Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 181 The Dark Forbidden Land That Cannot Be Escaped

Originally, Ye Han was a little surprised after hearing what Zhang Lingjun said. Didn't the Immortal Ceremony in the Dark Forbidden Land just end? If he went there, it would be the Immortal Ceremony five years later, right?

This high-level calming talisman, he wouldn't be able to use it for the time being, right?

But Zhang Lingjun added the last sentence, asking him not to tell his master, and Ye Han felt something was wrong.

The Immortal Ceremony in the Dark Forbidden Land was not a secret, so why couldn't he tell the Seventh Elder?

There was only one reason, the Seventh Elder and the Fourth Elder were planning something in the Dark Realm.

Zhang Lingjun should know the inside story, and he let it slip for a while?

Zhang Lingjun saw Ye Han's expression and knew that he let it slip, but he didn't care.

So Zhang Lingjun said to Ye Han: "Forget it, I'll tell you the truth, but you have to promise me that no one can leak it."

He seemed to be in a good mood, probably because Ye Han helped him get the treasure.

Although two thousand spirit stones were not much, it was difficult for him to take them out at the moment.

What's more, if I go a step later, the thing will be bought by someone else.

I can't do anything with the spirit stone.

That treasure is needed by all the cultivators in the foundation building period.

If I miss the opportunity, I don't know when I will have to wait.

So his attitude towards Ye Han changed a lot at once, which is what Ye Han wanted.

Ye Han immediately asked: "Brother Zhang, tell me, I will definitely not reveal a word to others."

Zhang Lingjun nodded and said: "It's good that you know the importance. In fact, the place where the master and the fourth elder asked you to go this time is the dark forbidden land. After each immortal meeting, a special restriction will be opened. It was discovered by our eldest brother by accident. I don't know how the eldest brother discovered it."

"However, after the research of the master and the fourth elder, to open the restriction, five disciples who practice different five elements are needed, and a five-element formation can be used to open it. Brother Ye, you are one of them."

"So this time you are going to the dark forbidden land, which is quite dangerous. There is always darkness inside. The existence of demonic energy, this high-level calming talisman can protect you from being invaded by demonic energy at critical moments. "

"According to Master and others' speculation, there are treasures that make Jindan-stage cultivators excited. I don't know too much about the specific situation, and I can't tell you in detail. You should be prepared. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Lingjun told Ye Han: "You can't reveal this matter, it will be bad for anyone."

Ye Han immediately vowed: "Don't worry, Senior Brother Zhang, I won't tell anyone about this matter."

He just felt that the two thousand spirit stones he spent were too cost-effective. He didn't lack the things he needed, and his relationship with Zhang Lingjun increased a lot. Zhang Lingjun was not an ordinary foundation-building cultivator.

He judged that Zhang Lingjun was at least in the middle and late stages of foundation-building, and was a disciple who was brought by the master to guide his cultivation. His magical power was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators. Being able to build a good relationship with him would be of great benefit to him in the future.

Not to mention the benefits in the future, for the moment, he revealed the dark forbidden land to himself in advance, so that he could be prepared, and there were still many places to prepare.

So the two thousand spirit stones were really worth it.

The two had this relationship, and Zhang Lingjun took Ye Han on the way to Qingxuanmen.

Ye Han also took the opportunity to ask Zhang Lingjun how to improve his spiritual cultivation, and some problems encountered in cultivation, so he asked Zhang Lingjun.

Zhang Lingjun answered Ye Han one by one, which made Ye Han go further in the way of cultivation.

With the guidance of high-level immortal cultivators, even a few words can save a lot of detours and fewer setbacks.

It is said that the master leads the way, and the cultivation is up to the individual, but the master's "leading" is really too important. If the door can't be entered, how can the immortal cultivator practice?

Ye Han certainly knew that Zhang Lingjun's cultivation level could not be short of two thousand spirit stones? It was the two thousand spirit stones that helped Zhang Linjun get what he wanted.

This made Zhang Lingjun look at him with new eyes and teach him a lot of things. Otherwise, Ye Han would still be kept in the dark and didn't know what was going on.

However, Ye Han's family never expected that the dark forbidden land had been closed, and he had to go there because of the Seventh Elder and the Fourth Elder.

This news is very important, and Ye Han feels that he can make more preparations.

With Zhang Lingjun, a foundation-building cultivator, leading the way, very few cultivators dare to think of becoming a foundation-building cultivator.

It was very safe along the way, and it took only three or four hours to fly back to the Seventh Profound Peak of Qingxuan Sect.

Zhang Lingjun directly put Ye Han on the Seventh Profound Peak, gave him a few instructions, and went back to report to the Seventh Elder.

Ye Han watched Zhang Lingjun driving the flying magic weapon back, and his eyes flashed with envy. When can he become a foundation-building cultivator?

However, he quickly gathered his mind. Cultivation is not a one-day effort. With perseverance and diligence, this day will not be too far away.

However, Zhang Lingjun had given him so much guidance along the way, and he wanted to go back to practice.

So he quickly ran towards his cave.

Before he arrived at his cave, he felt a very familiar breath, and he was delighted. He went up the cliff in a few flashes and saw a familiar figure standing at the door of his cave.

Ye Han said in surprise: "Senior Brother Zhang! You are back!"

Sure enough, the man standing at the door of Ye Han's cave was tall and strong, with one arm empty...

It was Zhang Qingshan.

Zhang Qingshan looked back at Ye Han and said in a buzzing voice: "Junior Brother Ye! It's so good to see you."

Ye Han also said with surprise: "Senior Brother Zhang! I have heard about your brilliant performance in the Dark Forbidden Land. It's good that you came back alive! Congratulations, Senior Brother!"

Hearing Ye Han's congratulations, Zhang Qingshan's eyes showed a hint of sadness, and he sighed and said: "Yes! It's good to be alive."

Ye Han saw the sadness in Zhang Qingshan's eyes, and saw that he was not in a good mood. His eyebrows moved slightly, and he looked up and down at Zhang Qingshan.

It was found that Zhang Qingshan's breath was not stable, and his blood was very dim, and his life breath was not strong. More importantly, there was a murderous aura on his body.

This evil spirit frightened Ye Han. It seemed that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan had an extraordinary experience in the Dark Forbidden Land. However, this weak aura made Ye Han look worried...

Seeing Ye Han's worried expression, Zhang Qingshan smiled and said, "Don't worry! It's good enough that I can come back alive. The sect will give me enough elixirs to heal my wounds! In fact, I'll just stay for a while and leave soon."

Hearing this, Ye Han immediately asked, "Senior Brother, where are you going?"

He also wanted to ask Zhang Qingshan about the situation in the Dark Forbidden Land, after all, he, Ma Shan, was just about to go there.

I didn't expect that he was leaving soon...

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