Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 195 Demonic monks blocking the road

Hearing Sun Houde's surprised shout, the others also looked over. In the broken body of the Demon Flame Beast, a large piece of beast crystal that was larger than the head and had a circle of black runes on it slowly slid out of the Demon Flame Beast's head...

The beast crystal of the demon beast has no fixed position. It is mainly when the demon beast is practicing, it consciously concentrates the demon energy in a certain position, and there will be a high probability of the beast crystal appearing in that position.

It can be said that the beast crystal is the crystal where the demon power and magic power of the demon beast are concentrated...

For example, the two-horned demon beast that Ye Han killed before, this guy's beast crystal is in the belly, not in the head.

This Demon Flame Beast obviously concentrated the beast crystal in its head.

However, under the joint efforts of five extraordinary Qi Refining disciples, the Demon Flame Beast could not resist for long and was directly killed by the five people.

Of course, it was mainly because the five people's fighting magic treasures were all top among the Qi Refining disciples, and they did not need to join forces at all. They could cooperate with each other as soon as their consciousness moved.

The Demon Flame Beast had no choice but to be killed.

Seeing the huge beast crystal with runes, everyone showed surprise.

Such a huge beast crystal is of extraordinary value. This beast crystal alone can be exchanged for 50,000 spirit stones and 5,000 sect merits, which is completely possible.

This is a huge surprise.

Gu Changdao looked at Qin Minghui and said, "Junior Sister Qin, you can put this thing away. When the time comes, we will go out to divide the spirit stones and merits...!"

But before he finished speaking, Sun Houde had already moved his magic power and waved his hand towards the beast crystal on the ground.

The beast crystal of the Demon Flame Beast flew towards him.

The moment it flew over, the beast crystal of the Demon Flame Beast actually rushed out a black magic light ball, rushing towards Sun Houde...

Sun Houde's face changed, and he slapped his backhand, grabbed a big rock hand, and slapped the black magic light ball.


Bang! !

The rock hand instantly blasted out a big hole, and the black magic light ball rushed towards Sun Houde...

Sun Houde retreated continuously, and several earth walls suddenly rose up. He grabbed with his backhand, and a magic power flame hand grabbed out.

Puff! !

The magic light ball rushed through several fire walls in succession, and became much weaker. It was instantly crushed by the magic power flame hand, and exploded violently, emitting a scream of the magic flame beast.

Sun Houde then grabbed the magic beast crystal, looked at the beast crystal, and said in surprise: "It's really a good thing, this time we are rich."

Yes, although they have a good background, they are all good treasures on their bodies. They are top disciples, and tens of thousands of spirit stones and thousands of merits are also a huge income for them.

Seeing that Sun Houde was almost hit by the magic light ball, everyone's face moved slightly, and it became ugly...

Is this guy really going to die?

If he is really possessed by the magic energy, then he is finished.

But no one expected that this magic crystal also contains the consciousness of the magic flame beast.

But no one said anything, after all, Sun Houde was not really hit by the consciousness of the Demon Flame Beast.

Qin Minghui said coldly: "Brother Sun, you are so careless, you will suffer sooner or later."

Sun Houde said confidently: "I know! This thing can't hurt me."

He threw the beast crystal of the Demon Flame Beast to Qin Minghui: "Junior Sister Qin, everyone believes in you, so you can take it."

Qin Minghui put away the beast crystal of the Demon Flame Beast and said in a deep voice: "Let's leave here quickly. We are making so much noise here. Maybe there are demonized cultivators and monsters coming."

As he said that he was going to run forward, everyone followed him. Ye Han looked back at the body of the Demon Flame Beast.

The body of this guy was withering rapidly, and the flesh and blood gradually turned into a trace of black and red flames surging away...

This situation made Ye Han a little worried. He always felt that something was playing tricks in the dark, as if there was a pair of invisible eyes staring at them.

But he did not say it. He believed that with the cultivation and sensitivity of the other people, they must have discovered something wrong.

This made Ye Han more alert. These guys chose to keep silent. It was unknown what they were thinking.

He remembered what Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan had said to him, that he should not only pay attention to the dangers outside, but also pay attention to the dangers around him.

Everyone rushed forward quickly, and soon passed this canyon and headed towards the dark wall in front.

As everyone rushed forward, the dark wall became bigger and bigger. It didn't look too high from a distance, but when they got closer, they found that this thing seemed to separate the sky and the mountains. It was at least a hundred feet high.

Such a high wall, I really don't know what it was used for in the first place.

The crowd ran for more than ten miles and came to a barren slope that sloped downward. The huge city wall was already in front of them, making people feel a sense of oppression...

Qin Minghui, who was at the front, suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice: "Tsk! We are in trouble."

Everyone also stopped, because in the dark canyon ahead, there were huge stones on the canyon. On these stones, there were demonic monks sitting cross-legged, with black air surging and ragged clothes.

These demonic monks sat cross-legged on the big stones, with black air constantly surging on their bodies, as if they were meditating and practicing. Wisps of black air from all directions were entering them.

Going further ahead, there is the dark wall of the Dark Forbidden Land. There are countless huge hook marks on it, and there are also traces left by giant monsters. These traces are dozens of feet long. It must be a very high-level monster to leave them.

Under this wall, there is a big hole.

This big hole is the only way to enter the core part of the Dark Forbidden Land. Although there is a huge gate on the wall after going to the left for more than ten miles along the wall.

But the gate is tightly closed, and even a Jindan-stage cultivator cannot easily open it.

What's more, for these Qi-refining cultivators, only this cracked hole is the only place to enter the real core of the Dark Forbidden Land.

Now so many demonized cultivators are blocking this hole, which makes everyone look a little unhappy.

There are more than fifty demonized cultivators, all meditating on the big rocks at the entrance of this big hole...

This situation makes everyone feel very weird.

After all, whether it was Ye Han or anyone else, they had never heard of a demonized monk meditating in the dark forbidden land like this in the big cave, and it seemed that they were trying to guard the big cave.

This situation was really rare, and everyone looked at each other with frowns. The most important thing was that it was not impossible to kill these demonized monks.

But these demonized monks, the treasures on their bodies had been demonized, and getting their treasures was useless, and killing them would consume mana.

It can be said that it was a thankless move.

Gu Changdao said to Qin Minghui: "Junior Sister Qin! What do you think we should do about this situation?"

The others also looked at each other with solemn faces, and looked at Qin Minghui in unison...

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