Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2048: Vast Immortal Path

The strange talisman in Ye Han's hand is a gray rune with a strange monster on it. The whole talisman is like a ball, and there is a hole in the middle, as if part of it is missing.

This is the strange talisman that Ye Han opened when Lord Youshen unlocked the Stone of Life. He couldn't open this talisman before, and Lord Youshen opened it for him.

However, Ye Han has also been comprehending the way of talismans in the upper realm.

This is the one he refined. With this thought in mind, he tried to activate this talisman to see the effect.

With a thought in his mind, the magic power in Ye Han's body surged and poured towards the talisman.

boom! !

The talisman in Ye Han's hand instantly erupted with astonishing mana fluctuations. The entire talisman lit up, and then disappeared in Ye Han's hand instantly...

next moment.

A circle of buzzing gray light runes swirled around Ye Han's body, wrapping his body around him.

Ye Han's aura suddenly came out in shock, and he burst out with amazing power...

Ye Han's body was covered with these gray light runes, and his aura became very strange, as if he had turned into a monster aura!

Click, click, click, Ye Han reached out and grabbed it, and his fingers reflected sharp runes...

About to do something else.

Bang bang bang, the gray light runes exploded, and the runes on his body were completely destroyed at once...

Ye Han's aura suddenly returned to its original state at this moment.

Realizing this situation, he helplessly muttered to himself: "Did you fail?"

With that said, he patted his storage bag, took out several similar talismans, and began to comprehend and modify them...

Yes, the reason why Ye Han asked Zhuge Baiqing to take out the flying boat to fly to the Immortal Continent was partly because Ye Han himself did not know the specific direction and distance to the Immortal Continent...

On the other hand, it is because running all the way will also consume energy and mana. Sitting in the flying boat can not only save mana and energy, but also study the way of talismans, formations and so on!

After all, he has obtained a lot of cultivation resources from several Void Refining Stage King Beasts and immortal cultivators killed in places such as the Hurricane Land. In addition to treasures and the like, he also has a lot of cultivation formations, elixirs, etc. Medicines, talismans and other cultivation secrets.

For example, the previous method of cultivating the Demon Blood Spirit Pill was obtained by him from the King Beast of the Void Refining Stage.

There are many others. It will take a long time to continuously comprehend these things. It's just that I was busy resuming my practice and improving my most important cultivation, the secret method, and didn't have time to study so much.

Now that I finally have the time to improve, I will naturally continue to improve.

In Ye Han's view, although the traceability of immortal cultivators is getting longer and longer with the advancement of cultivation, there are more and more things that need to be understood regularly in the world, and time is not enough.

We can only make targeted trade-offs, prioritize what to practice and what to improve, and what is most important...

This vast fairyland is really endless and makes people addicted.

The world of heaven and spirit.

In the gray sky and earth, there was a huge deep pit. Countless ruins of buildings collapsed. The materials of the ruins were extremely huge. The smallest bricks and stones were seven or eight feet long. They were already overgrown. Moss and some brightly fluorescent elixirs, natural materials and earthly treasures, etc...

swish swish...

There was a slight rustling sound, and three figures advanced silently among the ruins.

"Uncle Liu, let's slow down! It's not safe in front!"

"Why is it not safe? Do you feel the omen again?"

"No! It's a mixed reaction of good and bad, and it's wavering. This kind is the most dangerous. We'd better observe it carefully before moving forward."

"We don't have time to observe. The aliens chasing after us are not easy to deal with."

"Feel what's going on with them!"

"Huh? Okay! There's no movement on their side. They're very safe. They might not be able to catch up with us. We'd better stay there for a while."

"Okay!! There is a cave there, let's go in and hide for a while, and then move forward when the situation becomes clearer."

The three people moved forward cautiously while discussing countermeasures. When they saw a huge gap in the gap between the ruins of a building, the three of them quietly entered...

"Hey, I don't know how Junior Brother Ye is doing!"

"That boy is cunning and slippery. He has so many secret treasures and his father is here. He may be even more handsome than we are now."

"Dad? What dad?"

"Ahem, why are you asking so many questions? We'll find out when we meet."

"The spiritual world is so big today, I don't know if we can meet."

"If you live, you may meet. If you die, there will be nothing. Don't think so much."

"Tsk! Nonsense, I thought it would be safer to go to the Heavenly Spirit Realm and find the possibility of finding the great road..."

"The road to immortality is difficult and dangerous, but it can't be that easy."



Star Continent.

A series of roaring and continuous demonic light explosions, a terrifying space distortion erupted, and more than a dozen alien cultivators, demon cultivators, and demonic beasts were engaged in a crazy and suffocating battle. A boundless terrifying storm exploded with roaring, with a radius of hundreds of people. It is filled with demonic energy, mana, and the agitation and explosion of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. A large continent of stars is constantly collapsing and shattering...

It makes people wonder if the battle continues like this, this piece of star continent may be destroyed...

At this moment.

The boundless and terrifying spiritual energy of heaven and earth erupted restlessly, and an extremely powerful breath force appeared above the whole world! !

A huge hole gradually tore open in the starry sky above, and a terrifying mouth of tens of millions of miles appeared in the hole...

This terrifying suffocating mouth seemed to swallow the whole world...

The boundless spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the storm surged, and rushed into the huge gray mouth in the sky.


The alien cultivators and immortals fighting below shouted in fear...

"No! It's the Void Devouring Beast!!"

"How could it be that guy?!"

"Go!!! Void Devouring Beast!!!"

With the appearance of this extremely terrifying Void Devouring Beast, the many alien cultivators and demon cultivators who were fighting fled everywhere...


Huhu, the Sky Devouring Beast seemed to be crazy, and it began to devour the many immortal cultivators on the Star Continent crazily...

Among the many immortal cultivators, three extremely beautiful female immortal cultivators formed a formation and quickly flew away...

Bai Xue followed behind and shouted, "Go... I'll cover you. If the master knows that you are in trouble, I will die...!"

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