Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1782 Mysterious Summoning

Ye Han felt that mysterious breath, and actually sensed the breath of the nine black dragons of Gu Long Jiu Jue.

This situation made Ye Han's face condense, and he didn't think it was a good thing.

After all, he always suspected that the nine dragons of the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall were not as magical as they said. If the Nine Dragons Locking the Sky could really be opened, those races with ulterior motives would have come to the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall long ago.

Although the Wuxie Sect is powerful, the Beilu Xian Sect controlled by the Immortal Clan is the strongest sect in the world. The Wuxie Sect and the Beilu Xian Sect are not of the same level. If the Beilu Xian Sect really wants to snatch the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall, the Wuxie Sect can't resist.

However, the Beilu Xian Sect has never planned to take action, although it is because the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall cannot find the secret.

But Ye Han always felt that these reasons were a bit far-fetched, as if they were hiding some facts...

Ye Han was not an ascetic monk. Most of the time, he relied on the purple tripod to practice, and he would spend time thinking about many things repeatedly. This was why he felt that the Ten Thousand Years Nine Dragon Wall and the Nine Dragons might be a more troublesome trap. Because there were many things that didn't make sense.

Of course, the so-called summoning was not a real call, but a special feeling, as if there was something vaguely guiding him to go there...

However, Ye Han did not continue to drive the Nine Dragons, nor did he plan to go there. He was going to wait for Bai Daozi and the Immortal Stealing Alien Clan to come up.

On the contrary, he was now vaguely worried. He had been up for so long, why hadn't these two guys come up yet? Could it be that they were in some danger?

As Ye Han put away the Nine Dragons, the summoning aura he sensed also disappeared.

He tried to go to the entrance of the hall to see the situation of the Uncertain Immortal Ladder, but there was a forbidden light shield at the entrance of the Uncertain Immortal Ladder, so he couldn't observe the situation on the Uncertain Immortal Ladder at all, let alone see the situation on the other side. Even if he used all his strength to drive the Tomorrow Divine Art, it didn't work at all...

It seems that he can only wait for the Immortal Thief Alien and Bai Daozi.

But this way, he also has enough time to calmly calculate what happened during this period. He always feels that there are many things he has overlooked, so it's better to re-judge...

Of course, he is not just thinking about things, but taking pills, converting the pill aura through the purple cauldron, and converting it into star power.

Why convert star power? Because although he is a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage, he has been in the Star Continent for a long time.

But before absorbing the power of the stars, he could only rely on cultivation to absorb it, but he couldn't absorb the pill aura through the purple cauldron and convert it into star power.

Therefore, his mana cultivation and star power cultivation have always been unbalanced. Moreover, to exert star power, he also needs to meditate and practice to restore the star power cultivation. Therefore, Ye Han only uses star power at critical moments when it is not absolutely necessary...

Now it is different. The purple tripod has the ability to convert, so naturally he has to save more...

However, after many attempts by Ye Han, he found that the ratio of star power to the same elixir is different when it converts the ancient dragon power. An eight-turn spiritual energy elixir converts less than 30% into ancient dragon power, while the same one used to convert into star power is only a little more than 10%...

And the effect is different if the elixir grade and aura are different. For example, the nine-layer body refining elixir that Ye Han uses to refine his body has a little more star power than converting ancient dragon power.

If the grade is different, the effect is also different. For example, the conversion ratio of the eight-turn spiritual energy elixir and the seven-turn spiritual energy elixir is completely different, and the difference is very large.

During these attempts, Ye Han also summed up some experience, trying to use different pills to transform different powers...

In fact, during this period, Ye Han found that the sapling on the cover of the purple tripod had grown two small leaves. There were runes like red light filaments on the leaves, and the material was a bit like the material of the stone gourd...

This made Ye Han a little confused. Will the purple tripod grow spiritual roots and fruits? Or something else?

And Ye Han has been thinking about it these days. The guy produced by the purple-red spiritual pool may not be a blood soul ghost, but a more special and powerful existence, otherwise it would be impossible for the purple tripod to absorb the breath so much and give birth to saplings...

The stone gourd may be comparable to the Fantian Pagoda and the Zhanyuan Long Halberd. Of course, it is still a big gap compared to the Juehan Divine Sword.

Although Ye Han is interested in the stone gourd, he has no intention of letting the purple tripod release it and letting himself refine the stone gourd and make it his own treasure.

After all, he didn't have enough time and mana to refine his other treasures. He spent so much time and mana on the Fantian Pagoda and Zhanyuan Longji, but he could only barely drive them to exert their power. Moreover, if he used his magical powers, the consumption of his mana would be extremely terrifying.

In fact, having too many powerful treasures is also a very troublesome thing.

What kind of fruit will grow from the purple tripod after absorbing these two things? It depends on the fruit that the purple tripod condenses in the end.

However, according to Ye Han's experience over the years, every time the purple tripod grows a fruit tree, he has never been disappointed.

And when absorbing mysterious treasures or other creatures, the purple tripod will grow quietly.

The stronger Zi Ding is, the stronger he is.

He found that he and Zi Ding were becoming more and more dependent on each other.

But there was no way. For a cultivator like Ye Han who had reached the stage of transformation, no matter which race the immortal cultivators had, they didn't have any secret treasures for cultivation.

In fact, when Zi Ding took the initiative to deal with the blood soul ghost and the stone gourd, it was actually very reluctant. If it weren't for Ye Han's help, it would be very difficult for Zi Ding to subdue the blood soul ghost and the stone gourd.

Of course, if Zi Ding didn't come out, the trap of the blood soul ghost and the stone gourd would also make Ye Han very uncomfortable, and he might have to use extraordinary means to win!

So Ye Han and Zi Ding can be regarded as relying on each other, and they have a great tacit understanding to achieve this good result.

So Ye Han relies on Zi Ding, and Zi Ding also relies on Ye Han.

Ye Han waited for almost a year before the immortal thief race came out from the Unfixed Immortal Ladder, and soon after, it was Bai Daozi.

Seeing that the two had finally passed the Uncertain Immortal Ladder, Ye Han couldn't help but say, "I say, you two are too slow, aren't you? I thought you couldn't pass the Uncertain Immortal Ladder!"

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