Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1776 Hmm? Purple Tripod? !

The reason why Ye Han didn't wait for the Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi was because the Purple Cauldron had sensed the vibration reaction along the way, which made him choose the direction to go without hesitation...

This Uncertain Immortal Ladder took him more than seven years. During this period, his cultivation speed on the Uncertain Immortal Ladder was more than ten times that of the Purple Cauldron. He is now at the third level of the Spiritualization Stage, close to the peak of the third level.

For a cultivator at the level of the Spiritualization Stage, that is already a very scary speed.

If Ye Han hadn't felt that the vibration of the Purple Cauldron was getting stronger and stronger, he wouldn't have come up so quickly, and he would have to wait for Bai Daozi and the Immortal Thief for a while.

He didn't worry about whether the Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi could pass the Uncertain Immortal Ladder. After all, he had cleared the blood soul attacks of the Uncertain Immortal Ladder along the way.

If, under such circumstances, the Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi could not pass the Uncertain Immortal Ladder, even if they died, it would only mean that they were at this level of cultivation, and they would not be of much help to him...

Ye Han stepped onto the last step, and the illusion in front of him dissipated. His eyes lit up, and a very large space appeared. In this large space, there was a sound of splashing water.

In the middle of the very large space, there was a huge pool. In the middle of the pool, there was a gourd made of a strange stone. On the gourd were some runes with auspicious cloud patterns, suspended in the air, and some purple-red spiritual liquid was constantly sprayed out from the mouth of the gourd.

This purple-red spiritual liquid made Ye Han feel an extremely powerful breath of water spirit, and the breath contained an amazing law power...

The whole space was filled with a strange breath, which made Ye Han's magic power grow faster than before.

Ye Han looked at it for a long time, but he still couldn't recognize what kind of spiritual liquid flowed out of the gourd. After all, purple-red spiritual liquid is rare. There is no spiritual liquid that matches this in the books and materials he has read.

Ye Han frowned and said to himself: "What kind of spiritual liquid is this?!"

Thinking of this, Ye Han was about to go over to take a look, but suddenly, he found something wrong. He opened his eyes wide in horror and looked at the shadows of alien races slowly flowing in the spiritual pool...

There is something strange about this pool!

Ye Han narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, and he swept towards the purple-red pool...


Ye Han took a breath of cold air. Under this purple-red pool, there were actually countless skeletons of immortal cultivators. It seemed that the skeletons had turned purple-red.

This situation made Ye Han very taboo. After all, there were so many souls and skeletons of immortal cultivators in it, which was already very strange.

If you easily contact or provoke it, you don't know what troubles will come!

Ye Han did not go over easily, and continued to observe, feeling the purple tripod's induction in the sea of ​​consciousness...

He originally thought that the purple tripod's induction was either the strange stone gourd floating in the air or the purple-red spirit pool.

But if he carefully sensed it, he found that the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness was sensing a position to the left of the pool.

What is there?

When Ye Han sensed this situation, his heart moved, and he shielded his breath from leaking out, and walked carefully along the wall in that direction.

The pupils of his eyes were all mysterious, and the mysterious rune array runes were spinning.

This is the pupil technique of improving eyesight that Ye Han has recently successfully cultivated. This is a pure magical power to improve vision. There is a rumor among the ancients that immortals have the magical power of clairvoyance.

In fact, Ye Han didn't pay much attention to the cultivation of his eyesight before. After all, as the cultivation level of the immortal cultivators improves, the range of their spiritual sense will become larger and larger. It is inevitable that the spiritual sense will be able to see more clearly and clearly. Therefore, for high-level immortal cultivators, vision seems to be a bit useless. After all, if there are mountains, trees, etc. blocking the way ahead, the vision still cannot see through, but the spiritual sense can see through.

So it's not just Ye Han who doesn't practice the magical power of eyesight. Most immortal cultivators don't spend much time practicing the magical power of eyesight.

Now Ye Han started practicing again, just because he happened to find a good magical power for vision training, and it can see through some spiritual illusions.

Just like now, if Ye Han uses this clear eyesight magic, he can't see through the countless skeletons of immortal cultivators at the bottom of the purple-red spiritual liquid...

And the spiritual sense can't penetrate it either. This is the limitation of the spiritual sense, and many dangerous places have extremely powerful prohibitions to suppress the spiritual sense.

So relying on the spiritual sense alone is sometimes useless.

Of course, immortal cultivators will encounter various dangers at any time, but Ye Han didn't know when he would use this eye-opening magic technique. Anyway, it's better to have more skills than less. Whenever it can be used, it will be used.

Isn't it used now?

Ye Han didn't dare to approach the purple-red spiritual liquid pool easily. With his current cultivation level, he intuitively felt that this pool was dangerous, so he naturally wouldn't go there easily to die.

However, what is in the pool that attracts the purple tripod's induction?

Before, when he was in the Star Continent, the Central Star Palace Temple didn't dare to remove the purple tripod's external induction restriction, because he was afraid that the purple tripod would attract the terrible existence hiding in these places, and then he would lose more than he gained. That would be unnecessary.

After entering the Star Picking Tower, you don't have to worry too much about this. If there is any terrifying existence in it, it will be encountered sooner or later.

As Ye Han slowly walked past the edge of the pool, he suddenly saw that in the middle of a pile of immortal cultivators' bones, there was a purple light thread spinning in it...

Is that what the purple tripod sensed?

Ye Han's heart suddenly moved, and his eyes were running to the extreme, looking at that thing!

Hmm? Purple tripod? !

Ye Han suddenly took a breath of cold air, that thing seemed to be a corner of a purple tripod...

There is actually a purple tripod in this Star Picking Tower?

Could it be that there was a purple tripod thousands of years ago when the ancients were powerful?

Thinking of this, Ye Han's face became strange, but that was only a corner of the purple tripod, otherwise...

Just when Ye Han was thinking about whether to take action,

Buzzing, suffocating purple runes vibrated in the pool. It seemed that something suddenly trembled in circles of purple runes. The entire pool of purple-red spiritual liquid also trembled violently at this time.

A powerful and terrifying aura burst out from it...

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