Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2021: Things are changing

When the Blood Soul King Beast and the Cold Wind King Beast fought again over the body of the Green-Eyed King Beast...

In an empty cave hundreds of miles away.

With a whir, the space rune aura swirled, and Ye Han's figure appeared in the underground cave teleportation array.

But this underground cave is now empty, with only a teleportation array on one side.

Originally, when Ye Han felt the movement outside, he was about to leave, and he took down the array he had set up in Qingxuan Shrine, but he thought that the teleportation array was all set up, so he would just stay here in case there was any danger. You can also use teleportation to escape and hide here.

I didn't expect it to come in really handy.

When he saw the Blood Soul King Beast, the Green-Eyed King Beast, and the Cold Wind King Beast fighting against each other for chance treasures...

He knew that he would definitely have a chance to kill one of the guys, and sure enough, he seized the opportunity and killed the green-eyed king beast.

But his goal was not to kill one king beast, but three!

The reason why he immediately used the teleportation talisman to escape after killing a green-eyed king beast was that he also left the body of the green-eyed king beast behind.

Because he knew that the target of the Blood Soul King Beast and the Cold Wind King Beast was the chance treasure on the Green Eyes King Beast...

If he takes away the body of the green-eyed king beast, these two guys will definitely pursue him relentlessly.

If two guys in the Void Refining Stage fight one of them, Ye Han will naturally not be his opponent! This is true even if they have been injured and exhausted.

But if the body of the green-eyed king beast was left to them, the situation would be different.

The Blood Soul King Beast and the Cold Wind King Beast will definitely fight over the opportunity treasure on the Green Eyed King Beast's corpse!

He won't stop fighting because of himself.

After all, the treasure is touching people's hearts. It seems that they don't know where they have gone. They plan to kill each other. After swallowing the treasure, they have no time to deal with themselves.

Therefore, after Ye Han killed the Green-Eyed King Beast, he only used the Ghost Skull Mirror to take away the guy's Void Refining Soul instead of taking away the body as well!


After Ye Han teleported back, he still felt an astonishing vibration coming from inside. Apparently, as he thought, the Blood Soul King Beast and the Cold Wind King Beast did not stop because of his appearance.

They are indeed fighting for the chance treasure from the body of the green-eyed king beast!

Of course, that's because the treasures on the green-eyed king beast are enough to attract them.

Just imagine, the Green-Eyed King Beast, a monster that has just advanced to the Void Refining Stage, has improved so much in cultivation all at once. Neither the Blood Soul King Beast nor the Cold Wind King Beast can resist this temptation, not even Ye Han, one of them Even the appearance of an ancient boy who was so mad with hatred could not affect their thoughts.

After all, until now, they still haven't fully figured out what kind of heaven-defying treasure Ye Han has on his body.

How could the treasures on the green-eyed king beast be so important?

Ye Han thought so, and his figure quietly turned into an earth-attribute aura again, and got out of the ground...

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The terrifying and earth-shaking roars and explosions are still resounding throughout the whole world. The boundless storm shocks out, and a bloody cold wind storm is still colliding and surging...

And looking at the direction, it was still surging in Ye Han's direction.

Ye Han frowned slightly and did not delay. This time he stayed far away and did not get close to see the situation.

And he is not worried about these two bastards running away. He can just wait until they fight to the death and one of them wins, then go after the other guy.

Why does Ye Han have such confidence?

Because he had successfully refined the Immortal Soul Altar, and was able to reluctantly drive it to locate the target he wanted to kill.

However, his locked time was far less than that of the right protector.

In addition, he also has a treasure that can be used to deal with demon cultivators! ! !

Of course there is no rush to deal with them.

And the battle between the Blood Soul King Beast and the Cold Wind King Beast took much longer than he imagined...

Sure enough, he was right to avoid its edge.

If the opponent is exhausted and seriously injured, this period of time will be much slower than the time it takes to decide the winner.

They fought for more than an hour, stopping and fighting, and retreating. They fought for tens of thousands of miles. Wherever they passed, the sky collapsed, the sun and the moon lost light, and the ground was full of huge grooves and cracks, deep and deep. The huge pit that bottomed out...

The winner was finally decided.

The Blood Soul King Beast was dripping with blood. He stood on the body of the Cold Wind King Beast and roared: "Ouch! Damn it! Do you think you are my opponent? Hahaha!!"

Immediately, he took out a flashing storage bead, chanted the incantation along with his hand, and put away the bodies of the Cold Wind King Beast and the Green-Eyed King Beast...

During the battle, the Cold Wind King Beast and him tore the body of the Green-Eyed King Beast into several pieces, but they had all been put away.

For these demon cultivators, the corpses of the opponent's demon cultivators are also the objects of Dahu's cultivation. Once he swallows the corpses of these two guys, it is very normal that his cultivation level will inevitably grow again and break through to the middle stage of virtual refining. .

But what a crime.

Although he won the final victory, the price he paid was really high. His magic power and demonic energy were exhausted, and his treasures were almost used. If he hadn't risked his life and used the secret method, this cold wind king beast would really be an old man. ran away……

As for the ancient man who appeared for a while and then escaped, I will deal with him after I recover my cultivation and mana!

As long as I swallow the opportunity treasure of the green-eyed king beast, my cultivation will soar. Isn't it easy to deal with that boy?

Damn, it's too weak. I have to find a place to heal my wounds!

The blood soul king beast thought breathlessly, and his body flew up. It felt that he didn't have any mana to fly...

At this time.

A flash of light flew from a distance, with an amazing speed. After a few tremors, it hit the sky above the blood soul king beast...

Feeling the breath of the flying figure, the blood soul king beast's eyes changed and said in surprise: "Damn it, it's that ancient man boy who is back!!"

As he said, the blood soul king beast's face changed, gritted his teeth, and the blood soul energy on his body burst out, and his body turned into a blood light and flew towards the sky.

Just kidding, although I don't know how high the cultivation level of this ancient guy is, but this guy killed the right guardian of the immortals in the past, and not long ago he killed the green-eyed king beast in front of me.

Now he suddenly came back, obviously he wants to take advantage of the situation and deal with me!

Damn it, the situation has changed. They chased the damn Ye Han in the past, and now they are going to be chased by this guy?

Don't even think about it! Do you think I'm so easy to deal with?

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