Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1884 There is only one goal

Ye Han suddenly felt the inheritance token in his hand tremble slightly, and the aura on it instantly became very weak.

Oops, there are variables! !

Before Ye Han had time to react, Zhang Qingshan's voice became intermittent and said after the inheritance token was transmitted: "Junior Brother Ye! Old Man Liu and I... have... entered the bottomless pit of Kowloon Locked Sky... We can no longer... you You must...save me...otherwise..."

At this point, Zhang Qingshan's voice stopped suddenly, and the breath of the inheritance token in Ye Han's hand was also annihilated in an instant.

It was obviously because of some unknown reason, some powerful restriction, or the aura transmission that interfered with the inheritance token, or there was danger on Zhang Qingshan's side.

This left Ye Han with no choice but to avoid entering the Nine Dragons Locking Heaven, although it was unknown why the two entered the Nine Dragons Locking Heaven.

The two of them went in even though they knew there was danger inside, especially Mr. Liu, an old fox who had been practicing for who knows how many years.

It turned out that the two of them had a reason to go in.

After all, there is danger inside, and the Nine Dragon Lock Sky is a trap. Mr. Liu has always accurately told him this.

On the other hand, Zhang Qingshan possesses the mysterious and extremely powerful ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil!

If there was extreme danger inside, Zhang Qingshan would never let Old Man Liu go in with him!

Because he knows the personality of senior brother Zhang Qingshan, if there is any danger, he will not put him into any danger. Zhang Qingshan is such a person, he would rather sacrifice himself than let himself take risks.

Now that he has contacted himself, it means that he has a lot of hope of getting inside. It is impossible to ask him to go in to save people despite a serious omen. This is not something that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan can do. .

Even if he hasn't seen him for many years, Ye Han will still believe that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's character is simply the best among the best immortal cultivators. If it weren't for this incredible magical power of seeking good luck and avoiding evil, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan would have already become a cultivator. It disappeared into ashes.

In view of Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's character and the current situation, to take a step back, even if Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan can seek good fortune and avoid disaster, Mr. Liu should be with Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan.

If he didn't have to go in, Mr. Liu would definitely stop Zhang Qingshan.

After all, Mr. Liu told him that it was so serious at the beginning, and he would never let Zhang Qingshan get close to the prohibition of Kowloon Locked Sky...

Given these comprehensive considerations.

So Ye Han immediately judged that this cave might lead to the Nine Dragons Locking Heaven, but he did not approach the Nine Dragons Locking Heaven immediately. Moreover, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan also said just now that this cave was a bottomless pit. What was going on? He didn't know how it was formed...

However, Ye Han was still a little worried. After all, Ye Tianyu and Wu Xuantian also followed him in, but there was no sound inside.

It is very possible that when Brother Jinshan was summoned, it might be because Ye Tianyu and Wu Xuantian went in.

Ye Han is not a sage who predicts the future.

But judging from the comprehensive judgment of various situations before and after, no matter from any aspect, he should go to rescue Zhang Qingshan, Mr. Liu, and Ye Tianyu first!

After all, it is so dangerous inside. If you go in and rescue him too late, it is very likely that all three of you will be wiped out and unable to survive.

What's more, it's possible that Wu Xuantian and Yue Shen's Nascent Soul souls may also rush in.

Moreover, Zhang Qingshan also said that Mr. Liu is very dangerous, and he is also in danger...

It is indeed necessary to go in and rescue quickly.

But under such circumstances, Ye Han's impulse to force himself to rush in was actually extremely calm. Reason told him that it would most likely be completely useless for him to rush in now.

Why do you say this way?

Ye Han judged that Elder Liu and Zhang Qingshan who rushed in were definitely superior to him in terms of their cultivation and heaven-defying supernatural powers. Elder Liu was so mysterious that when he stood in front of Elder Liu, he could not sense the depth of Elder Liu at all.

The fox-like and cunning God Zhentian always calls Mr. Liu "old thing" when he mentions him. This shows that Mr. Liu has been alive for who knows how long.

And you can hear the fear of Lord Zhentian when he mentions Mr. Liu!

Therefore, Mr. Liu's magical power of cultivation is definitely within himself, and he also has senior brother Zhang Qingshan who seeks good fortune and avoids misfortune.

The speed of Zhang Qingshan's cultivation progress may be no less than his, and such a powerful body is absolutely extraordinary.

This group of them went into this cave, but they didn't come out alive.

In order to kill the Moon God, Ye Han's own consumption was not ordinary, and he was injured by the backlash of the Juehan Divine Sword. If his current magical power were to fully explode, it would only be about half of its peak...

And he is still unable to use the Sword Emperor Divine Sword, the Absolute Cold Divine Sword and other heaven-defying treasures with all his strength!

In particular, although the Sword Emperor Divine Sword was forced out by him, the Sword Emperor's supreme sword intention was of great help, but still because of the explosion of this sword intention, the Sword Emperor Divine Sword had accumulated countless tens of thousands of years of power. Most of the gathered sword intent aura was driven away...

The power of the sword law contained in the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword naturally did not decrease, but the sword energy that had been accumulated for thousands of years was naturally consumed by the explosion.

There is no possibility of another outbreak, unless Ye Han himself understands the power of the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword and gathers enough mana to explode, then he can explode with more powerful power.

At least for now, the Sword Emperor Sword can no longer exert such a powerful force.

The situation of the Absolute Cold Sword is even easier to say. In his weak body, if he uses the Absolute Cold Sword again, the backlash will only hurt his foundation again, and it will take an unknown amount of time to recover again.

So in such a complicated situation now, Ye Han lost a bit of reason and rushed in to save people, which is no different from committing suicide.


Ye Han took a long deep breath! His eyes became extremely sharp, and he looked back at the huge and misty hole. With a finger, a gray talisman flew into the edge of the hole, turned into a few runes, and condensed light drilled into it.

This is a monitoring talisman. If it is released in it, as long as someone appears in this hole again, it will be sensed immediately.

Of course, Ye Han was not thinking about coming in to rescue them after his injuries were healed. His current injuries would take at least eight to ten years to fully recover. By then, it might be too late to rescue them...

He only had one goal, which was the inheritance of the ancient people!

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