Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2008 Green-eyed Daoist Friend, have you discovered anything?

The green-eyed king beast discovered that this pool seemed a little special, and he was not afraid of letting his innate magical power see through the pool! !

Is it possible that the ancient boy he started with is hiding in this pool?

damn! In the past few days, the five of them, the Void Refining Stage Immortal Cultivators, have searched the entire Thousand Illusions Land, and even searched the outskirts of the Netherworld Demon Land...

Unexpectedly, there was no trace of that damn ancient human race boy.

It is estimated that for so many days, he has been constantly using his innate magical power, and his eyes almost popped out. If this continues, he will not be able to stand this situation.

So much so that they are now so suspicious that they won't let go anywhere.

Since yesterday, the five of them have been looking for traces of this damn ancient human boy.

However, they have also analyzed that the reason why the right protector was easily killed by the ancient human race boy is that the ancient human race boy has a very powerful magic treasure on it...

On the other hand, because the Right Protector performed the Blood Sacrifice Soul Technique twice along the way, his vitality and mana cultivation were seriously damaged, and he was not at his peak. Also, the Right Protector was calculated by that kid to use the Blood Restriction Heavenly Tribulation Array. He was also injured and lost a lot of mana...

In such a situation of ebb and flow, the right protector was killed!

Of course, the most important thing is that this ancient human boy must have a very powerful treasure spell, otherwise he would not be so valued by Immortal King Kuining!

It is worth mentioning that after the right protector was beheaded, Immortal King Kuining came to question the crime in person, telling the five of them to find the ancient human boy, otherwise they would not be able to get over it.

Moreover, Immortal King Kui Ning personally used a secret method to find the whereabouts of the body of the right protector, but could not find it.

This made everyone even more confused. Where was this damn ancient boy hiding?

But this kid has completely left the area and can't find anyone at all.

Thinking like this, the green-eyed king beast was quite puzzled. In fact, he had wanted to leave for a long time. Since he couldn't find anyone, forget it. Even if he had a relationship with the fairy clan, how could he have a relationship with the fairy clan based on their bloodline and demon clan identity? How can these high-ranking immortals think highly of it?

never mind! In the puddle in my hand, if I can no longer find anyone, just forget about it and slip away quietly...

Thinking this, the green-eyed king beast turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the pool.

He was about to hit the pool...


From the messenger jade plaque hanging on his waist, the urgent words of Lord Linghuo came out: "Everyone! I found the trace of that kid! He is here with me!! Come quickly!!"

Hearing the words of the Spiritual Fire Lord, the green-eyed king beast suddenly froze, and the water in the trembling pool splashed, turning into an astonishing green light and flying away...

He flew towards the direction of Lord Linghuo.

They also use the communication jade token. They can sense each other's position within thousands of miles, and can drive communication messages.

The green-eyed king beast never expected that the person they were really looking for was right in front of them, and they were just a hair away from finding it.

In fact, it is not certain that the green-eyed king beast escaped the disaster. After all, his cultivation level has just advanced to the Void Refining stage, which is far inferior to that of the Right Protector.

If it weren't for his innate magical power, the Divine Eye Technique, the Blood Soul King Beast would never have asked him for help...

He just didn't expect that after such a blanket search, he found no clues, but Lord Linghuo actually found clues, which made him a little doubtful whether the clues found by the other party were true.

Maybe the thought of the green-eyed king beast really fulfilled his suspicions...

When the green-eyed king beast and others found the location of the spiritual fire master.

I saw Lord Linghuo standing in front of a huge mountain, a huge rock.

Beside the rock is a fleshy object with a strange aura on it...

Seeing this scene, the green-eyed king beast's one eye showed a strange look and fell towards the Lord Linghuo.

The Blood Soul King Beast, the Cold Wind King Beast, and the Lord Lingshui also arrived one after another. Seeing this scene, they showed strange expressions...

Venerable Lingshui asked hurriedly: "Senior Brother Linghuo, didn't you say there was a clue? Just this thing? Are you kidding me? Then what clue do you have? It seems to be just an animal skin!"

In fact, the three king beasts also want to question the Spiritual Fire Lord, but do they know their identities and will not let the superior immortal cultivators look down upon them! !

Of course, why ask more questions?

However, as soon as Venerable Lingshui said these words, Venerable Linghuo frowned and said: "Junior brother! You are right, you were deceived! Senior brother, I was wrong. I was deceived by this kid. This is what he let out." Puppet substitute!"

As he said that, he pointed to the pile of rotten meat on the ground and said: "There is no way. We have been searching for so many days and there is no trace of that boy. I think we should give up."

After hearing this, Lord Lingshui was the first to quit and said angrily: "No! How can we not listen to what Immortal King Kuining said? I must avenge my junior sister!"

For Lord Lingshui, everything he had dreamed of had been destroyed by that damn ancient human race kid. How could he give up on dealing with him?

After hearing these words, Lord Linghuo frowned and said: "That's fine. Anyway, senior brother, I don't want to do it. That kid is weird and changeable. I don't want to capsize in the gutter. Besides, I have important things to do." Things have to be done, there is no time to delay here.”

With that said, he bowed to the Blood Soul King Beast and said, "Three fellow Taoists! What do you want to do? I don't care! See you later."

As he said that, the figure of Lord Lingshui turned into a ray of light, and flew away into the sky without even waiting for the Blood Soul King Beast to return the favor...

Now that Lord Linghuo left, Lord Lingshui was so anxious that he almost cursed his mother. Now he was facing three king beasts in the void refining stage. If they joined forces to deal with him, wouldn't they put themselves in trouble?

Then, Venerable Lingshui called out: "Brother! Wait for me!"

With that said, he flew away without even saying hello...

Watching Venerable Lingshui and Venerable Linghuo fly away one after another without even saying hello, this attitude is not ordinary and embarrassing!

The green-eyed king beast immediately couldn't help complaining and said: "Friend Blood Soul, I'm not too talkative. Look at the attitude of those immortal guys. Why should we give them service? With their attitude, even if I find out, Won't tell them."

After hearing the words of the green-eyed king beast, the blood-soul king beast couldn't help but ask: "Who says it's not the case? Friend green-eyed Taoist, have you noticed anything?"

The green-eyed king beast was stunned, and suddenly remembered the water pool just now, and couldn't help but said: "I made a discovery!!"

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