Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1691 Light attribute? !

Ye Han has owned this weird purple tripod for so long, but this has never happened before.

He had no way to stop the golden sapling from shrinking. The most important thing was that the fruit on it also shrank, and it had shrunk to only the size of a grain of rice...

Since Ye Han owned this mysterious purple tripod, he has given birth to three spiritual root fruits, gold, thunder, and ice fruits. Although the processes are different, this has never happened before. This fruit, which is almost ripe, has actually shrunk?

And it only became like this after absorbing what seemed to be a very powerful force!

You must know that he has been looking forward to Ziding giving him a light attribute spiritual root fruit. As long as he has the light attribute spiritual root, it will be very powerful...

Because according to the records in the books he had read, those who cultivated immortals with light-attribute spiritual roots had the lowest cultivation level and had ascended to the upper world...

So Ye Han has been thinking of ways to make this golden sapling grow and bear light-attribute spiritual root fruits.

There are too few light-attributed treasures that can promote the growth of the golden saplings. Over the years, Ye Han has only obtained the small bottle of light-attributed spiritual liquid from the Three Fiends of the Divine Ape to stop the growth of the saplings. The golden sapling has grown a little...

Now that the golden characters came in, not only did the golden saplings not continue to grow, but they shrank a lot, and the fruits became smaller. What kind of thing is this?

However, in the world of immortality, there are magical beings everywhere, and anything can happen.

Ye Han looked at the shrunk golden sapling on the cover of the purple cauldron and smiled bitterly. If things were like this, there was nothing he could do.

He once thought that after he had this mysterious and strange purple cauldron, especially after he learned about the powerful and incredible magical power of the purple cauldron, his chance of becoming an immortal would be the greatest, and he would be infinitely close to success.

But over the past hundreds of years, after constantly experiencing suffering and dangerous places, Ye Han also understood that he could not rely too much on this treasure, and now it seems that Ziding seems to have its own unique life and will. Perhaps Ziding has its own The purpose is just to need him.

He can't keep expecting to gain more power through Ziding, because now it seems that Ziding is still not controlled by his will and expectations.

The shrinkage of the golden sapling is already a fact. Perhaps it is because the power absorbed by the golden sapling is too powerful, beyond its endurance range, so it shrinks.

However, Ye Han found at this time that he had returned to the steps of the mountain peak.

But what surprised Ye Han was that his location was not at the place where he had just stepped onto the steps, but was already on the thirty-sixth step.

This surprised Ye Han. Just now, his mind and soul were separated from his body. Could it be that his body is still unable to move? It was because he absorbed that golden rune that his body was teleported here.

After practicing for so many years, this was the first time he encountered such a situation, but this also gave Ye Han a glimmer of hope.

It also further illustrates the extraordinary nature of this place, and also shows that there are too many mysterious and terrifying existences in this world of immortality. There are still many powerful existences that Ye Han has never experienced.

But what about the Immortal Stealing Aliens?

Ye Han frowned and looked around for the Immortal Thief alien race. That guy had obviously stepped onto the steps with him.

Originally, he cooperated with the Thieving Immortal Alien Race mainly because of Saint Son Asi, but the Thieving Immortal Alien Race also played a very important role along the way. Without such a helper, he felt that he would be in a lot of trouble alone.

Could it be that the Immortal Thief aliens were also sucked into the space, and in fact, their bodies and souls were all together?

Maybe this step is another trial and test?

Judging from the previous chess game and the current steps, is it possible that the Central Star Palace Temple is a trial just like the Small Star Palace Temple?

But when I first arrived in front of the Central Star Palace Temple, this Central Star Palace Temple was so vast and majestic that it was absolutely impossible to build it just to test the disciples!

But it has a greater role, especially the Star Reaching Tower, which is absolutely impossible to be just a name.

Moreover, there was one thing that Ye Han hadn't figured out yet. He had passed through the Small Star Palace Temple and became a disciple of the Star Palace. This Immortal Thief alien should not have become a disciple of the Star Palace yet.

According to what Zhentian God said at the time, it would be safer to enter the Central Star Palace Temple, and you would have to become a disciple of the Star Palace.

Then how come the Immortal Stealing Alien Race can do it without any obstacles...

oh! correct!

Ye Han figured it out and couldn't help but slapped himself on the head and said: "What a mistake! It's all because of the old thief!!"

Yes, Ye Han finally figured it out. As soon as he and the Immortal Thieves arrived at the entrance of the Central Star Palace Temple, they were sucked in by an astonishing pulling force, and a chess game appeared...

Looking back now, that chess game was another way to assess and select Star Palace disciples in the Central Star Palace Temple.

After the Thieving Immortal Alien Clan broke the chess game, the chess game gave the Thieving Immortal Alien Clan a starry sky stone with a chessboard symbol, which meant that the Thieving Immortal Alien Tribe had also become a disciple of the Star Palace.

This finally made Ye Han figure out why the two of them were sucked into that place as soon as they entered the Central Star Palace Temple.

Fortunately, the Thieving Immortal Alien Race broke the chess game, otherwise, the Thieving Immortal Alien Race might have encountered more troubles.

Ye Han would also be implicated and trapped in the chess game.

However, as the Immortal Thief aliens became disciples of the Star Palace and were released, why did they encounter the poisonous evil spirit again? And what about coming here?

Now that the Thieving Immortal Alien Race has disappeared, do we have to wait for the Thieving Immortal Alien Race? Or should you move on by yourself?

Ye Han felt the aura on the steps on the ground, which contained an aura similar to the golden sapling of Ziding...

So, Ye Han decided to move on!

After all, such an opportunity comes only by chance, and the Thieving Immortal Alien Race doesn't know what's going on. If they cause any trouble again, they will be implicated.

If the golden runes on this step are useful to the golden saplings, then there must be...

Sure enough, Ye Han walked up the stairs step by step.

A bright white light surged, and Ye Han felt it very clearly this time. His body felt as if he had entered a teleportation space...

However, this was also a momentary feeling, and then he felt that he appeared in a white light space, with boundless rune auras swirling, and a golden rune in the middle...

The different situation is that as the golden runes appear, a figure also appears in the void!

Shocking God! !

In the void of white light, the Zhentian God was wearing a suit of armor and still wearing the red mask. It was definitely the Zhentian God who was right! !

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