Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1978 I have a suggestion, would you like to hear it?

Just as Ye Han let the purple cauldron absorb the spiritual liquid continuously and restored his cultivation, he also used some bottles to collect a lot of spiritual liquid after the purple cauldron filtered and absorbed it.

After being filtered and transformed by the purple cauldron, these spiritual liquids have become very pure. Although they are not as effective as the recovery effect of elixirs, they are many times better than the top-grade spiritual stones.

Just one bottle is enough for him to recover his mana three or four times.

If he encounters those guys again, he still has a certain ability to protect himself...

Just as Ye Han continued to collect these spiritual medicines.

A series of extremely shocking roars surged, and this strange pool of spiritual liquid began to vibrate continuously...

What happened?

Ye Han's face changed, and he felt that the situation was not good.

Sure enough, as Ye Han thought, these spiritual liquids began to roll violently, and countless invisible holes seemed to be madly absorbing these spiritual liquids to other places...


A terrifying muffled voice roared, "Asshole! Steal my spiritual fluid? You're looking for death!!!"

This voice echoed in this empty space.

Then, red blood soul flames attacked the purple cauldron where Ye Han was...

These blood-red flames carried a terrible evil spirit, and were accompanied by a very profound aura of swordsmanship. They bombarded the purple cauldron and caused a violent metal collision and explosion...

The purple cauldron was bounced up and kept hitting the extremely hard metal wall, sparks flew everywhere, and it looked very embarrassed.

Ye Han carefully distinguished and knew what this guy said! !

Although the language was not very fluent, Ye Han's spiritual sense and cultivation were so amazing and he was proficient in many written languages.

As long as he distinguished and guessed it a little, he knew what the other party said. This is the ability of high-level cultivators when their cultivation reached a very high level! !

It is said that cultivators who have reached a higher level of cultivation can directly use their spiritual sense to know what the other party means.

Of course, Ye Han's cultivation has not reached that level yet, so he naturally cannot do so...

Tell Ye Han to distinguish who the guy who spoke the voice is! ! !

So, Ye Han was not in a hurry, and said in a deep voice: "Daoyou! Be patient, I was also forced to enter your territory. If you don't want to perish, we can cooperate."

Hearing this, the blood demon's residual soul choked and said angrily: "Just you? Are you qualified to negotiate with me?"

Yes, the spiritual liquid here was cultivated by him with great effort to repair his heart, but this bastard guy broke in one after another, not only causing his soul to be shocked, but also brought so many bastard immortal cultivators and demon cultivators!

He had to burst out the blood soul tide to kill these guys, although because of killing those guys, he also harvested a large number of precious spiritual medicines, as well as flesh and blood souls...

But the gain is not worth the loss. He burst out the blood soul tide twice in a row, and the scale was extremely large, and the consumption was so great that it far exceeded his harvest!

What's even worse is that he had to move his location again and hide in a safer place, which was another huge loss.

All in all, he was really losing a lot.

However, he had just arrived at the place where he was going to hide and was about to put his spoils back into the spirit pool for refining...

But he found that the cultivator with the purple cauldron that made him lose had entered his spirit pool and was madly absorbing and stealing his treasures.

How could he suppress his anger in such a situation? He had to collect his spiritual fluid first.

Then he attacked this bastard boy and forced him out, because this guy's body was too good. If he could get the body of this cultivator, his speed of recovering his cultivation would increase a lot.

However, this guy was hiding in this purple cauldron, and his blood demon remnant soul could not do anything to this guy, so how could he not be more angry?

The blood demon remnant soul controlled the heart and attacked the purple tripod where Ye Han was frantically...

Ye Han looked at this guy's relentless and frantic attack, and quickly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell to drive the purple tripod...

Buzzing purple runes emerged in the purple tripod, forming a huge light shield to protect the purple tripod.

And there was also a demon-breaking thunder that vibrated and surged in it, forming an endless terrifying thunder light that swirled and vibrated...

As the extremely terrifying thunder light surged and exploded!!

The attack power of the blood soul flame blade controlled by the blood demon remnant soul was also reduced a lot, and a lot of power was blocked, and the attack on the purple tripod was also much weaker.

Seeing this situation, the blood demon remnant soul became even more angry. This purple tripod has been placed in his pile of treasures for who knows how many tens of thousands of years. He also tried to drive and use this treasure, but there was no way to drive it...

Because he had no physical body and was imprisoned.

Of course, other treasures could basically not be driven, so he never took it to heart.

Until this bastard was able to drive the purple tripod to burst out such a powerful defense that his blood soul sword could not hurt him at all.

Only then did the blood demon's residual soul react that this purple tripod was such a good treasure.

This really made him wonder why this treasure was so ordinary before, like a stone!!!

Little did they know that this was the fundamental power of the Purple Cauldron. As long as it was filled with aura, it would become exactly the same as the aura of the stone, seemingly very ordinary.

In fact, this was also one of the reasons why Ye Han had just absorbed the Purple Cauldron, and why he could recover so much mana and cultivation and burst out such a powerful demon-breaking thunder.

But what's the use of regretting now? This treasure has already fallen into the hands of this bastard.

Ye Han controlled the Purple Cauldron to resist the attack of the Blood Demon Remnant Soul. Although it looked very easy, he was actually a little anxious in his heart. This guy had taken away the spiritual liquid in the spiritual pool. If he continued to attack so frantically, the Purple Cauldron aura that he had finally recovered would be consumed again.

However, Ye Han already had an idea. The Blood Demon Remnant Soul must have been imprisoned in this place for some reason, and he must want to get out very much, or restore his physical cultivation or something like that!

Ye Han had encountered such an existence many times, and almost fell in his hands!

But this time he didn't plan to deal with the Blood Demon Remnant Soul, but planned to cooperate with him! !

So, Ye Han shouted, "Daoyou! Stop fighting! I have a suggestion, do you want to listen?"

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