Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 203 Unable to teleport

The demonic figure stared coldly at the blood light in the distance, which was flying rapidly in the distance. It was the figure of Qin Minghui...

Watching Qin Minghui's figure going away, the demonic figure said to himself coldly: "You must have used a secret method to get in! You are the most difficult to deal with! Let me deal with you personally!"

After that, the demonic figure muttered something in his mouth, and circles of black blood runes flashed out, and he waved his hand casually.

These black blood runes flew towards those monsters, demonized monks, and zombie puppets...

These guys instantly split into four groups and chased in the direction of Ye Han, Sun Houde, Gu Changdao, and Lin Hongyan.

The demonic figure patted the back of the six-clawed electric dragon monster and shouted: "Catch them all alive! Let's go."

Ah! The six-clawed electric dragon monster roared, and its four big feet moved, quickly chasing in the direction of Qin Minghui's escape...

The demonic figure stared at the direction of Qin Minghui's escape and said coldly: "The flesh body is not bad, just what I want!"

As he said that, his eyes showed a hint of excitement, and he patted the six-clawed electric dragon monster, and the six-clawed electric dragon monster accelerated to chase in the direction of Qin Minghui.

Wherever it passed, black and purple electric light ran everywhere...

Qin Minghui looked back at the six-clawed electric dragon monster chasing after him, frowned, and a flash of spiritual light appeared in his hand. A black token appeared in his hand, and he said to himself: "Damn it! It turns out that there is a terrifying guy in here, you wait! I will definitely deal with you."

As he said that, Qin Minghui muttered something, and the blood rune on the token in his hand flourished, turning into a black rune spiritual light, circling towards Qin Minghui's body.

Runes swirled around Qin Minghui's body, and then a ripple of cracks appeared in front of her...

Qin Minghui knew that she had consumed too much mana now. The opponent was unknown, and he commanded so many magic beasts, demonized monks, and zombie puppets...

Although she didn't know how this guy controlled it, how long he had been in the Dark Forbidden Land, and the Dark Forbidden Land had been arranged by him, although the five of them were far from the same level of monks, they had little chance of winning in the face of so many encirclements.

Qin Minghui still decided to withdraw first. As for the fate of others, it was conceivable. For the sect, the loss of such a talented disciple was not small, and she was powerless. She went first to protect herself!

Next time, she would arrange enough disciples to directly eliminate this damn guy.

As the space crack slowly opened, Qin Minghui wrapped in the runes and drilled into the crack...

But, a strange scene appeared.

Boom! With a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a gray lightning bolt fell from the sky and directly hit the space crack of Qin Minghui...

The space crack twisted and closed instantly, and Qin Minghui's figure was also blown away, smashing several huge rocks in succession, and his figure fell to the ground.

Puff! ! Qin Minghui spit out a large mouthful of blood, and watched the lightning slowly dissipate in panic...

Damn! What's going on?

Qin Minghui suddenly reacted. It was not the first time that the fourth and seventh elders sent people to sneak into the dark forbidden land to seek the Fantian Pagoda.

But every time no one was able to get out.

It turned out that this token for going out had been banned.

No wonder no one has come out alive in these years. When encountering such troublesome dangers, smart cultivators will activate the teleportation token and leave first.

As a result, no one was able to get out, and no one could really spread the situation in the dark forbidden land.

The Fourth Elder and the Seventh Elder had this worry, so they asked her to help. They spent a great deal of money and risk to temporarily exchange bodies between her, a Jindan-stage cultivator, and Qin Minghui, who had special talents...

They thought that with her, a Jindan-stage cultivator, leading them, and the carefully prepared disciples who were all top-notch Qi-refining disciples in the sect.

Although Qin Minghui didn't quite understand why the Seventh Elder let Ye Han in, after a series of performances, she found that Ye Han was indeed the strongest disciple who could be secretly summoned among the disciples who practiced the Wood-type exercises.

These thoughts flashed through her mind.

Now is not the time to consider these things. The teleportation token can't be transmitted. I don't know if the original restrictions of the Dark Forbidden Land have changed, or if this guy hidden in the Dark Forbidden Land is playing tricks?

With Qin Minghui's cultivation experience, she hasn't been able to judge it yet, but now they are in big trouble. They can't get out, but they have become trapped!

Although the six-clawed electric dragon monster is very large, the speed of the third-level peak monster is not comparable to that of a Qi-refining cultivator.

The six-clawed electric dragon monster shook its body and created a storm, chasing after Qin Minghui...

The demonic figure behind him laughed sinisterly and said, "You can't run away! Come on!"

The six-clawed electric dragon monster roared as he spoke, and spurted out purple-black lightning, bombarding Qin Minghui.

The six arms grabbed six weapons, and waved their arms continuously, flying the swords, guns, sticks, forks and shields in their hands towards Qin Minghui.

When flying over, the swords, guns, sticks, forks and shields spun in the air, actually swallowing the purple-black lightning, and continuously bombarding purple-black lightning in the air...

Continuously bombarding Qin Minghui's figure, from a distance, it was seen that a purple-black lightning was chasing Qin Minghui and bombarding.

Qin Minghui's face changed drastically, and he quickly made hand gestures and chanted spells. His ice-blue wings kept flapping, and he fled forward at an astonishing speed, like a fairy on the water, avoiding the lightning.

This damn black figure should be just a soul, but his mind is connected with the six-clawed electric dragon monster.

Let this six-clawed electric dragon monster be controlled by him, and he can actually cast some powerful spells and control treasures...

The six-clawed electric dragon monster has such a huge body and is a third-level peak monster. The demonic energy and demonic power contained in it are not comparable to ordinary foundation-building period.

Although Qin Minghui is in the Jindan period, the cultivation level of the possessed body is only the eleventh level of the Qi Refining period...

He can only escape this disaster first and then think of a way...

On the other side.

Ye Han's figure is like a ghostly gray light, running along the rocks. Behind him, more than a dozen demonized monks, seven or eight monsters, and dozens of zombie puppets are chasing him.

His face was extremely ugly. When they set out, the Seventh Elder and the Fourth Elder gave the transmission token to Qin Minghui. In this situation, there was no way to complete the task of opening the restriction, let alone to seize the pagoda inside the restriction.

At this time...

Ye Han's face moved, and he found that the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly.

Hmm? Is there something nearby that attracts the purple tripod?

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