Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2019 The King of Cold Wind Beast Attacks

Sure enough, there is someone! It's that cold wind king beast! !

Ye Han's face changed, and he immediately knew the origin of the guy who appeared! !

And the green-eyed king beast was struck down by the boundless and terrifying whirlwind storm...

The green-eyed king beast roared angrily: "Hanfeng! I knew you were coming!!!"

As he roared, the green light demonic mana exploded instantly, forming circles of green light runes swirling in the one-eye, and among the green light runes, there were actually traces of golden runes rippling. .

The roaring storm of the boundless and terrifying whirlpool of cold air rolled up the boundless sword light and struck down on the head of the green-eyed king beast! !



The green-eyed king beast let out a roar that shook the earth, and punched the ground heavily with both fists. The ground kept sinking and collapsing, and the one-eyed green light runes and golden light runes swirled like a bright green sun!

There was an earth-shaking roar and an explosion. Circles of terrifying golden and green flames burst out, turning into a terrifying green light beam tens of thousands of feet long, and struck towards the terrifying cold wind storm that swept down. ! !

Bang! ! ! ! A heaven-shaking storm exploded, and the terrifying green light beam suddenly penetrated the bit of the cold wind and the storm, and the boundless sword light was slashed out...

The bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, stick, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, blast, burst of light explosion exploded out. The storm and the light beam collided with each other, bringing an extremely astonishing suffocating demonic energy. The sword light shined in the space. Constant shock ripples burst out, and the whole thing exploded. The boundless waves come out...

In the storm!

The cold wind king beast released a weird long knife with both hands. Like a whirlpool, three blades of light swirled and exploded crazily. The boundless and terrifying storm of its own sword light crushed the heaven and earth and moved crazily towards the green-eyed king beast. It was crushed and bombarded.

The roaring boundless sword light storm and the green light beam attacking from the green-eyed king beast kept clashing...

It turned into countless sword lights, green lights, and the sword lights continued to explode and impact!


Does this guy know I'm here?

The cold wind king beast looked very ugly. The opportunity he had been waiting for so long didn't work?

Apparently the green-eyed king beast was on guard! ! Moreover, this magical power is completely different from the magical power used by the Green Field King Beast before. Did this guy really get a great opportunity? That was the place I found. Why did I let this guy pick peaches?

So, the Cold Wind King Beast couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it!! Green eyes!!! You ungrateful thing!!! Don't you know who found this treasure?"

The green-eyed king beast was about to retort...


A breath of suffocating blood-light sword light instantly cut through the void. A huge red light sword light one hundred thousand feet in size, carrying a terrifying blood-light arrogance, was like crushing the world, terrifying. The suffocating murderous aura and bloody light created a terrifying and suffocating blood-red arrogance for the entire world within a radius of five to six hundred miles...

Moreover, the sword light continued to grow, continuously absorbing the surrounding weather aura, and slashed directly at the Cold Wind King Beast that was resisting the green-eyed King Beast's beam of light! !

The Cold Wind King Beast reacted and roared angrily: "Damn it! Blood Soul!!! You are looking for death!!"

As he spoke, a whirlwind came out of his body, and the gray black cloak on his body came out. When it saw the wind, it rose up and turned into an extremely huge defensive shield like a black light curtain, hundreds of thousands of feet long, blocking the bloody sword light that was crushing it! ! !

But this cold wind king beast suddenly faced the attacks of the blood soul king beast and the green-eyed king beast, and fell into a situation of being besieged!

hateful! Are these two guys plotting against themselves?

Don't wait for the cold wind king beast to think too much.

There was a loud roar that shook the earth, and the blood soul king beast was hundreds of thousands of feet in size. The terrifying sword light cut off the light curtain of the black cloak released by the cold wind king beast...

The body of the Cold Wind King Beast was instantly cut off, and blood spurted out...

But the sword light had no intention of stopping. It crushed down an extremely terrifying bloody sword light, cutting the green-eyed king beast's green light beam attack into two pieces...

The sword light stretched across the sky and the earth, and the sky was cut into a blood-red groove. The green light beams continued to explode and explode, turning into countless bloody runes and crushing them down! ! !

No! !

The green-eyed king beast felt extremely dangerous, roared angrily, and golden runes suddenly erupted from the metal gloves of both fists, and the boundless green light flames and golden runes were crushed out of the fists to impact the opponent's past.

There was a bang, a heaven-shaking light explosion, a boundless storm rippled with sword light and blood, a fist storm crushed the world, and demonic energy and mana impacted an extremely huge light explosion pit, covering the ground with a radius of hundreds of miles. They are all constantly crushed by impact and turned into nothingness...

There was a terrible bang, and the gloves of both fists of the green-eyed king beast were crushed at this moment. A long blood mark was left from the attack, and it instantly burst and exploded. Countless sparks flew everywhere, shocking countless people. The storm of bloody sword light strikes!

The green-eyed king beast burst out with bloody runes from its single eye and roared angrily: "I'll fight you!!!"

As the green-eyed king beast roared, the one-eyed green light rune burst out with bloody light, and its eyeballs suddenly shot out, like a green sun, hitting the bloody sword light! !

Bang! ! With a terrifying explosion of light, the green-eyed beast's eyeballs actually resisted the attack of the sword light. The sword light and storm that came out of it shattered in all directions! ! !

At this moment! ! !

A rumbling explosion of light shook and shattered in the ground. A tail full of spiked horns and blood runes broke out from the ground and rushed towards the green-eyed beast's butt with amazing power...

Not good!

The green-eyed beast shouted in fear, quickly pinched the magic formula, stomped his feet, and flew into the air...


Whoosh! ! ! Two violent gusts of wind whistled, and two terrible cold winds rushed in, sweeping the green-eyed beast's feet in the air, and heavily bombarded the spiked tail!

With a bloody sound, the spiked tail pierced through the green-eyed beast's buttocks, and flesh and blood exploded...

Ah!!! The green-eyed beast roared miserably, looking very painful, and roared: "Looking for death!!"

At this moment!


A startlingly bright golden sword light slashed out from the side, instantly cutting off the neck of the green-eyed beast...

Followed by an even more terrifying bright white light rune, a white skeleton figure swirling rushed out...

Rush into the neck of the green-eyed beast.

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