Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1651 It’s exciting just to think about it

Ye Han's breath and figure completely merged into the void of heaven and earth, without emitting a trace of breath at all. However, seeing this scene, he quietly pinched the seal. If things did not go as planned, he would have to take action to save his fairy vine medicine spirit.

You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child!

The purpose of releasing the fairy vine medicine spirit now is to make these medicine spirits of heavenly materials and treasures mistakenly believe that this fairy vine medicine spirit is also their kind.

Although the fairy vine medicine spirit is cautious and timid, it has been completely controlled by him.

If he can get into the medicine spirits in these heavens and earth, then he can use this fairy vine medicine spirit to lead out other medicine spirits, and then it will be time to harvest.


Ye Han's plan is just a plan, but it may not succeed.

If those medicine spirits do not recognize this fairy vine medicine spirit, but attack and kill it, that is also possible.

However, Ye Han thinks that this possibility is not too great.

Why does Ye Han think that the medicine spirits of the Xiaoxing Palace Temple here will not kill the fairy vine medicine spirit?

Because although I don’t know how big the world outside this small Xinggong Temple is, it is obviously a relatively closed world. These medicine spirits don’t come into contact with too many insidious and cunning immortal cultivators. They are simple and timid. As long as their immortal vine medicine spirits disguise themselves, those medicine spirits will definitely not attack them...

Another very important situation is!

The immortal vine medicine spirit... is very special!!

I only saw that the fat one-eyed medicine spirit appeared not far from the immortal vine medicine spirit, blinking and staring at the immortal vine medicine spirit...

The immortal vine medicine spirit suddenly felt something and opened its eyes. At the moment when the immortal vine medicine spirit opened its eyes, a lively and gorgeous blue spiritual light filled with fear...

Swish! The immortal vine medicine spirit was frightened when it saw the one-eyed medicine spirit. It suddenly turned into a white light and drilled under the immortal vine, hiding in the huge vines, revealing a white body...

Buzz! ! When the one-eyed medicine spirit saw the fairy vine medicine spirit in such a state, his eyes moved, showing a look of surprise, and he started to call towards the fairy vine medicine spirit. The sound was very small, as if he really scared the fairy vine medicine spirit...

The fairy vine medicine spirit poked its head out, stared at the one-eyed medicine spirit with big eyes, showing curiosity, and cautiously said a few words.

Ye Han had no idea what it was saying. It might be an instinctive call that only the same kind of medicine spirits would know.

Next, Ye Han seemed to have seen two men and women who were just beginning to fall in love. The one-eyed medicine spirit said something to the fairy vine medicine spirit gently and charmingly, and finally persuaded the fairy vine medicine spirit...

The fairy vine medicine spirit came out from under the fairy vine leaves and talked to the one-eyed medicine spirit. It seemed that they soon became friends.

The one-eyed medicine spirit took the fairy vine medicine spirit to play under the fairy vine tree, and also called many other medicine spirits out...

After that, the fairy vine medicine spirit wandered around with the one-eyed medicine spirit every day, and sometimes practiced together.

Ye Han looked at this and it was not beyond his expectations. The medicine spirits in this place were indeed simple-minded and easy to deal with.

However, it was a bit exciting to think that he had to kill these simple medicine spirits with his own hands!

Finally, there was something interesting to do.

After more than a month of cold observation, Ye Han saw that the fairy vine medicine spirit had completely mixed with the medicine spirits in this medicine garden...

It's time to harvest!

This day.

The spiritual medicines of heavenly materials and earthly treasures surrounded a huge circle, and the fairy vine was in the circle, under the fairy vine.

The fairy vine medicine spirit was jumping with those heavenly materials and earthly treasures, as if holding a party.

At a glance, there are more than 200 medicinal spirits of these heavenly materials and treasures, and there are more than 200 heavenly materials and treasures around.

Apparently, the immortal vine medicinal spirit followed its own plan and brought the original medicinal materials with it when these medicinal spirits came over...

In fact, whether it is just catching these medicinal spirits or just catching the original spiritual medicines of these medicinal spirits, it will not have much effect. It is necessary to catch these medicinal spirits and the original bodies together to make the complete spiritual medicine of heavenly materials and treasures.

Ye Han looked at these white and fat one-eyed medicinal spirits dancing and jumping around the immortal vine medicinal spirit, and felt that he was a little cruel.

However, he did not think of refining these medicinal spirits and medicinal materials directly into elixirs, so that they could produce more spiritual energy in his purple cauldron space, which would have a greater effect.

What's more, he also has a way to keep these medicinal spirits and medicinal materials alive and produce spiritual medicines, but it just takes longer...

When these medicinal spirits were dancing around the immortal vine medicinal spirit...


Buzz!!! A ground vibration was heard on the ground, and the ground within a radius of dozens of miles suddenly turned into metal.


A huge pagoda appeared in the air, turning into a size of tens of thousands of feet, covering the two hundred or so medicine spirits and natural treasures.

At the same time!

Boom! ! A column of light from the spiritual light runes of the formation rushed into the sky, forming a huge and incomparable confinement formation surrounding these jumping medicine spirits.

Hula la! ! The spiritual light trembled, and the huge sky-turning pagoda rushed out more than two hundred crystal clear chains, rushing towards those medicine spirits and entangled.

This sudden change.

All the medicine spirits panicked, and they all ran around and drilled into their own medicinal materials. They wanted to drill into the ground to escape, but they found that the ground had already exploded. It was as hard as metal and they couldn't drill into it at all...

They roared one by one, and angrily emitted white light runes, forming white light halos...


As soon as these medicine spirits emitted white light runes, the white light halos were not fully formed, and they were suppressed by the forbidden light shield formation and continued to collapse.

Suddenly, these medicine spirits became furious, shaking the spiritual medicine to tremble, and bursting out boundless spiritual energy and white light, forming a huge and gorgeous flower. This flower spun with boundless terrifying suffocating law power, and countless petals surged and burst out, and the space was rippling in an instant...


Ye Han had planned for so long, and he had seen the power of these medicine spirits working together to drive the bursting petals before, but he couldn't stop it!

But he had a countermeasure!

Just see!

The countless crystal clear chains caught by the Fantian Pagoda have already entangled the medicine spirits and their spiritual medicine bodies.

Instantly! The huge flowers and surging petals released by these medicine spirits instantly collapsed...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han smiled slightly, it seems that he will succeed!

However! He knew that there was a more dangerous situation that had not yet appeared! !

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