Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1947 Blood Soul Sea

The right guardian had a trace of fatigue in his eyes. Even if he was at the level of the Void Refining Stage, he had been chasing and killing people like crazy all the way, and even sacrificed a soul. Even with such a high level of cultivation, it was inevitable that she would be affected.

If she didn't have many treasures, secret methods, and elixirs on her body to speed up the recovery of mana and restore her cultivation, I'm afraid she would have hurt her foundation now.

But this is the death order of the Immortal King Kui Ning. If she disobeys it, she will die without knowing how...

The level of cultivation in the immortal clan is extremely harsh and strict. She is also a direct descendant of the Immortal King Kui Ning. If she disobeys the order of the Immortal King Kui Ning, her group will be in great trouble.

So even if it costs a lot, they have to chase and kill them!

But she was also suspicious and strange. If the Immortal King Kui Ning was so serious about hunting down these two ancient cultivators, wouldn't it be faster to do it himself?

The thoughts and actions of the Immortal King Kui Ning were not something she could ask about.

All she could do was to do her best to chase and kill the damned ancient cultivator, but the treasures and magical powers of these two guys were really amazing.

If she could get all of them, it would be a great thing. Even the Immortal King could not predict the future. He knew what good things the other party had, and it was absolutely okay to try some of them.

Looking at this endless blood-red sea, the right protector's eyes showed a trace of fear, and he said to himself: "They actually rushed to the Blood Soul Sea, this is not good! We must catch them!"

As he said, the right protector pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, releasing circles of mana aura towards the array in his hand, shocking out a blood rune.

As the right protector drove the array, circles of mana aura ripples were released in it, and the mysterious runes swirled. The metal statue on it, the one holding the sword, slowly moved, and his eyes burst out a circle of mysterious aura, pointing in a direction in the distance!

A terrifying rune breath and a gray light breath flew towards the distance and disappeared on the sea.

The right protector saw this scene and shouted to everyone: "Leave the flying boat, those two guys went into the sea!"

As she said that, she moved her body and fell to the sea. The others also rushed out of the flying boat and fell to the sea one by one...

The sea water surged and vibrated endlessly, and the sword blade flying boat also rolled with a touch, turned into a spiritual light, and flew into the storage bracelet on the wrist of the right protector.

Everyone fell on the sea with the right protector, and they moved in big waves, running forward at an astonishing speed.

One of the immortal cultivators couldn't help but say: "Right Protector, we have to be careful. If we encounter the Blood Soul King Beast, we will be in trouble!"

Another cultivator said coldly: "What are you afraid of! This Blood Soul Sea is red, obviously it has just been baptized and they are in a weak state! We must make a quick decision and find that damn ancient cultivator."

An older immortal cultivator couldn't help but curse: "Damn it! I didn't expect them not to come out of that normal space hole, otherwise, there would be no such trouble."

Listening to the curses of these cultivators, the right protector said in a deep voice: "What's the use of saying this now? We must catch these two guys, otherwise how can we explain to the Immortal King?"

Yes, this Blood Soul Sea is the base of the Blood Soul Clan, Those bloodthirsty and scary guys are okay for ordinary cultivators. If she encounters a Blood Soul King-level existence, she can only avoid their sharp edge...

Listening to the words of the right protector, the older immortal cultivator couldn't help but say: "Hey! Right protector, why does the Immortal King insist that we catch them within two days?"

The right protector's face changed, and he cursed in a deep voice: "Ask the Immortal King, is this matter something we can control?"

In fact, she was also wondering about this matter just now, but she couldn't say much in the face of her subordinates' inquiries...

So saying, the right protector shouted in a deep voice: "Speed ​​up! Those two guys can't run away!"

Yes, judging from the locked soul aura fed back by the altar, they are getting closer and closer, and the other party is within a thousand miles.

At this juncture, if we don't catch them, when will we wait?

Yes! ! ! ! !

Everyone shouted in unison, and rushed forward at a rapid speed...

In a scarlet sea thousands of miles away

Ye Han's figure turned into a water spirit, constantly running rapidly in the sea water, with an extremely amazing speed.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is very rich, and it also carries a terrifying and strange blood energy, so he dare not directly use his power to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here. He can only move forward rapidly while driving the purple tripod to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here, convert it into purple tripod aura, and then transfer it to himself...

Although Ye Tianyu's purple tripod is not as good as his, it has absorbed the aura of a pill by devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here so crazily.

This is really worthy of being the upper realm. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so abundant that only the most abundant areas in the Star Picking Tower can compare.

Ye Han also judged that the blood sea area where he fell was not an ordinary place. If it was really an area in the upper realm with such abundant spiritual energy everywhere, then this fairy clan would have been incredibly powerful.

Where is the need to find out the secrets of the ancient people in the earth? This wave of powerful and suffocating spiritual energy from heaven and earth alone is enough for many immortal cultivators to reach the stage of becoming gods.

After all, the skills, immortality, and supernatural powers in this upper realm are not comparable to those in the earth realm. With enough skills, immortal skills, and supernatural powers, and such abundant spiritual energy from heaven and earth, as long as it is not real and has no spiritual roots at all, it can definitely be practiced. To a very high level.

Obviously this sea area is also a dangerous place.

While Ye Han was swimming rapidly in the sea, he felt from time to time the aura of a very powerful presence remaining in the sea water.

It's just that the main body is no longer there, it seems to have gone somewhere...

Besides, this place has a very fresh and strong smell of blood. It has obviously been the scene of some battle or some terrible natural or man-made disaster.

Otherwise, what if he had been wandering around for so long without encountering a single living creature?

It is simply impossible in the sea water with such abundant aura of heaven and earth.

That's when.

Buzzing, buzzing, Ye Han felt the black-gray ball of light above his head tremble again. It was obvious that the damn immortals were exploring his location again, and were getting closer and closer.

No, if this continues, sooner or later we will be caught up, and we have to delay! !

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