Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2040 Who can tell what will happen in the future?

A piece of blood-red aura trembled, and the third-level demon blood elixirs flew out one by one and were put into the elixir bottles.

Although Ye Han was not directing from the side, the elixir refining efficiency of this furnace was quite high, and it was able to successfully refine more than half of the flesh and blood of the Blue Lake water demon killed in Wanli Blue Lake.

There are thousands of third-level demon blood elixirs.

In this way, all the elixirs consumed in the battle with that damn three-tailed snake will be recovered...

When he improves his cultivation, he will definitely settle accounts with that guy. Ye Han has a grudge and a grudge! ! !

However, the reason why Ye Han was eager to practice this natural secret method also had something to do with refining this demon blood elixir.

After all, this demon blood elixir uses the flesh and blood of demon beasts. They are living creatures after all. Killing and refining the elixir will produce evil spirits and the aura of wronged souls. When Ye Han was practicing, they would appear from time to time to cause trouble. In the end, the inner demon or evil demon will form. When Ye Han breaks through the barrier, or at some critical moment, give him a try...

That would be very troublesome.

Moreover, he has vaguely felt the influence of these creatures' blood evil energy on his cultivation state of mind.

He originally thought that his state of mind was perfect, but during this period of training under the Demon Lord Youshen, it was very obvious that some strange and extreme thoughts came to his mind...

Such as killing all the immortal cultivators, enslaving female immortal cultivators, dealing with the White Fairy, etc.!

In Ye Han's opinion, considering his own cultivation and mental state, it is impossible for him to have such weird thoughts.

That shows that his state of mind has undergone subtle changes. This change is caused by these blood demons and the bloody aura subtly affecting his state of mind.

Just like the crazy killing intention of an immortal cultivator is definitely much stronger than that of an ascetic monk who indulges in meditation.

This is the aftermath of a killing spree.

The secret method of Taoism and nature, which emphasizes the unity of heaven and man, and comprehends the breath of the spirits of all things in nature, can not only make his magic breath more smooth, but also slow down the killing, blood, blood evil, madness and the like. The influence of negative emotions reduces the possibility of falling into the devil's path.

This is one of the main reasons why the Blood Soul King Beast survives and practices in places like the Blood Soul Sea where the demonic and bloody aura is so strong, and has reached the Void Refining Stage.

So when Ye Han fought against the Blood Soul King Beast, he felt that although his bloody aura was very strong, it was also filled with a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness, which made him very strange.

After looking for many of his trophies, I discovered this secret method that follows nature.

It's a pity that this natural secret method of Taoism is not complete, only the first two layers of secret methods.

The third layer was already very incomplete, and there were no subsequent ones at all. He couldn't figure out how many layers there were, but the secret techniques of these two layers alone were enough to greatly change Ye Han's mental stability.

However, Ye Han has only succeeded in practicing now. It will still take some time for him to truly exert his influence.

After putting away the third-level demon blood elixir, Ye Han adjusted his state of mind and used his finger to throw out a huge piece of flesh and blood from the blood soul king beast...

This piece of flesh and blood is the flesh and blood of the King Beast of the Void Refining Stage. It contains very terrifying demonic mana and the power of essence and blood. The shock erupts from it, forming circles of demonic Qi surrounding the flesh and blood of the Blood Soul King Beast.

Ye Han is preparing to refine the fifth-level demon blood elixir. Once the refining is successful, it will be more powerful than the nine-turn spiritual energy elixir. It will be extremely beneficial to his future cultivation and other matters. important meaning.

So Ye Han plans to refine it himself and see if there is a chance to break through the limits of his alchemy skills...


Ye Han took a deep breath, pointed his finger, and the flames of the Vajra Fire Divine Art surged out, towards the flesh and blood of the Blood Soul King Beast, and threw it into the divine fire pool...

It is worth mentioning that through the continuous use of treasure refining techniques to refine the divine fire pool and the continuous strengthening and washing of the spirit of the blood demon's remnant soul, the divine fire pool has been strengthened a lot...

It will be more useful to deal with monsters later.

This also increased his success rate in refining the demon blood elixir.

More than three months have passed in the blink of an eye.


Two rays of escaping light burst out from the calm water of Wanli Blue Lake, turned into two rays of escaping light, and flew towards the horizon in one direction.

Zhuge Baiqing and Ye Han flew side by side, neither too fast nor too slow.

Ye Han looked at Zhuge Bai Qing on the side. This guy was so seriously injured that he was healed within three months. Moreover, his cultivation level had also improved a lot. It was obvious that Zhuge Bai Qingdu's incident was a calamity. Otherwise, how could he? Will his cultivation level improve so much?

However, Ye Han's practice of the natural secret method in the past few months is not bad, which makes Zhuge Baiqing even more surprised. The fairy spirit in Ye Han is even more pure...

Obviously such talent is also highly valued in the fairy clan! How could they let him out?

Of course, she didn't dare to ask Ye Han anything. After all, he was a guy who had practiced the Vajra Fire God Art to such an extent. Although his cultivation level was higher than Ye Han's in a real fight, he might not be his opponent. It could be seen that, Ye Han still has many unused methods and treasures...

After all, it can be seen that Ye Han's treasure light is looming, and his aura is full of powerful aura. In addition to the fact that his cultivation is not in the Void Refining Stage, his physical body, spiritual consciousness, magic power, and skills are all from the Void Refining Stage, not ordinary immortal cultivators. Comparable.

In fact, Zhuge Baiqing thought that Ye Han must have encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation. Later, in addition to looking for the strange fire, he was also looking for an opportunity to break through. After all, even the most talented cultivators will encounter a bottleneck, but they don’t know when.

If he could help him break through his cultivation and find the hurricane strange fire, then his chances of going to the fairyland with Ye Han would be greatly increased.

Ye Han also knew what Zhuge Baiqing was thinking, but he didn’t know what was going on with the fairy emperor of the fairy clan. However, since he had met Zhuge Baiqing, he would ask him to help him get the strange fire first...

After all, who can tell what will happen in the future! !

With the cultivation of Ye Han and Zhuge Baiqing, the speed is no longer a terrifying speed that ordinary cultivators can match, but it will still take several days to fly to the hurricane land...

After all, there are many dangerous places to pass by.

In a place in the depths of the Tianling Realm that is unknown how far away.

In a huge black mountain land.

Three figures were running rapidly.

The earth-shaking sound of boom boom boom erupted in the space, as if the whole world was shaking.

One of the figures shouted: "That's the lucky spot!!"

"Okay! Go there!"

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