Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2030: We can only take one step at a time

The Land of Thousand Mountains.

In the azure sky and earth, the mists awakened layers of phantoms everywhere and they were all wandering.

Ye Han flew in this world, and ran towards the southeast at a fast speed...

Just two hours ago.

After the Demon Lord of Ghost God explained what he had to do, he gave Ye Han two things. One was a special token for him to go to the Tianjian Immortal City of the Immortal Clan. He told Ye Han that when he arrived at Tianjian Immortal City, he should use this token to contact his people, and then the other party would tell him something.

The other thing was a special black talisman, which could save his life at a critical moment, and then use the space method to transfer Ye Han out of the cave and appear in the Land of Thousand Illusions.

As for what the Demon Lord of Ghost God wanted Ye Han to do, the Demon Lord of Ghost God had not told Ye Han directly. He only told Ye Han that after he went to Tianjian Immortal City and met certain conditions, he would let him do this thing.

Otherwise, there would be no point in telling him now. Instead, it would become a burden to him and might reveal his purpose.

The Phantom Demon Lord was so cautious that Ye Han felt helpless. Of course, he also understood the Phantom Demon Lord's caution. After all, if this matter was not difficult, the Phantom Demon Lord could do it directly by himself with his cultivation level. Why use Ye Han?

He also spent so much water from the fairyland to take pictures of Ye Han's blood and race aura, and also asked Ye Han to go to the fairy clan.

That must be a great plot.

Of course, Ye Han was controlled by the Phantom Demon Lord, how could he resist the Phantom Demon Lord?

He had to do it.

In fact, Ye Han did not dare to reveal his true origins at all, and let the Phantom Demon Lord know that he was an ancient cultivator from the earth realm who opened the ascension channel.

After all, he had offended the other two demons of the demon clan, the Nine Wounds Demon Lord and the Treasure Heaven Demon Lord!

Let them know that he had left the earth realm and arrived in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so if they wanted to deal with him, it would be a matter of time.

Therefore, Ye Han did not ask the Ghost God Demon Lord too much about the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so as not to let him see the flaws and his true origin.

On the contrary, the Ghost God Demon Lord did not seem to doubt his true origin. Could it be that there were other ancient people cultivators in the Heavenly Spirit Realm?

In fact, there were not as few ancient people cultivators as rumored in the Earth Realm?

This time, he had to go to the Tianjian Immortal City of the Immortal Clan to inquire.

However, the Ghost God Demon Lord used the water of the Immortal Land to transform his blood into the blood of the Immortal Clan, which gave him a lot of convenience. At least in this way, he would not be afraid of walking in the territory of the Immortal Clan, and that the Immortal King would look for him again.

After all, according to the Ghost God Demon Lord, after his transformation, Ye Han's current Immortal Clan blood was as thick as those Immortal Clan family tree cultivators.

As for the immortal cultivators in the Immortal Clan family tree, the Ghost God Demon Lord did not say much, and Ye Han did not ask, so he just passed by in a daze. Anyway, everything should have the answer when he went to Tianjian Immortal City.

So in this way, Ye Han is much freer in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. At least he is not afraid of being recognized by a cultivator again, recognizing that he is a cultivator from the ancient human race in the Earth Realm.

But the Ghost God Demon Lord has placed a soul restriction on him, so it is difficult for him to get rid of this Ghost God Demon Lord.

Of course, the Ghost God Demon Lord also told Ye Han that the transformation of Ye Han now cannot be seen by cultivators even if their cultivation is higher than that of the Ghost God Demon Lord.

This makes Ye Han feel much more relieved.

Now he can only take one step at a time...

In fact, if he keeps practicing in seclusion in these dangerous places, Ye Han also knows that his practice will sooner or later encounter a bottleneck, and now this sign has appeared.

Because according to reason, he practiced in the place where the spiritual energy of the world is extremely abundant, and he has practiced for so many years, and there are also heaven-defying treasures such as the Water of the Immortal Land and the Stone of Life for him to practice...

After thirteen years, his cultivation has not been improved from the ninth level of the Spiritualization Stage to the Great Perfection of the Spiritualization Stage.

Instead, it was like it was stuck at the peak of the ninth level of the Spiritualization Stage, unable to advance to the Great Perfection of the Spiritualization Stage again.

Moreover, Ye Han had not found the elixir for advancing to the Void Refining Stage, the exact steps and methods, etc.

At present, it is only known that to advance to the Void Refining Stage, the five elements of spiritual roots must be perfected to have a greater chance...

So, sooner or later, Ye Han will have to go to the city where immortal cultivators gather.

But, where is this Tianjian Immortal City? He didn't figure it out, and he didn't ask the Ghost God Demon Lord.

The Ghost God Demon Lord may have assumed that he knew it.

This thing...

In fact, Ye Han also found a lot of map information in the spoils of the three king beasts and the right guardian of the immortal race. The size of the interface of the Heavenly Spirit Realm was far beyond his imagination. He originally thought that the Heavenly Spirit Realm was thousands of times larger than the Earth Realm, which was already very terrifying.

But obviously he was wrong. The immortal race continent in the Heavenly Spirit Realm alone was already ten thousand times larger than the Earth Realm.

Moreover, Ye Han had been in the Heavenly Spirit Realm for such a long time, and he found that there was no night in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

Because there were actually three suns in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, and these three suns did not appear at the same time, but appeared in turns...

The so-called night was when the three suns alternated for an hour and there would be a very short period of dimness.

In addition to the sun, there are actually four moons. Even in broad daylight, you can see a shadow in the sky. When the three suns dim alternately, a brighter outline will appear.

However, Ye Han has been in the Tianling Realm for so long that he found the biggest difference between the Tianjian Realm and the Earth Realm.

According to these map data, Tianjian Immortal City is millions of miles away, separated by several dangerous areas and many cities...

However, Ye Han has not figured out how to leave this Thousand Illusionary Land, let alone go to the distant Tianjian Immortal City.

It's just because the method of distinguishing directions in the Tianling Realm is completely different from that in the Earth Realm.

Ye Han has not found it yet.

However, when Ye Han was flying and searching, thinking about how to leave the Thousand Illusionary Land and go to other areas...


A shocking rumble came from the right side of the front, with a deafening roar and a large cloud surged out...

The cloud grew larger and larger, and the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth within a radius of hundreds of miles also continued to surge in that direction...

Then there was a crackling of lightning and thunder, and a trace of terrifying dangerous aura was rippling out of it.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face changed, and he looked in that direction in surprise. Overcoming the tribulation? Are there immortal cultivators or monsters over there overcoming the tribulation?

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