Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1985 Weapon Spirit?

As Ye Han shouted out his words.

A dazzling blood-red cold flame burst out in the divine fire pool, and the flame of the blood demon remnant soul surged in the flame of the divine fire pool...

The blood demon remnant soul looked ferocious and asked anxiously: "Brother! What's the trouble?"

Ye Han pointed at the soul lock on his head and said: "Do you see the soul lock on my head? It was done by those damn ancestors. They really have no intention of letting us go and will continue to hunt us down."

As Ye Han spoke, the black and gray light ball of the soul lock on his head disappeared into the air after rippling out circles of runes.

Obviously, this time the immortal clan's soul lock magic power is still the same as in the past, and it has not been fully exerted for a long time.

Just fix his direction and position, and this time it feels that the direction and position are almost the same as last time.

But the distance should be farther.

Ye Han had experienced so many soul locks, and he was already very familiar with this magical secret.

Watching the black and gray light ball locked by the soul above Ye Han's head disappear, the blood demon remnant soul cursed angrily: "Damn it, it's this trick again. My brother was killed by this trick back then. We are really in trouble. We are hiding here, but they still caught up with us. It's really troublesome."

Ye Han had already figured out the experience of the blood demon remnant soul. In fact, it was not complicated. When this guy was in the fusion stage, his heart demon life and death tribulation failed, and he fell into a demon, killing everywhere and causing great damage.

The major races have been besieging for many years, but they have not succeeded. In the end, although they were trapped by the Buddha Taoist using the divine fire pool, they were also besieged by other races, and the immortal race was one of them.

So this guy also hated the immortal race very much.

Now seeing the black and white light ball locked by the soul above Ye Han's head, he naturally recognized it.

Ye Han also asked the Blood Demon Remnant Soul. Just as he thought, the soul-locking secret method of this immortal race is indeed extremely consuming, and the conditions are similar to what he thought. At least the other party should have seen Ye Han before he can use such a soul-locking secret method.

But this is not the point now. The point is that although the soul-locking time is less than three breaths, the other party has now locked his position.

Ye Han understands that he can only go head-to-head with the immortal race and the demon cultivators now. The other party has prepared for so many months before coming to find him. He must be well prepared, and his injuries and cultivation must have recovered.

There is absolutely no way that there are the two immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage before. There will be at least five immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage. How can he be a match for these guys together?

Of course, running away is the best strategy.

Ye Han has already gotten out of the mouth of the Blood Demon Remnant Soul. Although this guy was sealed in the God Fire Pool, he has actually unlocked many of the restrictions. The dark metal space cave he is in now is actually the heart of this guy, but it has been refined using a special method...

There have been cultivators hiding everywhere who are trying to target him.

Now they are at the edge of the Thousand Illusions Land, which is one of the more dangerous areas in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. What's more dangerous is that not far from the Mysterious Illusions Land is the Ghost God Land, which is known as the graveyard of the immortals. A great war between the immortals and the ghosts took place there tens of thousands of years ago...

This Ghost God Land has lost many immortal cultivators, and there are many forbidden traps specifically targeting the immortals' immortal methods, various ancient ghosts and gods...

In short, it is a very dangerous area targeting the immortals.

Ye Han couldn't have really been hiding in the heart of this Blood Demon Remnant Soul. After all, Ye Han didn't believe in this guy.

Seeing that the Blood Demon Remnant Soul also became nervous, Ye Han knew that the plan he had prepared for a long time could be executed.

So, Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Brother, I feel that this time they are coming with great force. There must be a lot of cultivators coming, and they are also very powerful. We can't fight them head-on. We have to move our position. What do you think?"

After hearing this, the Blood Demon Remnant Soul immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, these damn guys like to use their numbers to bully the few, plot and scheme, and do everything they can! Brother, if you have any plans, tell me quickly, don't delay."

Then he said anxiously: "However, I have launched several blood tides in a row, and the consumption is very large. It is difficult to move."

Ye Han immediately said: "Don't worry, brother, didn't I ask you to cooperate before Deal with the divine fire pool? I have found a loophole. Although the chance is not great, as long as the brothers cooperate, the chance is still great. "

The voice paused, and he continued: "But this is a bit unfair to the brother. There is no other way to survive...!"

Without waiting for Ye Han to finish, the blood demon remnant soul said anxiously: "Brother, is it time to be long-winded now? Just say anything, I will definitely cooperate with you!"

During this period, Ye Han repeatedly used his formation, constantly trying to release the formation that imprisoned him. Several times, he had released it, but it was sucked back by the divine fire pool.

But this is already the best result, giving the blood demon remnant soul a great ray of hope, so Ye Han asked a lot of questions, and he couldn't help telling Ye Han, hoping that Ye Han could unlock the ban faster and let him regain his freedom.

Now Ye Han is his only lifeline, because he didn't tell Ye Han some things, the blood demon's residual soul may not be able to hold on for much longer. After all, the last time he was hit by Ye Han's magic thunder, he was severely injured. The continuous forced blood tides also consumed him greatly.

So he was more anxious than Ye Han...

Naturally, all this was within Ye Han's calculations. Ye Han immediately explained: "Brother, our attempts have failed during this period. I have discovered why that bastard Buddha Taoist's Divine Fire Pool allowed us to capture you even though the mirror was broken!"

Speaking of this, Ye Han said in a very emphasizing tone: "It was that damn bastard who merged this treasure with your soul and locked the breath. He sacrificed this treasure to imprison you here. There is no way to separate you from the treasure, but I have a new method that may succeed."

Then Ye Han said helplessly: "It's just too unfair to you, brother."

The blood demon's residual soul listened and said anxiously: "What is wronged or not, brother, just tell me if there is any way."

Ye Han said: "The way is to make you become the spirit of the Divine Fire Pool!"

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