Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2028 Water from the Fairyland

And the reaction this time was a bit strange. There were two purple tripods in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness. If there were any treasures now, both purple tripods would react at the same time.

Just like the treasure in the pool before, both purple tripods reacted.

This time, only Ye Tianyu's purple tripod reacted!

This made Ye Han feel a bit strange. Could it be that this bead was only useful for Ye Tianyu's purple tripod?

However, Ye Han didn't want to let the purple tripod absorb this bead. After all, he was still in danger. If the purple tripod had any special reaction, what if the Ghost God Demon Lord found out?

However, Ye Han suddenly had an idea, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. It would be better to test what the Ghost God Demon Lord had in mind for him.

Thinking of this, Ye Han didn't put away the bead of the law of life, but put it in the Qiankun Five Elements Cushion beside him.

He began to meditate and practice, and continued to search for good things on the three refining period king beasts.

Among them, the Blood Soul Demon Lord has quite a few sword secrets and skills. If he continues to comprehend them, his sword skills can be greatly improved.

There are also quite a few natural treasures and medicinal materials.

Among the storage treasures of the Green Eyed King Beast, there are also some medicinal materials for body refining and strengthening the eyes, which are also quite good.

However, the Cold Wind King Beast is a special monster beast, and most of the things he has now cannot be used.

In fact, the more Ye Han sorted out the treasures and things on these guys, the more he felt that he was too unlucky. How could he meet the Ghost God Demon Lord and be controlled by him?

If it weren't for this damn Ghost God Demon Lord controlling him, the treasure materials and cultivation resources on these three king beasts alone would be enough for him to cultivate to the Refining Void Stage.

There was no way, he couldn't escape this calamity at all.

Ye Han thought that the Ghost God Demon Lord would come back soon, but he waited for more than half a month.

However, during this period, Ye Han constantly resisted the temptation of the treasure in the pool and other things, and did not leave the Qiankun Five Elements Cushion, and practiced meditation for more than half a month.

The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here is very abundant and special. Although it did not improve Ye Han's cultivation much, he felt that the injury to his right hand, which was injured when he used the Absolute Cold Sword to attack the backlash, was completely healed, and he felt that the hand of the devil had improved a lot.

No wonder the Earth Ghost God Demon Lord said that the benefits he had given him were not small.

This day, Ye Han was absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for cultivation.

With a buzzing sound, the space ripples vibrated, and the Ghost God Demon Lord stepped out of the space ripples, holding a small green jade box in his hand.

Seeing Ye Han, Youshen Demon Lord's eyes flashed with satisfaction, and then his attention was on the gray rune-wrapped bead beside Ye Han. His eyes moved and he said in surprise: "Life Stone? Where did you get it?"

Ye Han reacted, stood up, and respectfully saluted Youshen Demon Lord: "Hello, Lord Demon Lord!"

As he said, he picked up the gray rune-wrapped bead and said respectfully: "My Lord Demon Lord, this is something I snatched from those demon cultivators. It seems that the fight between them is also because of this thing. Lord Demon Lord, do you know what this is?"

Ye Han was very sure that Youshen Demon Lord must know about the dispute between the three Blood Soul King Beasts, and this guy also knew his means of dealing with them.

Otherwise, how could he appear so coincidentally when he just killed the Blood Soul King Beast?

Maybe this guy had already set his sights on him before that! !

It's a pity that he didn't know it at all.

The Demon Lord of Ghost God glanced at Ye Han and said lightly: "This is the Stone of Life. You can put it in your mind and slowly practice and absorb it, and you will know what is going on."

The voice paused, and he said in a deep voice: "But don't be clever in front of this Demon Lord! If you want this Demon Lord to help you unlock the seal, just say it!"

After that, he casually pointed, and a golden magic rune, like a beam of light, was dotted on the Stone of Life in Ye Han's hand.

A piece of rune aura swirled around the gray rune on the Stone of Life, and the gray rune was destroyed like a nemesis.

As the gray rune dissipated, a strong and terrifying life breath instantly permeated the Stone of Life, which made Ye Han suddenly refreshed, and the blood breath in his body became active.

Ye Han immediately said respectfully to the Ghost God Demon Lord: "Thank you, Lord Demon Lord!"

It seems that the Ghost God Demon Lord really didn't like any treasure on him. After all, the power of the Life Stone is not ordinary. Although Ye Han only briefly touched the breath of the Life Stone, he has already felt that this thing can at least make his body break through the current limit, and can also increase his lifespan a lot, at least ten thousand years!

This treasure is quite attractive even for a being like the Ghost God Demon Lord.

But this also made Ye Han more solemn. The less the Ghost God Demon Lord values ​​some treasures, the more it shows that what this guy wants Ye Han to do is more difficult and troublesome.

But the Ghost God Demon Lord said indifferently: "What are you doing? Put the Life Stone into your Dantian, seal it and absorb it, but don't let the breath leak out. If someone digs your stomach, don't blame this Demon Lord for not reminding you!"

Ye Han's heart moved, and he replied: "Yes!"

As he spoke, Ye Han wrapped the Stone of Life with his magic power and took it into his mouth. It turned into a beam of spiritual light and penetrated into his dantian. He immediately felt his blood vessels expanding, and the extremely powerful breath of life spread with his magic power in his dantian. , very comfortable feeling...

On the other hand, Youshen Demon Lord flew the green box in his hand towards Ye Han and said, "Just in time, this is the water of the fairyland. It can change your bloodline aura and become the aura of the immortal clan! Your appearance can also be changed into that of the immortal clan. !”

Ye Han took the green box. The weight of this thing was heavier than he imagined. He didn't know how much it was, as heavy as a hill, weighing tens of thousands of kilograms.

The point is that the words of the Demon Lord Youshen actually want to change his bloodline and become the bloodline of an immortal? Why is this?

Obviously, what this Demon Lord wants to obtain lies with the immortals! !

Lord Youshen Demon looked at Ye Han's weird look and said calmly: "Don't worry about anything else, first turn your blood aura into an immortal race. Fortunately, you are an ancient human race, otherwise other races really don't have it." Method."

Then You Shen Demon Lord stared at Ye Han with his golden eyes and said, "Do you still have any objections?"

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