Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2017 Fourth-level Demon Blood Elixir

However, Ye Han did not get nervous, because the talisman in his hand was not the warning talisman for his cave defense...

It was a positioning talisman that Ye Han had placed not far from the strange valley cave on a whim.

Ye Han, you did not expect that you had placed a positioning talisman on a whim, and just now, this positioning talisman was discovered and destroyed, so the secondary talisman of the positioning talisman left in Ye Han's hand reacted...

Generally speaking, talismans with positioning, warning, monitoring, etc., will have a sensing secondary talisman when they are refined.

When a reaction occurs or something happens, a reaction will occur at the secondary talisman.

Of course, the distance of this reaction is limited. How far it can be sensed depends on the level of the talisman used by the cultivator! The level of refining, etc.

The talisman refined by Ye Han is of course the top level in the earthly realm, as for the level in the heavenly realm, that is unknown.

However, it was so easy to be discovered by the other party, and the other party's cultivation must be extraordinary! !

Is there really any opportunity in that cave?

Ye Han thought so while refining the fourth-level demon blood spirit pill.

As a cultivator, facing the temptation of treasure opportunities, he must be unable to resist.

The question is how much risk should be taken to get these treasure opportunities?

Ye Han has seen, heard, and even sent away many cultivators who lost their lives for treasure opportunities.

Ye Han decided to keep a low profile and refine his own pills. It is better not to take risks for the time being...

After all, the cultivator who can find the positioning symbol he arranged and quickly destroy it must have a cultivation level at least not inferior to his...

The cultivator whose cultivation level is not inferior to his must be in the Void Refining Stage.

Such a guy is not so easy to provoke.

Although Ye Han killed a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage of the original body of the White Fairy, that was when the right protector was injured continuously, and because of the blood sacrifice of the soul, he used the Immortal Soul Altar twice, and his vitality and mana were greatly damaged.

He killed the Right Guardian only after using three heaven-defying treasures, the Abyss-cutting Long Halberd, the Heaven-turning Pagoda, and the Absolute Cold Sword.

If a cultivator with the same magical power as the Right Guardian came now, it would be very difficult for Ye Han to kill him.

Moreover, using these heaven-defying treasures would be very dangerous and tempting. If other cultivators knew that he had so many treasures, wouldn't they treat him as a fat sheep and hunt him down?

After all, his cultivation level was only middle-low in the fairy world. Any cultivator would take action if he could gain so much by hunting him down.

So Ye Han thought about it and decided to give up!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ye Han pointed his finger, and eighty-three fourth-level demon blood pills flew out of the treasure refining furnace.

Looking at these crystal clear demon blood pills that emitted blood light, Ye Han's eyes were full of joy. The success rate of this last furnace of demon blood pills was really high.

Eighty-three of them succeeded.

You know, the efficacy of the fourth-level demon blood elixir is more than twice that of the third-level demon blood elixir.

That is to say, it used to take twenty third-level demon blood elixir to be equivalent to one nine-turn spiritual energy elixir.

Now seven or eight are equivalent to one nine-turn spiritual energy elixir.

This furnace has almost ten nine-turn spiritual energy elixir.

Even if Ye Han has enough materials to refine the nine-turn spiritual energy elixir, the success rate is not that high. For example, it is very good to be able to make only three or four pills.

This fourth-level demon blood elixir has succeeded so many times, which of course makes Ye Han very happy.

In this way, he will have enough pills to consume for cultivation for at least fifty or sixty years.

Thinking of this, Ye Han put away the immortal soul altar, the treasure refining furnace and the refined pills, and entered the Qingxuan Palace.

Ye Han took two fourth-level demon blood elixir and prepared to try the efficacy of this fourth-level demon blood elixir...

Suddenly! !

Boom! ! ! ! A deafening sound came from the mountain, and the whole ground was shaking violently...

Even Ye Han's temporary cave, which was deep underground, felt a shocking shock, and the cave's defense restrictions were shaking.

What's going on?

Ye Han's face changed, and he didn't care about anything, and flew out of Qingxuan Palace...

On the ground...

A series of loud explosions, hundreds of miles around were filled with terrifying storms, rocks collapsed, trees collapsed...

I saw a terrible storm of green flames fighting with an amazing storm of blood.

"Green Eyes!! Hand over that treasure!! I'll spare your life!!!"

"Damn it!! That's my chance!! Why?"

"Damn it!! Wait till the cold wind comes! You explain to him?"

"Asshole! Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

The two groups of demonic energy storms, fighting and arguing at the same time, are very shocking...

Both sides have used all their magical powers and treasures, and the area within hundreds of miles is full of terrible demonic energy and magic power. The entire world within hundreds of miles is about to be crushed and flattened.

Hundreds of miles away.

Ye Han drilled out of the ground silently. This extremely terrifying battle group was quite surprised. These two groups of terrible demonic energy and magic power were actually very familiar. They were clearly the breath of the two refining demon cultivators who were chasing him!

One of them had a bloody breath that was shocking and suffocating. It was clearly the refining demon cultivator who was chasing him in the sea of ​​blood and soul.

The other green light was so special. That special demonic aura was clearly the one-eyed demon cultivator that he encountered when he returned to deal with the right protector.

These two guys actually fought each other? From the words they were arguing and cursing, it was obvious that both sides were seeking some opportunities and treasures, and they fought for the treasures and opportunities.

This situation is not uncommon in the world of immortal cultivation, but it was Ye Han who encountered it.

Two king beasts in the refining period, that is not easy to deal with.

Ye Han's face was solemn, hiding in it, observing carefully.

It is not difficult to find that the two sides fought very fiercely, but it is obvious that both sides were seriously injured, and they have been fighting for a long time, and the consumption is extremely great.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you wait until they consume more and then take action, there may be a chance to kill them.

These bastards have been chasing me for so long! It fell into my hands. If I don't take action for such an opportunity, it would be too sorry for myself! !

However, if he cannot kill the two guys directly and let them turn against him, then it will be troublesome.

Then he has to find a better opportunity.

Another thing is that his Absolute Cold Sword cannot be used now. Although the backlash from the last use has healed, it has caused a backlash to his God and Demon Hand, which has not yet recovered...

If he cannot use the Absolute Cold Sword, it is still very difficult to kill a being at the level of the Refining Void Stage.

Of course, there is not no chance at all.

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