Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1912 No matter how hard you try, you still can't find it!

A buzzing circle of golden moonlight rune aura surged on the Moon God's body.

His current appearance was naturally not the appearance of the one who had taken over the body of Zhentian God. Now he looked flawless, with golden hair, a face as white as jade, and extremely handsome...

He was simply the most perfect immortal!

He sat on a huge white jade rock with trembling moonlight.

After several months of meditation, his cultivation aura finally reached the limit, completely devouring Wu Xuantian's blood cultivation aura and Jiulong's immortal spirit.

It can be said that he has reached his limit now.

For so many years, he has actually been planning to devour Wu Xuantian, but he didn't expect that he would be killed by Ye Han first, so he could only use the hand of Kuining Immortal King to make Wu Xuantian fall into the trap...

In fact, Wu Xuantian didn't know until his death that the immortals didn't actually have much expectations for him, they were just using him.

More importantly, Wu Xuantian's intelligence is not very good, and the flame of the fairy spirit he absorbed is very amazing. Among the half-human and half-fairy cultivators cultivated by the fairy clan for so many years, Wu Xuantian is the most extreme one.

This is also the important reason why Wu Xuantian is so arrogant and thinks that he is the chosen one.

Little do they know that talent is very important, but luck and self-reliance are also indispensable.

That's why Wu Xuantian was abandoned by the fairy king Kuining, who chose the smarter and more knowledgeable Yue Shen...

After absorbing Wu Xuantian's soul and spirit, and the nine ancient dragons' aura, Yue Shen completely absorbed and refined it, and her cultivation and supernatural powers soared, which was much stronger than before the peak, especially her own spiritual roots through refining Wu Xuantian's spiritual roots and

This time, I will never let that damn Ye Han run away! !

This is also my only chance.

Thinking of this, Yue Shen's eyes showed a decisive look. The place has been arranged. After a few days, I will go out to find the whereabouts of Ye Han. There are only a few places to hide here.

Those guys are probably in the gaps in the space inside the bottomless pit, and only those places are the hardest to find.

However, I have a way to pull them out.

The Moon Goddess's face darkened, and she was about to get down from the crescent treasure.

Suddenly, her face moved, and her eyes looked in one direction with a sharp and suffocating look, followed by a sharp and extremely murderous intention.

Could it be that damn Ye Han?

Zhang Qingshan got out of a gap on the cliff, looking at the Moon God in the distance, his face was extremely solemn: "A sign of great misfortune! It's not easy to deal with!"

However, the position he was standing in was an auspicious position he carefully selected, and it was impossible for the other party to deal with him.

The Moon God saw Zhang Qingshan's face and was stunned, but he had never seen this guy! But the other party gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Damn, how can this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes have such a high level of cultivation? The resources of the earth are so exhausted, how can such geniuses appear in succession?

Ye Han, Wu Xuantian... and the kid in front of him!

But since this guy dared to show up, it's not my fault.

When the Moon God saw this, a hint of coldness flashed across his eyes, and he was ready to activate the formation to deal with the boy. If he could take away some good things, coupled with the special changes in his physical cultivation, he could devour part of the other party's cultivation...

Hmm? Where is this kid? !

Before the Moon God had time to activate the Nine Dragons Formation to deal with Zhang Qingshan, he found that Zhang Qingshan's position was very clever, and he was right in the gap of the Nine Dragons Formation...

If the formation was activated, he couldn't do anything to this boy?

Is this guy doing it on purpose or what?

The Moon God's face moved slightly, and he decided to test Zhang Qingshan first.

So the Moon God grinned and said, "Fellow Daoists, are you from the Ancients? That's great, I'm just waiting for such a master to come and help."

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan scratched the back of his head and said, "Yes, I am from the Ancients! Daoist friends too? Daoist friends, is there anything I can help you with? That's great, I finally met a fellow tribesman!"

Having said that, Zhang Qingshan did not move at all. The omen of great danger from the Moon God was getting stronger and stronger. How could he go over and die?

It was safest to stand still.

The Moon God instantly saw whether Zhang Qingshan was true or false, and said coldly, "Daoist friends, are you going to make trouble with me?"

At the moment of speaking, the Moon God pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the golden fairy spirit swirled out a force of the moonlight law, which turned into a dazzling crescent blade light.

With the roar of the Moon Goddess, "That means you won't accept the toast and will be punished."

The crescent blade light instantly crossed the void, accelerated in the air, and instantly split into dozens of amazing crescent blade lights, turning into a thousand-foot-long sword light lotus, bombarding Zhang Qingshan.

At the same time, the Moon Goddess's palm trembled, and a dragon-shaped token appeared in her hand. As long as this damn kid dodges anywhere, he will not be in the attack range of the Nine Dragons Locking the Sky...

But! An unexpected scene appeared for the Moon Goddess.


Zhang Qingshan let out a thunderous roar, and his fist spun and burst out circles of suffocating ripples of golden light vortex, and a huge bronze-colored ancient boxing glove treasure flashed on his fist.

With Zhang Qingshan's roar, he punched out, and in an instant, the air within a radius of thousands of feet was twisted and exploded. The amazing twisting storm heavily blasted out a fist force of thousands of feet, and the attacking twisted storm collided with it...

With a clang, the earth-shaking roar exploded, the boundless twisting storm exploded, and countless golden crescent blades were shattered and exploded by the terrible fist shock wave.

Zhang Qingshan not only did not retreat or dodge, but punched away the crescent blade that was slashing over...

His figure also followed the storm of the blade light storm and drilled out. His figure trembled, and the terrible suffocating force under his feet roared and burst out. He rushed out all of a sudden, and the ground shook and burst out a terrible crack.


Zhang Qingshan's figure changed position again, and the golden light burst out and disappeared on the spot!

At the same time.

With a muffled bang, Zhang Qingshan's figure appeared on a cliff thousands of feet away...

At this time.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. The nine dragons on the nine huge mountains suddenly vibrated with excitement!

Feeling the excitement of the nine dragons, the Moon Goddess exclaimed in great surprise: "Is that thing on that boy?"

It's really hard to find it! But it's in the dim light! ! ! !

Immediately, the Moon Goddess didn't care about anything else, and her body trembled violently, emitting a circle of golden moonlight, and chased in the direction of Zhang Qingshan!

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