Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 183 Ready to Go

Ye Han stood on the cliff, watching Zhang Qingshan's back as he walked away, holding the magic-avoiding bead in his hand, full of gratitude.

Zhang Qingshan had already told Ye Han about his situation in the Dark Forbidden Land, but time was limited and he couldn't tell him in too much detail.

But he told Ye Han all the important information about the Dark Forbidden Land.

In fact, these messages were strictly forbidden to be spread in the sect.

When Zhang Qingshan left, he also told Ye Han not to reveal these messages, and gave Ye Han the last seven levels of the complete body-refining technique, the Blood Refining Technique, without telling him how he completed the technique.

However, Ye Han was about to go to the Dark Forbidden Land and couldn't practice, which put his mind at ease.

Because when he came back, the elders of the sect and the deacons who led the team repeatedly told them that these things were strictly forbidden to be leaked.

It would be fine if the disciples of the sect spread it, but if it spread to other sects, wouldn't other sects be concerned?

So once anyone was found to have leaked it, he would be severely punished.

Ye Han was also glad that he trusted Zhang Qingshan and told him that he was going to the Dark Forbidden Land.

Otherwise, if he went to the Dark Forbidden Land so rashly, with his little preparation and cultivation, he might not be able to come back from the Dark Forbidden Land.

The Seventh Elder and the Fourth Elder were really blinded by their own greed and let these Qi Refining disciples go to such a dangerous place.

However, the Dark Forbidden Land was also banned by several major sects. Cultivators above the Foundation Establishment Stage could not enter, and only Qi Refining disciples could go in and take risks.

Ye Han knew very well that the reason for this was that his cultivation was too low. He could only be a pawn of these high-level cultivators and be manipulated by others.

If possible, how could he take such a risk?

Ye Han now has so many cultivation resources and treasures on him. If he concentrates on cultivation, he will definitely be able to advance to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Without taking the risk of going to this dangerous Dark Forbidden Land.

So Ye Han felt that he had to be more urgent in the next month, and at all costs, he would do his best to improve his cultivation.

Prepare the things needed for the Dark Forbidden Land.

Although the time is only one month, he can now use the purple tripod.

It is difficult to break through the bottleneck in a short time in terms of cultivation.

But he can improve the wooden dragon staff on his body and those swordsmanship to the extreme.

Fortunately, at least, unlike Zhang Qingshan and others going to the Dark Forbidden Land, there are no four sects of cultivators participating, and only a few of them are less threatened by enemies from other sects.

But Zhang Qingshan also told him that the dark demonic energy inside will corrode the minds of the cultivators who enter, and basically the same sect cultivators will also be possessed by demons and kill each other.

So Ye Han returned to his cave, and Han Yuwan took the initiative to tell him that someone was looking for him outside.

Ye Han knew it was Zhang Qingshan, and then told Han Yuwan that he would leave the cave for a while in a month.

Han Yuwan also said that after a month, her realm should be stable, and she would also come out of retreat, leave the cave to register in the sect, receive the token for the opening of the cave, and the reward for advancing to the foundation building.

Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Ye Han kept pinching his fingers and chanting in the hall of the cave. As his magic power pointed, the six flying wooden swords kept changing their positions in the air, shocking out amazing sword intent, interweaving and flying in the air, as flexible as fingers.

In this month, he has taken and refined all the low-grade divine pills.

His spiritual consciousness has improved by more than one-third of the original. Now it is very easy to control the six flying wooden swords, and even two more can be added.

According to Zhang Lingjun's guidance, the most important thing for Ye Han to practice sword skills and sword intent is to spare no mana and constantly perform and comprehend the sword intent in the sword skills.

The sword skills of immortal cultivators are not the sword skills of secular warriors. The sword skills of warriors are mainly to comprehend the sword intent through moves.

The sword skills of immortal cultivators do not use mana and spiritual consciousness to perform, so they cannot release power at all, and they cannot really practice and comprehend. The sword skills of immortal cultivators do not pay much attention to moves, but more importantly, the control of sword intent.

This kind of practice consumes a lot of mana. Generally, cultivators need to meditate to restore mana after each practice.

Therefore, for low-level cultivators, the progress of practicing swordsmanship will not be too fast.

For Ye Han, that is not a problem.

Now the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness can play a role, which can help him absorb the power of the elixir and restore his mana instantly.

Although this kind of practice consumes a lot of mana, Ye Han’s current elixir resources are quite amazing. If ordinary disciples can practice to the great perfection of the Qi Refining Stage.

Of course, this is the case without encountering bottlenecks. If you can continuously break through the realm of cultivation by taking elixirs, it is impossible. The elixir poison and drug resistance alone may cost the cultivator's life.

Therefore, Ye Han's progress in practicing Qingxuan Swordsmanship is far beyond the imagination of others. Qingxuan Swordsmanship is divided into five levels, and Ye Han has practiced to the third level.

Under normal circumstances, even cultivators with amazing swordsmanship talents will need more than a year to reach this level.

As a result, Ye Han only took more than a month to reach it.

However, Ye Han also discovered that since he had dispelled the evil spirit of the evil cultivator with the abominable black bead, the purple tripod aura possessed him no longer had the ability to increase his level of physical skills and fighting skills.

It seemed that he was right and wrong at the beginning. The damn evil spirit of the evil cultivator used this method to trick him into constantly using this kind of evil aura to possess him.

He tried to use this method to seduce him to constantly absorb his soul, and finally achieved the purpose of taking over his body and controlling him.

If Ye Han had not discovered this guy's conspiracy and continued to indulge in that kind of power, he would have been controlled by the evil demon soul.

In addition, Ye Han also used the Refining Treasure Technique to refine the six wooden spirit flying swords at all costs, which consumed a lot, but they have been refined to a relatively high level. Now that he uses the sword formation, the power is extraordinary.

When Ye Han was practicing swordsmanship.

"Is Brother Ye here?"

A familiar voice came from outside.

Ye Han's heart moved, and with a wave of his hand, the six wooden spirit flying swords flew into his storage bag one after another, opened the door of the cave, and walked out.

Sure enough, Zhang Lingjun was at the door of the cave. Seeing Ye Han coming out, his eyes showed a hint of surprise. It has only been a month since I last saw Ye Han. Although his cultivation has not changed much, he exudes a sharp aura, which is obviously a situation where his swordsmanship has been successful and his magic has improved a lot.

Ye Han respectfully said to Zhang Lingjun: "Greetings, Senior Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Lingjun nodded and said: "From the looks of you, you have made great progress in this month of hard training. You should be more confident in helping Master complete things."

After hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved, and he said to Zhang Lingjun: "Senior Brother! Master! Will you let me go?"

Zhang Lingjun replied: "Yes! Master asked me to take you to see him. You prepare, take what you want to take, and then leave."

After hearing this, Ye Han's face became solemn. It seemed that he had to go to the Dark Forbidden Land, and he didn't know if he could come back alive.

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