Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1682 Mysterious Chess Game

In an instant!

The power of the buzzing and vibrating stars erupted from the Starry Sky Stone, and layers of bright runes surged toward the gate of the Central Star Palace Temple...

A terrifying roaring sound erupted, and the power of the stars vibrated by terrifying breaths burst out. Layers of runes were extremely bright, surging above the gate, and above the huge sun relief formation...

In an instant, the huge door opened.

There was a vibrating sound of the mechanism, and a strange aura of heaven and earth spiritual energy erupted from it...

The whistling spiritual energy surged out like a hurricane, attacking Ye Han and the Thief Immortal alien race.

Suddenly, both of them felt a powerful force of confinement rushing towards them.

Feeling this powerful suffocating force, Ye Han and the Immortal Thieves immediately released defensive treasures to protect themselves!

But how can I resist it.

The buzzing circles of suffocating power of starry sky law directly turned into the terrifying power of swallowing.

With a roar of terrifying traction force, Ye Han and the Immortal Thieves felt that even the magic power and cultivation in the transformation stage could not withstand this traction force. They flew into the central star palace temple as if they were flying into the clouds and mist... …

The harsh whistling of the wind, the bright stars swirling in front of them, the swirling air waves, and the storm made both of them feel dizzy...

When the two figures were sucked into the gate of the Central Star Palace Temple.

The rumbling mechanism shook, exploded and trembled, and the door of the entire central star palace temple was closed again.

What neither Ye Han nor the Immortal Thieves saw was that when they were sucked into the central star palace temple, the two huge statues of a man and a woman suddenly started to move, and they stepped out in unison and stood on their feet. He walked into the extremely huge door of the Central Star Palace Temple, slowly raised his hands, and the power of stars rose into the sky...

Ye Han felt his body being swept away by a powerful suffocating aura. He was constantly colliding and rolling in the winding passage, and the bright stars were flashing in front of his eyes...

There were continuous light explosions, and Ye Han felt his body rolling and shaking, and finally hit a forbidden light barrier, bounced out, and fell to an extremely hard ground.

He hasn't yet regained his balance.

A gust of wind rushed towards him. Ye Han reacted very quickly and rolled several times in succession to avoid the oncoming gust of wind.

There was a muffled bang, followed by the screams of the Immortal Stealing Alien Race...

Ye Han couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the Immortal Thieves who fell into a very embarrassing state.

The Thieving Immortal Alien got up from the ground and cursed angrily: "Fellow Daoist Ye! At least you can catch me!"

Ye Han shrugged and said, "How did I know it was you? What if it was a monster attacking?"

The Immortal Thief alien said angrily: "How can there be so many monsters?"

The two of them talked casually, stood up, and looked around. They found that they were now in a huge and extremely empty palace. Everywhere they looked, there were bright ripples of starlight flashing, as if they were caught by the stars. Surrounded by the same.

In this way, it seems that both of them are surrounded by the stars, but if you look closely, the light of these stars is actually radiated from the masonry on the wall.

Ye Han and the Immortal Thieves felt that this powerful star power was surging out from the walls in all directions. If you look carefully! The Central Star Palace Temple is actually made entirely of Starry Sky Stone!

This is really amazing. They all knew how powerful the Central Star Palace Temple was, but they didn't expect that the entire temple was made of Starry Sky Stone.

The Immortal Stealing Alien couldn't help but said: "This ancient human race is so powerful. It actually has so many starry sky stones. No wonder other races are jealous!"

Yes, this Starry Sky Stone is a very important cultivation resource for high-level immortal cultivators. The power of the stars contained in it is a treasure that is very coveted by immortal cultivators above the stage of transformation...

In ancient times, this ancient human race controlled so many cultivation resources, no wonder it was besieged by other races!

On the contrary, Ye Han observed it for a while, suddenly his face changed, and he said: "This central star palace temple should not be made of the starry sky stone, but it was built on the starry sky and absorbed the power of the stars after countless years. Turn ordinary masonry into a starry sky stone.”

After hearing this, the Thieving Immortal Alien Race reacted and said: "That's it? Then what method should be used?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Thieving Immortal Alien's eyes moved and he shouted: "Yes! That's right. The Star Picking Tower in the Central Star Palace Temple may have such a function. If there are so many cultivation resources, you ancient humans won't be able to do it. It’s so painful to be beaten.”

Then, the Thieving Immortal Alien frowned and looked around and said, "However, it seems like there is no exit from this place!"

The Thieving Immortal Alien Race just finished speaking...

The buzzing starlight surged in this huge hall, and the boundless starlight points gathered in the sky above the hall, and made a huge criss-crossing line, and then outlined each one The chess pieces, one red and one white, gradually formed a huge chessboard in the sky above the starry space.

Looking at the chessboard above, Ye Han and the Immortal Thieves were stunned and frowned.

If you observe carefully, the red and white chess pieces on this chessboard are all made of starlight.

The Immortal Thief alien asked strangely: "Why is this a chess piece? What is this for? Is it playing chess?"

Ye Han also had a strange look on his face as he observed the chessboard. Although he was not an expert at playing chess, Fairy Magnolia liked to play chess, and he had played a lot with Fairy Magnolia...

But it seems that it is not this kind of red and white chess pieces, and the pattern is completely different.

However, Ye Han still saw that this should be an ancient endgame. He could see that Red was already in a precarious situation, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt...

Looking at Ye Han like this, he suddenly felt as if his mind was about to fall into it. He hurriedly kneaded the secrets with his hands quickly, and used the Spirit-Connecting Technique to stabilize his consciousness...

This was too dangerous, and I almost got sucked into this weird chess game. If my mind was sucked into it, I would not be able to get out unless I broke the game.

Ye Han kept his mind and broke away from the chess game. However, he found that the Immortal Thieves were looking at the chess game in the sky with dull eyes. A trace of gray light surged out from the heads of the Immortals and toward the sky. The chess pieces surged past...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face turned black. He had blocked the mysterious power of the chess game, but the Immortal Thieves didn't block it. His mind had been sucked into it...

If the situation is not broken now, this Immortal Stealing Alien will never leave! !

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