Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1700 Such a pleasant decision

Listening to the words of the Thieving Immortal Foreign Race, Ye Han's face changed. He looked in that direction and saw a spiritual light surging out of a high wall in front of him. Among them were giant trees with a height of thousands of feet. Among them are fruits that emit flashes of spiritual energy.

Seeing that the fruits looked very much like babies, Ye Han knew that they were the legendary ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruits.

It has been said in some books and legends that mortals who eat the ten thousand-year-old ginseng fruit can live forever, become immortals, and even become immortals directly.

Of course, in fact, this ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit is just a very rare natural treasure, and it does not have such amazing effects as legendary.

If you really take one and you can live forever, fly to immortality and become an immortal directly, just snatch the ten thousand year old ginseng fruit, what else do you need to become an immortal?

Besides, the ten-thousand-year ginseng fruit is such a powerful spiritual medicine. Let alone taking it, mortals can't get close to the ten-thousand-year ginseng fruit. Ordinary mortals can't take it at all. Just one breath is enough to make that mortal's body explode and explode. Death……

However, the ten thousand year ginseng fruit is indeed a very rare treasure of heaven and earth. It is not only a fruit of heaven and earth treasure that can be taken directly, but also a treasure that can increase the cultivation level of immortal cultivators and increase their longevity...

This is the true function of Wannian Ginseng Fruit.

However, judging from the smell and size of the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng Fruit, one must at least be at the Nascent Soul Stage to consume the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng Fruit.

Otherwise, it is very normal for ordinary cultivators under the Nascent Soul stage to be unable to withstand this terrifying medicinal power and spiritual energy, and it would be very normal for their entire physical body to explode directly...

However, if you look closely, you will see that behind the high wall where the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit tree is located, there is a mask array for defense, and there is a large building behind it, which is obviously the backyard of a cave of a cultivator from the ancient human race...

On the other side, continuous roars and vibrations came. It was obvious that the Zhentian God was still fighting something...

Sensing this situation, Ye Han said in a deep voice: "There is the breath of Zhentian God here. That thing must have discovered this ten thousand-year-old ginseng fruit. It is impossible for such a treasure to be without a guardian. This old immortal must be the same as that guardian." The warriors fought!”

After hearing this, the Thieving Immortal Alien also nodded solemnly and said: "That must be the case. The old immortal has discovered the ten thousand-year-old ginseng fruit and is still here. He will definitely not let go of such a treasure!"

With that said, the Thieving Immortal Alien Race rushed towards the direction of the Wannian Ginseng Fruit, and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Ye, the guardian must have been held back by the Lord Zhentian. Ignore him, let's seize the treasure first!"

The words of the Immortal Stealing Alien coincided with Ye Han's. Although he had already planned to kill the Zhentian God, the current situation was that the Zhentian God was also seeking to obtain this ten thousand year old ginseng fruit, which caused thousands of disturbances. The guardian of the ginseng fruit is chasing after you!

As for what kind of existence this guardian was, he didn't think much about it.

Now is a good time to seize the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit. After all, it seems that the guardian of the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit can beat the Zhentian God and run away with his head in his arms, which means that the guardian is much more powerful than the Zhentian God.

He had fought against the Zhentian God, and both sides had reservations. If he didn't use the treasures at the bottom of the box, the Heaven-turning Pagoda or the Juehan Divine Sword, it would be absolutely difficult to kill that guy.

If they face an opponent that Zhentian God cannot deal with, they will be in great trouble.

So it’s better to get the Ten Thousand Years Ginseng Fruit while Zhentian God leads the guardian away!

With this in mind, the Immortal Thieves and Ye Han quickly rushed towards the Wannian Ginseng Fruit...

I saw that the high wall around the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit should have defensive restrictions and formations. Now a large area has collapsed. Judging from the traces, they are still brand-new traces. They were definitely made by Zhentian God.

As for the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit tree, a branch was broken, and there was a trace of amazing spiritual energy rippling in the broken place of the branch, which was just cut off...

It must have been chopped off by Zhentian God. I don’t know how many thousand-year-old ginseng fruits were taken away at once!

However, this is just a small part of the branch. There are actually hundreds of thousands-year-old ginseng fruit trees in the entire ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit tree...

The Immortal Thief alien looked at the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit tree and said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Ye, we have moved this ten-thousand-year-old ginseng fruit tree! Can your medicine garden be able to accommodate it?"

Yes, whether it is the Immortal Thieves or the Holy Son of Asi, Mr. Lan Qing and Ye Han have been working together for so long. Ye Han has been collecting immature elixirs, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures. They have already judged. Ye Han is sure. There is a magical medicine garden in a secret space...

In fact, the treasure chest of the Thieving Immortal Alien Clan is also a secret space, but in terms of growing elixirs, it is far behind compared to Ye Han's Purple Cauldron Space.

Naturally, although they had guessed that Ye Han had a medicine garden in this secret space, they never imagined that Ye Han's medicine garden would be so large, with amazing magical medicines, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures...

And there are other magical powers!

After Ye Han heard this, his heart moved. He did not speak, but carefully looked at the situation around the ten thousand-year-old ginseng fruit tree and the ground...

After observing it for a while, Ye Han said with serious eyes: "This Ten Thousand Years Ginseng Fruit is not that easy to get."

The voice paused, and he continued: "However, we are lucky. The restrictions and formations of the ten thousand year old ginseng fruit have just been destroyed by Zhentian God. It is not difficult for us to take away some of the ten thousand year old ginseng fruit, but it is a bit troublesome to dig up the entire ten thousand year old ginseng fruit tree..."

Before Ye Han finished speaking, the Immortal Thief interrupted Ye Han and said: "Hey, fellow Daoist Ye, don't talk too much, do it! I, the old thief, believe in your ability very much. It's agreed that this ten thousand year old ginseng fruit tree belongs to you, and I will give you 100 more ten thousand year old ginseng fruits! It's a happy decision!"

As he said, he looked at Ye Han eagerly...

It was obvious Of course, he saw through Ye Han's thoughts, which were nothing more than a little tricky distribution...

Listening to what the Immortal Thief said, Ye Han said: "I don't have this ability, but I can try!"

Now time is limited, and he knows deeply that if he takes action, it is very likely that the guardian who is chasing after Zhentian God will come back to deal with the two of them...

However, facing this ten thousand year old ginseng fruit, Ye Han has no reason to refuse...

Such treasures are hard to come by, and he believes that his top space should be able to accommodate this ten thousand year old ginseng fruit!

So, Ye Han moved and flew towards the yard of the ten thousand year old ginseng fruit...

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