghui continued to chant and pinch the formula, the magic power continued to merge into the small seal.

As Qin Minghui pressed hard, the Iceberg Seal instantly blew up and became several feet large, stagnating in front of Qin Minghui, and slapped the cold sword light released by Ye Han.

Clang clang clang!!

The cold sword light released by Ye Han was directly frozen by the huge iceberg shadow and rushed out...

Ye Han was immediately hurt and stepped back several steps.

Damn it!

This Qin Minghui has too many treasures, and each one is more powerful than the other. He is worthy of being a disciple of a Jindan cultivator.

No wonder Qin Minghui looked like he was sure of winning when he said that he could use treasures to compete.

Even so, Qin Minghui would not be allowed to win easily!

Ye Han suddenly moved and rushed towards Qin Minghui, muttering something in his mouth, and his fingers quickly pinched the seal, and an astonishing and suffocating magic power surged through his body.

Seeing this, the faces of the fourth and seventh elders changed slightly, and they looked at each other, ready to rescue at any time.

"Go!" Ye Han quickly made hand gestures, and a circle of amazing magic power vibrated out of his body, forming a huge rune array in front of him.

As he pointed his finger, he shouted angrily.

In the huge rune array in front of him, a huge dragon claw like tree bark was grabbed out...

The dragon claw was several feet long and hit the shadow of Qin Minghui's iceberg seal heavily...

Bang! ! !

An amazing cold light storm, and the arrogance shook and exploded.

The iceberg that Qin Minghui released turned into an iceberg, and there was a crack. The amazing storm spread in all directions, scraping the ground and a cloud of dust.

However, the dragon claw was not much better, and it was instantly frozen into icicles and began to disintegrate...

Thump, thump, thump, thump! !

Qin Minghui retreated seven or eight steps in a row, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Han retreated more than ten feet, his face was pale, and blood was flowing out of his mouth. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

Damn it!

He had already used the secret method of the Wood Dragon Technique! But he still couldn't beat Qin Minghui.

Moreover, after Ye Han used this trick, his mana dropped rapidly. He didn't use the purple tripod to restore his mana. This was not good.

Qin Minghui also looked ugly. She didn't expect that a disciple with lower cultivation than her and whose treasures were not as good as hers could actually hurt her?

This was too much for her to bear. She always thought that she was already the top among the disciples of the same age, and no one would be her opponent.

As a result, this Ye Han was younger than her and his cultivation was not as good as hers, but he actually hurt herself?

Qin Minghui gritted her teeth, slapped her storage bag, and an icicle chain flew out.

When the icicle chain flew out, the air was suddenly cold and much colder.

Ye Han's face changed. This icicle chain gave her an extremely dangerous feeling, and it was definitely not a magic weapon.

Without using the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror and the Black Bone Shield, he had no other refined treasures to deal with.

At this moment.


The figure in the middle of the two moved, and the figure of the Fourth Elder appeared between the two. She said solemnly: "Okay! Let's stop here!"

Ye Han immediately restrained his magic power, waved his hand, and called back all his treasures. He bowed respectfully to the Fourth Elder and said: "Yes! Fourth Uncle!"

On the contrary, Qin Minghui said with a look of displeasure that he didn't win: "Master! Didn't we say to go all out? I haven't... yet!"

The Fourth Elder's eyes turned cold and glared at her, so that Qin Minghui couldn't say the following words. She pursed her lips and had to stop, took back the treasure, and stared at Ye Han with an unconvinced face.

Ye Han looked unconcerned. In fact, if he continued to fight, he would have no chance of winning if he did not use those shameful treasures.

The fourth elder taught Qin Minghui a lesson: "You! You are so inexperienced. You have a lot of treasures, but you have not fully utilized their power! I asked you to walk in the world of immortal cultivation, but in less than three days, people killed people and robbed treasures!"

Qin Minghui was a little unconvinced after hearing this: "Master! How can I be so bad?"

The fourth elder said coldly: "I am not talking about your cultivation. Didn't I teach you? Powerful treasures should never be used casually. You are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about it! Remember! Don't show wealth and treasures to others!"

Ye Han listened to these familiar words. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan had always warned him so, and he had always done so.

Don't use treasures in front of others easily, even if they are good brothers.

The treasure that Qin Minghui took out at the end was definitely not an ordinary magic weapon...

The power must be very terrifying. If you take it out so easily, won't it make others think about it?

The Seventh Elder laughed and said, "It's normal for young people to have less experience. Junior Sister Qingling doesn't need to be too strict!"

The Fourth Elder said helplessly, "I'm strict with her now, because I'm responsible for her! I can't protect her forever."

Ye Han was moved when he heard this. It seems that Qin Minghui's identity is definitely not ordinary.

The words of the Fourth Elder, a Jindan-stage cultivator, are very interesting.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how talented Qin Minghui is, she should be just a Qi-refining cultivator.

How could she be so valued by the Fourth Elder? He even looked like he wanted to protect her.

You should know that I am also a nominal disciple of the Seventh Elder, but how could the Seventh Elder care about me?

This person is more annoying than others.

The Seventh Elder said to Ye Han: "Ye Han, you have done well. I have decided to reward you! What skills do you lack? Treasures or something like that! I can let you choose one."

It can be seen that the elder seemed to be in a good mood. He actually rewarded Ye Han and asked him to choose.

Ye Han was very excited when he heard this. If the Seventh Elder could really give him a better treasure, then he would...

No! No!

I can't ask for a treasure.

I absolutely can't ask for a treasure!

Otherwise, the Seventh Elder would look down on me as a registered disciple.

And he felt that the Seventh Elder didn't seem to reward him because he had done well...

Tsk! Headache!

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