Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2011 Special Attributes

Underground cave!

In the Qingxuan Palace!

A blood-colored spiritual light rippled in the space, and a strong bloody smell rippled in the air.

A hundred-foot-large altar treasure stood in the center of the bronze hall, with four ferocious human-shaped statues standing on it, holding swords, guns, sticks and clubs.

As the spiritual light runes trembled, the four ferocious statues waved their swords, guns, sticks and clubs, and directly chopped the flesh and blood thrown by the metal puppets into pieces, and threw them into the altar's cauldron...

There were some swirling golden rune spiritual lights inside, and two metal puppets were standing next to them, constantly taking out the refined blood water with a long spoon and pouring it into a treasure refining furnace.

Ye Han sat cross-legged beside the treasure refining furnace, constantly pinching his fingers and chanting spells, emitting a series of rune spiritual lights. The blood-red rune spiritual lights followed his pinching and chanting spells, causing these blood-red rune pills to tremble continuously, turning into ferocious monster shadows, and constantly swallowing the blood that was poured in.

As the ferocious monster shadows devoured the blood frantically, the shadows that were originally looming became substantial, and finally the rune blood lights on their bodies continued to twist and hum...

When these blood-red monster shadows twisted ferociously, the blood continued to break into a ball of blood, and some of them turned into several blood-red crystal clear pills that flew out of the treasure refining furnace.

These blood-red crystal clear pills were the demon blood pills that Ye Han wanted to refine.

Because he had just started refining, he had not yet fully mastered the proficiency, and the demon blood pills he refined were only third-level pills.

If the monster blood material was not particularly good, the third-level monster blood elixir could not be refined.

And next to Ye Han, there were eight bottles of successfully refined monster blood elixir.

He had tried it, and the medicinal power of this third-level monster blood elixir in restoring mana cultivation was only equivalent to one twentieth of the medicinal power of the best elixir he could successfully refine at present. Medicine, Nine-Turn Spiritual Qi Pill.

In other words, the medicinal power of twenty third-level monster blood elixir is equivalent to the medicinal power of one Nine-Turn Spiritual Qi Pill.

This ratio is a bit exaggerated, but it is not true.

The natural materials and spiritual medicines that Ye Han has collected so far are not enough to refine a furnace of Nine-Turn Spiritual Qi Pills. After all, the spiritual medicines required are very rare and the quantity required is not small.

If he cannot refine the Nine-Turn Spiritual Qi Pill, it means that it is difficult for him to quickly improve his cultivation and restore his mana.

The materials needed for this demon blood elixir are the essence, blood and flesh of demon beasts. After special refining and combining with medicinal materials, the success rate of refining is much higher, and the materials are very easy to obtain.

It is the essence, blood and flesh of these powerful demon beasts above the stage of transformation.

In fact, if it is in the earthly realm, it is not easy to refine the third-level demon blood elixir, because demon beasts above the stage of transformation are very rare, and their intelligence is far superior to the demon beasts in the Thousand Illusions Land, which is very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, it is simply a pipe dream to use the essence, blood and flesh of demon beasts in the earthly realm to refine the third-level demon blood elixir.

It is only when the demon beasts of the high-level demon beasts in the Tianling Realm, which are not very intelligent, can be killed, that the third-level demon blood elixir can be refined.

Ye Han couldn't figure out why the demon beasts in the Tianling Realm were so highly cultivated, but why were they not intelligent?

He had encountered many blood soul sea beasts in the Blood Soul Sea before, and many of them could also transform into human forms, which were no different from cultivators.

However, this is not important to Ye Han. After all, the size of the Heavenly Spirit Realm is far beyond the Earth Realm. There are countless possibilities and countless changes.

And Ye Han has refined nearly a thousand third-level demon blood elixirs, which can allow him to survive a very difficult period of time.

It is worth mentioning that the altar treasure he is using now is used to refine the flesh and blood of demon beasts.

It is called the Immortal Soul Altar, which is one of the spoils that Ye Han got from the female immortal cultivator he killed.

It is also the treasure that can sacrifice the soul and lock his position.

Ye Han tried this Immortal Soul Altar, and it was very difficult to drip blood to recognize the master and drive the soul, almost making him unable to drive it.

He estimated that he had to sacrifice more than one-third of his soul to drive it.

If he sacrificed more than one-third of his soul, it would be like taking his life. A cultivator who loses more than one-third of his soul has already begun to hurt his foundation.

The blood-red soul bead that Ye Han had locked onto when he was dealing with the female cultivator's soul sacrifice had already consumed one-third of his soul, but that was not a one-time sacrifice.

Rather, he had spent several months accumulating little by little, and the actual consumption was about one-fifth of his soul, after all, he was recovering while consuming.

However, he also found a soul-recovering pill among the spoils of the female immortals, called the Top Grade Nine-Turn Soul Pill. After taking it, he not only recovered his soul consumption, but also made a lot of progress.

But even in this situation, his soul was far superior to that of ordinary cultivators of the same level, and in fact, there was not much difference between him and ordinary cultivators in the Void Refining Stage.

But even with such a powerful soul, it was actually very difficult for him to drive this immortal soul altar.

It can be seen that even among the immortals, cultivators in the Void Refining Stage with such a powerful soul are very rare.

That female immortal cultivator should have been carefully selected to control this treasure.

This made Ye Han feel relieved. After all, if there were not many people with such a powerful soul, the probability of encountering an immortal cultivator with this soul-locking ability again would be much smaller.

Besides, the treasure of the immortal soul altar was also in his hands. He didn't believe that there were many such treasures in his ancestors, at most one or two.

Based on Ye Han's experience and vision, this immortal soul altar should be a special celestial treasure. Even if an immortal king or even an immortal emperor wanted to refine it, the success rate would be very low.

And it would be even more difficult to find the main material for refining this immortal soul altar.

But why was this immortal soul altar used by Ye Han to refine the essence, blood, and flesh of the monster?

This is because of a special reason.

That is, this immortal soul altar can remove the violent aura contained in the essence, blood, and flesh of these monsters to the greatest extent and make it more pure.

The third-level demon blood elixir refined in this way will have a special property!!!

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